
  1. 第四部分分析商业银行进入破产清算程序时所适用的特殊规则。

    Part four analyses the special rules in the stage of bankruptcy liquidation .

  2. 包括破产清算程序和特别清算。

    Liquidation procedures comprise bankruptcy and special liquidation .

  3. 在破产清算程序部分中,首先确定了银行监管部门作为唯一破产清算申请人身份。

    The part of liquidation firstly determine the banking supervision department to be the only bankruptcy liquidation applicant .

  4. 合伙人的债权人与合伙企业的债权人,在各合伙人的破产清算程序中,地位平等。

    Creditors to partners and creditors to the partnership enterprise is equal in the procedure of bankruptcy liquidation for each partner .

  5. 通用汽车已警告说,如果在年底前找不到买家,萨博将进入破产清算程序。

    GM has warned that Saab will be liquidated if a buyer is not found by the end of the year .

  6. 投资者是证券公司破产清算程序中的一个特殊主体,也是一个非常重要的主体。

    But the research of bankruptcy of security companies in china is still in exploration . The investor is a peculiar main body in security company liquidation procedure .

  7. 有别除权的债权人放弃优先受偿权利的,依破产清算程序行使其权利。

    Where creditors with right of priority give up the right of being liquidated in prior , they shall exercise the right according to the procedure for bankruptcy liquidation .

  8. 自动冻结制度无论对于破产清算程序的顺利进行抑或对于破产预防程序的有效实施,从制度的角度看都是必不可少的。

    Automatic stop system is absolutely necessary for both the smooth progress of bankruptcy infringement proceeding and the effective application of prevention proceeding from the system point of view .

  9. 而事实上,这份法案让债券投资者看到了一个令其不寒而栗的前景:在极端情况下,政府有可能将传统的破产清算程序来个大倒转。

    In reality , the bill raised a chilling prospect for debt investors : that in extreme situations the government could upend the traditional pecking order of the bankruptcy process .

  10. 鉴于此,各国对问题银行都是首先采取积极的重整救助措施,避免其直接进入破产清算程序,更大程度上保护存款人的利益。

    Given this , countries take active reforming rescue measures in the first place to avoid directly entering bankruptcy liquidation procedure and to protect depositors ' interests in a greater degree .

  11. 短短几天内,负债累累的东星就被民航总局勒令停飞。不久,该公司就进入破产清算程序。东星仅拥有10架飞机,运营国内地区航线。

    Within days the heavily indebted East Star , which operated just 10 aircraft on regional domestic routes , was grounded by civil aviation authorities and , soon after , the company began bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings .

  12. 其注意力,不在于如何避免适应破产清算程序,而在于使有破产危险的公司尽快复苏和壮大,从而保护股东、债权人、职工等各方面的利益。

    It focuses on not how to not apply to the insolvency liquidation procedure , But how to make the insolvent or being insolvent corporation rehabilitation and better , and to protect the interests of stockholders and creditors and staffs and so on .

  13. 科尼赛克收购财团解散后,北汽继续洽谈收购意愿,但据信它不愿接手萨博的瑞典生产设施。通用汽车已警告说,如果在年底前找不到买家,萨博将进入破产清算程序。

    It has pursued its interest alone since the Koenigsegg deal collapsed but is thought to be reluctant to take on Saab 's Swedish production facilities . GM has warned that Saab will be liquidated if a buyer is not found by the end of the year .

  14. 为此,SPV应有一个或以上的独立董事,这些独立董事在考虑是否使SPV进入破产或清算程序时,应对SPV本身及投资者而不是股东负有信托义务。

    In order to achieve the above two targets , SPV should have at least one independent director who bears the fiduciary duty for SPV itself and investors , not for the shareholders when deciding whether SPV goes to bankruptcy or liquidation procedure or not .

  15. 同时,第七十八条及第一百零四条还分别规定了重整不能、和解不能的情况下,破产预防程序向破产清算程序的转换。

    Besides , Article 78 and 104 has stipulated the conversion between bankruptcy prevention procedure and liquidation procedure in the circumstance of the failure of prevention procedure .

  16. 商业银行破产财产关系着破产清算程序能否科学合理的运行,是商业银行破产清算程序的核心要素。

    Bankruptcy property of commercial banks connects the liquidation proceedings whether run scientific and rational , it is a core elements of commercial banks ' bankruptcy liquidation .

  17. 理论上,破产和解制度具有弥补破产清算程序不足的功能,可以达到对债权人、债务人和社会公益平衡保护的功效。

    Theoretically , the system of bankruptcy conciliation has a function accounting for the discrepancies of the settlement procedure of bankruptcy , and can attain the efficacy preserving the debtors , the creditors and balance of the public interests in society .

  18. 破产制度己从强制债务人破产清算的特别执行程序,演进为对不能清偿的债务人的一种实体上和程序上的法律救济。

    Bankruptcy legal system develops from special execution proceedings to legal relief of insolvent debtor by both substantial law and procedural law .

  19. 在银行破产财产分配完或因故没有必要继续进行清算程序,破产管理人向法院提出终结破产清算程序后,法院依法裁定终结破产清算程序。

    After insolvency administrator finishing allocating bankruptcy property or there is no need to continue the liquidation for some reasons , insolvency administrator can file court the application to end liquidation procedure . The court will make a order to terminate liquidation procedure .

  20. 破产收购作为破产财产变价的一种方式,是破产清算程序中的一个特殊环节,其基本价值取向必须与破产法的基本功能相吻合。

    Bankruptcy purchase is a special step of bankruptcy liquidating proceeding and it must be in accordance with the basic functions of Bankruptcy Law .

  21. 但是同一般企业相比,金融机构破产在破产原因、破产程序启动、破产重整程序、破产清算程序、破产责任等诸多方面都有明显的不同。

    Compared with common enterprises , the bankruptcy of financial institutions is different in the cause of bankruptcy , insolvency proceedings , bankruptcy reorganization procedures , liquidation procedures and bankruptcy responsibilities .

  22. 民事再审事由研究公司因破产以外的事由解散后,一般情况下都要进入非破产清算程序。

    Reform of the Civil Retrial Reason The liquidation process will be inaugurated when the company goes disbanding .

  23. 能够进行市场经济行为的法人和合伙事务所可以成为破产管理人,这有利于提高清算管理的质量,健全破产清算程序的制约机制。

    In China , administrators can be served by competent legal persons as well as relevant offices , so as to improve the quality of liquidation administration and better the check and balance system on bankruptcy liquidation procedure .

  24. 别除权是破产程序中一项重要的优先受偿权利,其优先权的行使不受破产清算与和解程序的限制。

    Exemption right is an important priority in bankrupt procedures and its exercise is free from restrictions from the liquidation and reconciliation procedures .

  25. 我国的破产法是对中国企业破产的一部基本法律,其中并未对证券公司等金融机构的破产清算程序作出特别规定,这在实践中不利于证券公司破产清算程序的开展。

    Bankruptcy law of our country is a fundamental law of Chinese business failures , which does not make special regulation of the liquidation procedure waiting for banking institution . This is harmful for security company to cany out liquidation procedure in practice .