
  • 网络Direct transmission
  1. 最近的事件表明一些候鸟有可能涉及直接传播高致病型H5N1型病毒。

    Recent events make it likely that some migratory birds are now implicated in the direct spread of the H5N1 virus in its highly pathogenic form .

  2. 迄今,H5N1流感病毒仍然为动物病毒,并不会在人间轻易的扩散,只是发生人与人之间非常有限的直接传播。

    At present , H5N1 is an animal virus that does not spread easily to humans and only very rarely transmits directly from one person to another .

  3. 一种基于多步直接传播的网格信任模型

    A Trust Computing Model Based on Multi-step Propagate Mechanism in Grid

  4. 用广播直接传播到全国

    radio -- to speak directly to the nation .

  5. 该病毒很少且几乎不会在人群中直接传播。

    It rarely , if ever , passes from one person to another .

  6. 来自这些神经的信号直接传播到大脑中的边缘系统。

    The signals from these nerves travel directly to the limbic system in the brain .

  7. 隋唐统一全国后,加强了广西各民族与中原的关系,唐文化直接传播到了广西地区,推动了民族的融合与经济的发展;

    Unity of the whole country by Sui and Tang Dynasties strengthens the ties between Guangxi and Central Plains .

  8. 粘滑、慢地震、小震活动是大震前震源体直接传播出来的孕震过程的主要信息。

    Stick-slip , slow shocks and minor seismicity are the major earthquake process information from the seismic body before a great earthquake .

  9. 结果表明,直接传播测量方法是一种更有潜力、应用更广泛的测温方法。

    The result demonstrates that the direct propagation measurement is a better method with much more potential as well as a wider application .

  10. 世行的主要贡献是在于强化这些要素,而不是直接传播技术本身,尽管它也进行技术传播。

    The Bank 's main contribution is in strengthening those elements rather than directly disseminating technology itself , although it does do this as well .

  11. 母蚊子也能通过卵子将病毒直接传播给她的后代,从而孵化出新一代的受感染蚊子。

    The female mosquito is also capable of transmitting the virus directly to her offspring via eggs leading to new generations of infected mosquitoes hatching from eggs .

  12. 在非洲撒哈拉以南地区,病毒通过疣猪和其它野猪等传播,也可通过特定类型的虱子传播。在家猪中直接传播是一个日益严重的问题。

    In a sub-Saharan context the virus is spread through transmission in warthogs and other wild pig species and can be transmitted by a particular type of tick .

  13. 有的则不是某种演艺形态的直接传播,而是在一种共有的观念形态制约下,遍地开花。

    Sometimes it may not be spread directly in one kind of art form , but under one common idea or ideology it was spread in all places .

  14. 其中指征病例和1名二代病例分别直接传播了12例和13例续发病例,其传播过程可以用清晰的传播链加以描述;

    There are 12 cases who directly contact with index case and 13 cases with one secondary case . The transmission chains of this outbreak can be clearly delineated .

  15. 更为严重的是,耐药结核病人可作为传染源直接传播耐药结核分枝杆菌,进而使耐药结核病人数成倍增加。

    Even more serious , drug-resistant TB can be spread as a direct source of infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance , so that doubled the number of drug-resistant tuberculosis .

  16. 研究了展示艺术的传播者,主要探讨了作为直接传播者的设计师在展示活动中的把关作用,并针对设计师提出了实现信息有效传播的策略。

    Having studied art show communicators , mainly as a direct communicator of the designers in the exhibition of the role of gatekeeper , and to achieve the strategy of effective dissemination of information for the designer .

  17. 脉动孔隙水压力是振动纵波在水中直接传播的结果。振动的纵、横波还通过土骨架向外传播,传播过程使土骨架产生应变势。

    The pulse pore water pressure results from the vibrating P wave transmitted in the pore water and the P wave and S wave transmit outward through the soil skeleton , which produces strain potential on the skeleton of soil .

  18. 是将CI的非可视内容转化为静态的视觉识别符号,以无比丰富的多样的应用形式,在最为广泛的层面上,进行最直接的传播。

    CI is a non-visual content into static visual identifier to the application of very rich and diverse forms , in the most broad level , the most direct communication .

  19. 进入3G时代的手机媒体已经成为社会公众获取信息的重要渠道(业界称之为第五媒体),手机媒体使用何种画面视觉形式直接影响传播效果。

    3G era enter mobile media has become an important social public access to information channel ( called as fifth media ), what use mobile media image visual form directly influence the communication effect .

  20. 而影视作品就是我们获取资讯的最直接的传播途径。

    The film works is our access to information is the most direct route .

  21. 在室内陈设环境设计中,陈设设计师是最主要和最直接的传播者。

    In the design of furnishings environment , the furnishings designer is the most important and direct communicator .

  22. 但费希称有越来越多的此种致命病毒可能变异并通过直接接触传播给人类的担忧。

    Fauci said there is growing concern the deadly virus could mutate and be spread by direct human contact .

  23. 埃博拉病毒是经与被感染者的血液、分泌物、器官或其它体液的直接接触传播。

    The Ebola virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood , secretions , organs or other body fluids of infected persons .

  24. 目前,H5N1亚型可能巳经具备了从禽鸟直接向人类传播的能力,流感大流行已向我们走来。

    Recently , the subtype H5N1 likely transmit from birds to humans . An influenza pandemic is coming soon .

  25. 单频GPS接收机无法直接进行电离层传播时延观测,电离层传播时延改正方法又不足以满足定轨的精度要求,所以必须开展星载双频GPS接收机的研究。

    Because the single-frequecy GPS receiver can 't observe the ionospheric delay directly and the ionosphere corrections can 't meet the demand of the accuracy , the research of spacecraft held dual-frequency GPS receiver must be deployed .

  26. 西花蓟马Frankliniellaoccidentalis是一种重要的世界性害虫,主要通过直接取食和传播病毒对多种作物造成危害,是一种危险性入侵生物。

    Western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis , as a major worldwide pest , which primarily through direct feeding on crops and spread the virus cause harm , is a dangerous invasive species .

  27. 这是社会文化发展过程中直接推动媒介传播的原动力、内动力、基本动力。编辑与出版本是传播媒体的内容和形式两个方面。

    Editing and publishing are the forms and the contents of media .

  28. 这些影响在很大程度上直接主宰着传播者命运和决定着传播能否进行。

    The fate of disseminator and communication is rely on these effects .

  29. 它通过动物之间的直接接触迅速传播。

    It spread easily through direct contact among animals .

  30. 传播分化引起传播冲突,传播冲突的直接结果是传播的非均衡发展,也就是传播失衡。

    Communication differentiation leads to communication conflicts that directly result in uneven communication development .