
  1. 礼的发展经历了从繁荣到衰落,由盛极一时到礼坏乐崩的重大变化。

    Development has experienced from prosperity to decline , from its to bad music ceremony collapse of major change .

  2. 传统的儒家文化遭到重创,礼坏乐崩的残酷现实使得士人们产生了超越现实的动机,并成为清初兴亡悲剧意识诞生的根源。

    The cruel reality that the traditional Confucian culture was badly ruined and the etiquettes were seriously destroyed made the intellectuals produce beyond-reality motive and became the source of tragic consciousness .

  3. 春秋时期礼坏乐崩,不仅指传统的礼制遭到了破坏,更多的则隐含了当时屡屡发生的僭礼现象。

    " The falling down of the ceremony and propriety " in the Spring - and - Autumn periods , not only refers to destroy the traditional ceremony , more means to overstep the ceremony phenomenon at that time over and over .

  4. 春秋末期迎来中国历史上的第一次文化大危机,政治、经济、军事领域乃至文化领域都发生了巨大变化,人们思想在时代浪潮的冲击下亦陷入礼坏乐崩之后的失范状态。

    The end of the Spring and Autumn Period is in the period of the first culture crisis of China , there is a great change in political field , economic field , military field and culture field , people 's ideas have no regular pattern too .