
  • 网络carbon arc;Carbon Arc Lamp
碳弧灯 [tàn hú dēng]
  • [carbon arc lamp] 一种弧光灯,电流在两个纯碳电极中流过,在一个或两个电极上发生白炽效应,也有一些光来自电弧的发光

  1. 对两种碳弧灯粉尘的溶血率进行测定,并以石英粉尘为阳性对照。

    This paper determined the hemolytic rates of the two kinds of carbon arc lamp ( CAL ) dusts , at the same time , taked quartz dust as a positive control .

  2. 碳弧灯使用对工人心电图的影响

    Effect of Use of Carbon Arc Lamp ( CAL ) on Workers ' Electrocardiogram

  3. GB/T15255-1994硫化橡胶人工气候老化(碳弧灯)试验方法

    " Rubber , vulcanized & Test method for artifical weathering ( carbon-arc lamp )"

  4. 在紫外型碳弧灯全气候老化箱中老化2160小时,抗拉强度和极限引伸率不降低;

    The tensile strength and ultimate rate of elongation not lowered after 2160 hr . aging in an all-weather aging chamber with ultra-violet carbon arc lamps ;