
  • 网络tape recorder;Magnetic Tape Recorder
  1. 方法使用英国的OXFORDMedilog9200型8导磁带记录仪进行24h描记后作离线回放分析,并与普通EEG相比较。

    Methods AEEG were recorded with a 8 channel magnetic tape recorder made in England Oxford Medilog 9200 , and followed by off-line analysis and comparision with routine EEG .

  2. CBERS卫星遥感数据记录和监测系统中的磁带记录仪

    Digital Tape Recorder in The CBERS Satellite Remote Sensing Data Recording and Monitoring System

  3. 介绍了一种新型的水下航行载体实航振动和噪声测量装置,它包含一个多通道、连续高速采样、大存储容量的DAT数字磁带记录仪。

    A new apparatus used to measure the vibration and noise of an underwater vehicle is developed .

  4. 系统集成了示波器、信号发生器、FFT分析仪以及数字磁带记录仪等功能,能广泛应用于航空、航天、机械、土木、车辆、化工等领域。

    The system can work as an oscillograph , signal generator , FFT analyzer and digital tape recorder , which can be widely applied to the domain of aeronautics , astronautics , mechanics , civil engineering , vehicle , chemical industry , etc.

  5. 磁带记录仪自动计量测试研究

    Research on Automatic Metrology and Measurement of the Type Recorders

  6. AAM&Ⅱ型无线心电遥测和磁带记录仪的抗干扰研究

    The ante - interference studies of aam-ii type wireless remote EKG metering and tape recorder

  7. 用磁带记录仪和示波器配以照相记录仪两种方式记录。

    The signals from both hydrophones are recorded simultaneously with a tape recorder and an oscilloscope-camera system .

  8. 数字测井磁带记录仪

    Tape recorder of digital logging

  9. 与传统的磁带记录仪相比,该系统具有体积小,可靠性高等特点。配用磁带记录仪或实时分析仪器则可进行信号识辩和随机信号分析。

    Comparing with the traditional recorder which uses magnetic tape as the storage device , this design is smaller in size and steadier .

  10. 履带车辆行驶路面不平度采用加速度与光电开关传感器、电荷放大器、磁带记录仪进行测量。

    In the running of tracked vehicle , the road roughness is measured by acceleration sensors , photo electricity sensors , electric amplifier , and tape recorder .

  11. 介绍了利用航空发动机台架试车的振动测试仪器、磁带记录仪、信号分析仪与计算机联机,对其振动数据进行自动采集、分析处理建库。

    A method is presented , which can conduct automatic data acquisition , vibration analysis and formation of data base by means of the computer connected with vibration instrumentation , tape recorder and signal analyzer in the aero-engine test cell .

  12. 模拟磁带地震记录仪

    Analog seismograph tape recorder

  13. 介绍所研制的磁带式雷电流记录仪的基本原理和结构特点。

    The principle and construction characteristics of tape recorder for lightning current are described .