
duǎn chéng xiàn
  • geodesic
短程线[duǎn chéng xiàn]
  1. 短程线主动轮廓模型(GeodesicActiveContourModel)是一种全新的图像分割和目标提取方法,由Caselles等人首先提出。

    Geodesic Active Contour Model ( GACM ) was originally proposed by Caselles as a novel approach for image segmentation and object exaction .

  2. 短程线网壳结构在大型油罐顶盖中的应用

    The application of geodesic net shell on large oil tank roof

  3. Kerr黑洞周围束缚粒子(m≠0)的短程线

    Geodesics of Bounded Particles ( m ≠ 0 ) around a Kerr Black Hole

  4. 光子路线与弯曲空间短程线

    The path of photon and the geodesic line of curved space

  5. 直纹螺旋面短程线的计算机绘制

    On the Computer Drawing of Shortest Geodesics on Straight grained Helical Surfaces

  6. 基于边缘吸引力场正则化的短程线主动轮廓模型

    A New Geodesic Active Contour Based on Attraction Field Regularization

  7. 求解组合体表面任意两点间短程线的算法&组合变分法

    The Algorithm of the Geodesic Between the Two Points on a Combination Object

  8. 单层短程线网壳结构模型试验研究

    A Study on Model Test of Single-Layer Geodesic Dome

  9. 球形的短程线三角形网格的几何构成

    The Geometry Forms of Spherical Geodesic Triangulated Grids

  10. 短程线主动轮廓跟踪算法的研究&在复杂背景和非刚性运动目标跟踪中的应用

    Research on Tracking Multiple Nonrigid Moving Objects in Clutter Background with Geodesic Active Contours

  11. 分析力学中的短程线理论

    From the analysis to the behavior of problems embodied in GEODESIC THEORY IN ANALYTIC MECHANICS

  12. 膜结构裁剪分析中曲面的模拟与短程线的生成

    The simulation of curved surface and generation of geodesic lines in cutting pattern for membrane structures

  13. 一般开曲面短程线的计算机绘制

    Computer Drawing of Surface Shortest Geodesic

  14. 短程线圆顶不单在建筑草图出现,在现今世界也确实存在。

    Geodesic domes do not just exist on drawing board , they exist in our real world .

  15. 四维空间李乌菲尔超曲面上短程线之有限方程

    On the finite equations of the geodesics on the Liouville hypersurfaces in the Euclidean space of four dimensions

  16. 建议的环形周向缠绕和环跨交叉缠绕均是在满足短程线方程的前提下进行的。

    The precondition for the toroidal twisting and cross twisting suggested above is to satisfy the shortest path equation .

  17. 几种常见回转曲面短程线的几何分析及其计算机绘制

    Analysis of Geometry of a Class of Partial Functional Differential Equation CALCULATION AND COMPUTER DRAWING OF SHORTEST GEODESICS OF COMMON SURFACES OF REVOLUTION

  18. 本文应用样条函数方法给出求解一般开曲面短程线的数值得的方法,进一步对计算机图形绘制进行了探讨。

    The numerical solution of the shortest geodesic on open surface is given by spline function method , and computer drawing is discussed .

  19. 或称之为时空所包裹将短程线效应形象化的一个普通办法是,把地球设想成一个碗状球体,而时空是一个蹦床。

    One common way to visualize the geodetic effect is to think of Earth as a bowling ball and spacetime as a trampoline .

  20. 计算机绘制短程线,在工程实际及数学、物理、力学理论中都是很重要的。

    The computer drawings of shortest geodesics are very important to the practical engineering , to the theories of mathematics , physics and mechanics .

  21. 以这一方法为基础,本文将动力松驰法应用于曲面上两点间短程线的计算中。

    Based on this method , the dynamic relaxation method is used to determine the geodesic lines between two points on the curved surface .

  22. 以正多面体为基本多面体,利用重复法和分割法再分,构成球形的短程线三角形网格。

    Basing on the regular polyhedra , we can subdivide it by the doubling and the division procedures and form the spherical geodesic triangulated grids .

  23. 本文研究证明,正螺面上的短程线就是一根圆柱螺线,可根据正螺面的参数准确计算出其数值。

    This paper proves that the geodesic on the positive spiral surface is a cylindrical spiral , which can be calculated with the parameters on the positive spiral surface .

  24. 非视距声信号通常经过绕射到达基阵,根据广义费马原理,传播路径为一条短程线。

    The NLOS sound signal usually arrives at acoustic array by diffraction , and the diffracted transmission path is a geodesic according to the extensive Famat ′ s principle .

  25. 但是短程线主动轮廓模型的能量函数及其解法存在很多局限性,如数值计算的不稳定性和控制点存在不收敛的可能性等等。

    Nonetheless , the energy function of the GACM and its solving algorithm has many restrictions , such as instability of numerical computation , probability of divergence of control points .

  26. 首先根据最小势能原理证明了两端固定的几何非线性等张力索在膜面上自由滑动时的静力平衡位置,即为膜面上两个固定点之间的短程线-测地线;

    The minimum potential energy principle is used to prove that the balance of equal-tension geometrical nonlinear cables is achieved at the geodesic line when it slides freely on membrane surface .

  27. 该算法利用短程线的特性,根据曲面的局部特征自适应地调整相邻刀位轨迹线之间的间距,实现了刀位轨迹在曲面上的等距分布。

    Based on the characteristic of the geodesic , the distance between the corresponding points in adjacent cutter contact curves can be adjusted adaptively according to the local character of the surface .

  28. 对膜结构裁剪分析中的两个重要问题&膜结构曲面的模拟及短程线的生成方法进行了讨论。

    The simulation of curved surface and the generation of geodesic lines in the cutting pattern for membrane structures are discussed in the paper , it is two important problems in the cutting pattern .

  29. 众所周知研究天体的短程线轨道在天体物理学中是极为重要的,而研究黑洞的时空几何最好的方法之一是研究黑洞时空的类时短程线和类光短程线。

    It is well known that it is extremely important for astrophysics to understand the space-time geometry around a black hole , one of the best way is to study the time-like and null geodesics of the black hole .

  30. 分析结果表明曲面模拟方法适用性强,简单方便,用动力松驰法计算短程线精度高、实用性强。

    The calculating examples show that the method to simulate the curved surface is simple and has a good applicability , the dynamic relaxation method to calculate the geodesic line on the curved surface is highly practical and has high precision .