
pò làng
  • cleave;breaker
破浪 [pò làng]
  • [cleave] 船顶着风浪一往直前

  • 挪威人的船用高大的船首在海峡中破浪前进

破浪[pò làng]
  1. 那艘巨轮在黑暗中破浪前行。

    The huge boat cleaved the darkness .

  2. 船破浪前进。

    The ship sliced the water .

  3. 绕过菲尼斯特雷角之后,这些船开始在东北信风的吹送下破浪前行。

    After rounding Cape Finisterre the boats ride the north-easterly trades .

  4. 我看见长长的独木舟破浪而行。

    I could see long canoes cutting through the waves .

  5. 那艘船破浪前进。

    The ship ploughed through the waves .

  6. 小船破浪疾驶。

    The boat sped across the waves .

  7. 横渡大西洋的客轮破浪前进。

    The trans-Atlantic liner forged ahead through the waves .

  8. 巨轮在大洋中破浪前进。

    The great ship ploughed across the ocean .

  9. 船身终于伸直,又一次破浪前进。

    The ship straightened and began to surge forward once more .

  10. 装着生铁的货船正在破浪前进。

    The freighter carrying pig iron is cleaving through the water .

  11. 蓝图绘就,正当扬帆破浪;

    Blueprint drawn , it is time for us to set sail ;

  12. 一艘大船张满帆在海面上破浪前进。

    A big ship ploughed the sea at full sail .

  13. 他们的船破浪前进。

    Their ship carried a bone in her mouth .

  14. 我军炮艇破浪前进。小艇直在海浪中摇摆。

    Our gunboats ploughed the waves . The skiff was dancing at the stern .

  15. 船在波浪汹涌的海中破浪前进。

    The ship knifed through the heavy seas .

  16. 他们来到船头,看着航船破浪前进。

    They came over to the stem and watched the ship cutting a feather .

  17. 冲浪是一种破浪向海岸滑行的运动。

    Surfing is a sport of gliding toward the shore on a breaking wave .

  18. 托马斯送给她一张在破浪前进中溅起浪花的“克洛西德号”的照片。

    Thomas had sent her a photograph of the clothilde , spraying through a wave .

  19. 我军炮艇正在破浪前进。

    Our gunboats are ploughing the waves .

  20. 船在汹涌的海面上破浪前进。

    The ship pounded through heavy seas .

  21. 我军炮艇破浪前进。

    Our gunboats ploughed the waves .

  22. 这破浪而行的物体,

    This creature of cleaving wing ,

  23. (海浪)从船尾冲打船在海上破浪前进。

    To take ( a wave ) over the stern . The ship knifed through the sea .

  24. 水手们扯起了帆,帆船正破浪前进。

    The sailors had again hoisted sail , and the vessel was once more cleaving the waves .

  25. 装着生铁的货船正在破浪前进。那艘船在海里破浪前进,驶向港口。

    The freighter carrying pig iron is cleaving through the water . The ship ploughed through the sea toward port .

  26. 海浪的推力把船头向右逼。那艘船在海里破浪前进,驶向港口。

    The sand of the sea was driving that boat 's head round to starboard . The ship ploughed through the sea toward port .

  27. 一个人的家庭是他的港湾,当迎风破浪从外面的世界驶回家时,他可以在这里休息和放松自己。

    One 's family is his harbour where he can rest and relax himself when he sails home through winds and waves of the outside world .

  28. 他们的船启航了,爱德蒙又在浅蓝色的大海上破浪前进了,大海是他的青年时代活动的天地,他在狱中曾常常梦到它。

    They sailed ; Edmond was again cleaving the azure sea which had been the first horizon of his youth , and which he had so often dreamed of in prison .

  29. 在那个令人发抖的冬夜里,当“裴廓德号”的仇念深重的船头在冷酷恶毒的海洋中破浪前进的时候,我看到把着舵的竟是布金敦!

    When on that shivering winter 's night , the Pequod thrust her vindictive bows into the cold malicious waves , who should I see standing at her helm but Bulkington !

  30. 一些科学家猜想,怪物的景象是否因为水下的破浪造成的,众所周知,这是类似尼斯湖这样又深又长,并且冷的湖里常会出现的。

    Some scientists have wondered if the sightings might be caused by a underwater wave which is known to sometimes occur in deep , long , cold lakes , like Loch Ness .