
guī róng jiāo
  • Silica sol;Ludox
硅溶胶[guī róng jiāo]
  1. 快干硅溶胶的生产应用

    Production and Application of Quick - drying Ludox

  2. 硅溶胶强化辅助制备C纤维增韧氧化铝结合莫来石陶瓷基复合材料

    Preparation of C fiber reinforced alumina - mullite composite assisted by silica sol infiltration

  3. Al2O3粉粒度对硅溶胶涂料及陶瓷型壳性能的影响

    Effect of Particle Size of Al_2O_3 Powder on Property of Silica Sol Slurry and Ceramic Shell

  4. ICP-AES测定硅溶胶中Na元素的分析方法研究

    Determination of Na Content in Silica Sol by ICP-AES

  5. 在PVA含量确定的基础上,粘结剂最佳含量分别为:硅溶胶,17.2%;

    The best content of each binder is : silica sol , 17.2 % ;

  6. 以工业硅溶胶和炭黑为主要原料,用溶胶-凝胶和碳热还原法合成了SiC晶须。

    SiC whisker was synthesized with industry silicasol and carbon black by sol-gel method and carbothermal reduction reaction .

  7. ~(13)cNMR谱研究几种有机酸与硅溶胶表面硅羟基的作用

    Study of the reaction of several organic acids with surface silanol group of silica sol by ~ ( 13 ) c NMR spectroscopy

  8. 高SiO2含量硅溶胶/聚丙烯酸酯复合乳液的制备

    Preparation of compound emulsion of high SiO_2 sol / polyacrylate

  9. 亚纳米SiO2对硅溶胶型壳硬化时间的影响

    The Effect of Subnano-SiO_2 to Harden Time of Silica Sol Shell Molding

  10. 纳米SiO2及硅溶胶成核剂对透明聚丙烯结构与性能的影响

    Effects of Nano-Silicon and Silicon Sols Nucleating Agent on Properties of Polypropylene

  11. Gemini型硅溶胶凝胶化及应用

    Gelation Process of the Gemini Silica Sol and Its Application

  12. SiO2分散体及硅溶胶性能研究

    Study on performance of SiO2 dispersion and silica sol

  13. 在本课题的研究中,通过硅烷偶联剂与硅溶胶颗粒表面硅羟基缩合的方法,制备了改性的纳米SiO2。

    Modified SiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by condensation of OH group of silica and the coupling agent .

  14. 硅溶胶SiO2粒径对精铸壳型涂料的影响

    Effect of SiO_2 Particles Size in Silica Sol on the Slurry Properties for Investment Cast Shell

  15. 结果表明,要形成稳定铝硅溶胶pH值必须控制在3以下,采用氨水和乙酰丙酮可调节胶凝时间。

    The results of experiment show that stable silica-alumina gel was formed by controlling the value of pH3 . Gelatinization time could be adjusted by adding ammonia or acetylacetone .

  16. 包覆在硅溶胶胶粒表面的针状水合TiO2使TiO2&SiO2溶胶表现为膨胀型流动。

    The flow behavior of the TiO_2-SiO_2 sol was dilatant caused by the needle - shaped titania coated on the silica sphere .

  17. 硅溶胶负载非晶态NiB纳米团簇的制备与催化加氢性能

    Preparation of Silica Sol-Supported NiB Nanoclusters and Their Catalytic Hydrogenation Performance

  18. 用FT-IR,27Al-NMR和29_Si-NMR研究了不同Al/Si摩尔比的铝改性硅溶胶胶粒结构。

    The structure of the Al-modified silica sol particles with different AL / Si mole ratio was investi-gated by means of FT-IR , 27_Al-NMR and29_Si-NMR measurements .

  19. 硅溶胶是高分子二氧化硅(SiO2)微粒分散于水中或有机溶剂中的胶体溶液。

    The silica sols are a kind of colloid solution with the polymer silica particles dispersing in water or organic solvents .

  20. 以硅溶胶为硅源高效合成MCM-22分子筛

    Highly Efficient Synthesis of Molecular Sieve MCM-22 Using Silicasol as Silicon Source

  21. 结果表明,采用PVA有机粘结剂的涂料常温强度高于硅溶胶无机粘结剂涂料的常温强度。

    The experimental results show that the coating has higher strength contained PVA organic binder than con-tained colloidal silica inorganic binder at room temperature .

  22. 研究了正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)和硅溶胶水解聚合过程中溶胶聚合物分子的生长过程。

    Structure evolution of both TEOS and colloidal silica in the sol-gel process was studied .

  23. 本文研究了藻类在硅溶胶中的生长与pH、SiO浓度和胶粒粒径的关系。

    Tn the present paper , the relationship of the growth of algae in colloidal silica with pH , concentration and particle size of SiO_2has been studied .

  24. 因此,GTO可作为硅溶胶结合浇注料的高效减水剂。

    This proves that GTO can be used as an excellent dispersant for silica sol-bonded castables .

  25. 并对新方法下pH值、温度以及母核SiO2的浓度、粒径大小对二氧化硅平均粒径及其均匀性的影响进行了分析。研究结果对制备大颗粒、高浓度的硅溶胶具有积极意义。

    The effects of such parameters as pH , temperature , concentration and particle size of mother nuclide on the average diameter and uniformity of silicon dioxide were investigated .

  26. 以国产硅溶胶为原料,通过滴液成球法和非超临界干燥工艺制备SiO2气凝胶小球,并对其结构进行了表征。

    SiO_2 aerogel balls have been prepared from silica sols by adopting ball-dropping following by non-supercritical drying technique , and their structural features have been characterized .

  27. 用硅溶胶和聚乙烯醇缩聚反应生成的溶胶、凝胶制备了固体电解质钠快离子导体(natriumsuperionicconductor,Nasicon)。

    Solid electrolyte natrium super ionic conductor ( Nasicon ) was prepared by the polycondensation of silica sol and polyvinyl alcohol via a sol-gel route .

  28. 本文以硅溶胶、丙烯酸酯类单体为原料,配以适当的乳化剂和引发剂,采用原位乳液聚合法制成了高SiO2含量硅溶胶&聚丙烯酸酯复合乳液。

    In this paper , the compound emulsion of SiO-2 sol / polyacrylate was synthesized via in-site emulsion polymerization using SiO_2 sol and acrylate monomers .

  29. 不同硅溶胶/Al2O3粉比例混合试验和陶瓷型烧结工艺研究优化了陶瓷型制作的原料配方和烧结工艺。

    The experiment of the different proportion silicon rubber concave mould of Al_2O_3 ceramic and sintered process reserch of ceramic mould optimize directions for producing ceramic mould materials and sintered process .

  30. BET比表面表明,适宜的硅溶胶浓度可以使催化剂具有较大的比表面积,但制备方法对比表面积影响不大。

    It was shown by BET surface area that the suitable concentration of silica sol could make the catalysts have bigger surface areas , but preparation method had little influence on surface area .