
cí dài lù yīn jī
  • tape recorder
  1. 系统具有各种必要的控制及数据线路,可以与CRT、标准键盘、针型行打、EPROM编程器、单面双密度软盘驱动器、盒式磁带录音机等相接。

    This system contains all necessary control and data circuitry to interface with CRT , standard ASCII keyboard , matrix line printer , EPROM programmer , dual single side double density floppy disk drive , cassette tape recorder , etc.

  2. 分离前,他留了一台磁带录音机给詹姆斯。

    Before departure , he left a tape recorder to James .

  3. 我以航空货运方式寄出一台昂贵的磁带录音机。

    I sent an expensive tape recorder on ahead , air freight .

  4. 其使用步骤与普通的磁带录音机相似;

    Similar to the process used for an ordinary taperecorder ;

  5. 在晶体管电视机和磁带录音机问世之后,晶体管收音机也诞生了。

    The transistor radio was followed by transistor televisions and videotape recorders .

  6. 立体声盒式带收录机用磁带录音机录制声音。

    Stereo radio cassette recorder record with a tape recorder .

  7. 磁带录音机前置放大器

    Tape preamplifier erasing machine for magnetic sound recorders or reproducers

  8. 最为价廉物美的商品当中还有照相机和盒式磁带录音机。

    Other best buys include cameras and cassette recorders .

  9. 磁带录音机前置放大器横向磁场开关磁阻电机永磁屏蔽技术研究

    Tape preamplifier research on a new transverse-flux switched reluctance machine with PM shields

  10. 一台崭新的盒式磁带录音机记录下他们爱的誓言。

    A new cassette recorder recorded their love swear .

  11. GB/T8494-1996盒式磁带录音机磁头总技术条件

    General specification for magnetic heads for cassette tape recorders

  12. 有几次,阿普里尔还在她车上发现语音激活磁带录音机。

    Several times she has discovered a voice-activated tape recorder in her car .

  13. GB/T2019-1987磁带录音机基本参数和技术要求

    Fundamental parameters and technical requirements for audio tape recorders

  14. 他把扩音器接到磁带录音机上。

    He hooked the microphone up through tape recorder .

  15. 桌子上一台磁带录音机。

    On the right side of the desk there is a tape recorder .

  16. GB/T10197-1988盒式磁带录音机运带机构技术要求和测量方法

    Technical requirements and measuring methods for the tape transport mechanism of cassette tape recorders

  17. 用磁带录音机录制声音。

    The Using of the Sound in Authorware ; record with a tape recorder .

  18. 目前普遍使用的有磁带录音机,录音电话,PC机控制的磁盘等。

    Tape recorder , phone recorder and harddisk controlled by PC are often used now .

  19. 这就是为什么他难以辨别自己在磁带录音机里的声音。

    That 's why he has trouble recognizing his own voice on a tape recorder .

  20. 用磁带录音机录制声音。单分离音箱立体声盒式收录机

    Record with a tape recorder . stereo radio cassette recorder with single detachable speaker system

  21. 泰国政府甚至做出决定,允许囚犯们拥有自己的收音机和磁带录音机,以便他们收听世界杯战况。

    Thailand has also decided to let prisoners own personal radios and audio tape players .

  22. 我打算用磁带录音机将它们全录下来。

    Jane well I 'm going to use a cassette recorder and record them all .

  23. 摄影机和磁带录音机&它们带我远离那个伴随万物的理性。

    Camera and tape recorder , carry me far away from the intelligence which complicates everything .

  24. 看见或听到的每件事情应该记录下来-用书面形式或在磁带录音机记录下列。

    Everything seen or heard should be recorded - on paper or by a tape machine .

  25. 盒式磁带录音机,装有或专门连接声学装置和放大器

    Cassette recorder , equipped with or designed to be attached to acoustic devices and an electric amplifier

  26. 我把录音带转回去,把她的声音放给她听。用磁带录音机录制声音。

    I rewound the cassette and play her voice back to her . record with a tape recorder .

  27. 不久以后,同样由莱斯。保罗发明的多声道磁带录音机也首次与顾客见面了。

    Soon after , the first multi-track tape recorder , also designed by Les Paul , was marketed .

  28. 那是我的磁带录音机。很抱歉。我把它忘在外面的桌子上了。

    That 's my tape recorder . I 'm sorry . I left it on the desk outside .

  29. 磁带录音机输入插孔

    Socket for tape-recorder input

  30. 我仅能借助字典(磁带录音机)阅读(讲说)英语。

    I can readvertisements ( speak ) English only with the help of a dictionary . ( tape recorder ) .