- phospholipid bilayer

The results suggest that taurine participated in the regulation of cellular Ca2 + homeostasis through it 's action on the membrane microenviroment ( phospholipid bilayer ) thus controlling the interaction of Ca2 + with membrane .
The Influence of Keggin Type Phosphomolybdic Acid on Electrochemical Behavior of Lipid Bilayer Membranes
In this paper , supported bilayer lipid membrane ( s-BLM ) was served as a biomembrane model . The interaction between sodium deoxycholate ( NaDC ) and s-BLM was investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance spectroscopy .
The bilayers lipid membrane supported on porous silicon was formed by deposition of the liposome solution .
Preparation and structure morphology of tethered bilayer lipid membrane
Electrochemical Study on the Interaction of Sodium Cholate with a Supported Lipid Bilayer Membrane
In the physical condition , the water pass the member through the simple diffusion and rapid transport .
But the interior of the bilayer is not charged and forms a strong barrier against the entrance of any charged material .
The length of rigid oligomer was controlled to match with the thickness of the lipid bilayer membrane by controlling the number of the repeating units , which helped the oligomers embed in to the membrane to form ion channel .
The polar lipids are found almost entirely in cellular membranes ( phospholipids being the main components of the bilayer ) with only very small amounts in depot fats .
Atomic Force Microscopic Observation of Local Supramolecular Structure in Phosphatidic Acid Langmuir-Blodgett Films