
lín huǒ
  • will-o'-the-wisp;phosphorescent light
磷火 [lín huǒ]
  • [will-o-the-wisp;phosphorescent light] 磷化氢在燃烧时发出的白中带蓝绿色的火焰

  1. 果然有几团磷火拌着一个女孩走了出来。

    Had several regiment fireflies to mix a girl to walk to come out indeed as expected .

  2. 另外,火山灰与烟雾类的暗物质和残骸中产生的磷火也会再次进入大气层。

    Adding to the darkness was ash and smoke , as wildfires would have started from debris re-entering the atmosphere .

  3. 诺第留斯号浮游在一层磷光里面,在海水阴暗中,磷火也变得光辉夺目了。

    The Nautilus had drifted into the midst of some phosphorescent strata , which , in this darkness , came off as positively dazzling .

  4. 可是有一颗子弹,比其余的都来得准些,或者说,比其余的都更为奸诈,终于射中了这磷火似的孩子。

    One bullet , however , better aimed or more treacherous than the rest , finally struck the will-o ' - the-wisp of a child .