
  • 网络Short-term financing;short-term finance;Bridging Finance
  1. 我国航运企业短期融资政策研究

    The Research of the Short-term Financing Policy for Shipping Corporation

  2. 跨国公司短期融资问题分析

    Analysis of Short-Term Financing Problem of the Multinational Corporation

  3. 目前,银行难以获得短期融资;本周,有两家银行被迫再次向欧洲央行(ecb)申请美元贷款。

    Banks are having trouble securing short-term funding ; two banks had to turn to the European Central Bank for dollars again this week .

  4. 上周,欧洲央行(ECB)宣布,近200家欧元区银行已申请2430亿欧元的紧急短期融资,但拒绝向投资者透露是哪些银行。

    Last week the European Central Bank announced that almost 200 eurozone banks applied for € 243bn of emergency short-term funding but declined to tell investors which ones .

  5. 中期票据(Medium-termNotes,MTN)最早源于20世纪70年代的美国,最初作为一种介于短期融资的商业票据和长期借贷的公司债券之间的融资工具而出现。

    Medium-term notes ( MTN ) originated from the United States in the 1970s , initially as a financing tool lied between commercial paper with short-term and corporate bonds with long-term .

  6. 加拿大央行(bankofcanada)行长马克卡尼(markcarney)有关央行作为最后做市商的想法就是在往这方面思考,这主要是为了保持货币市场中短期融资的关键流动性。

    Mark Carney , governor of the Bank of Canada , has moved this way with his idea about central banks acting as market makers of last resort , mainly to keep the crucial liquidity of short-term funding flowing in money markets .

  7. 因此,将Shibor利率作为短期融资券发行定价的重要参考指标有利于量化信用风险溢价,增强短期融资券利率确定的合理性。

    Therefore , Shibor is made as important reference index for CP pricing , which is in favor of quantitative credit risk premium and enhances the rationality of determine the CP interest .

  8. 所有类型的资产负债表外贷款和套利平台[即管道类和结构性投资工具(SIV)]都受到牵连,它们难以获得维持自身运作的短期融资。

    All kinds of off-balance-sheet lending and arbitrage platforms ( known as conduits and structured investment vehicles , or SIVs ) have been infected to the point that they are struggling to raise the short-term debt that keeps them afloat .

  9. 基于结构化模型的企业短期融资券信用溢价研究

    On Credit Premium of Short-term Commercial Paper Based on Structured Model

  10. 短期融资券信用价差分析

    An Analysis of Credit Spreads of Short - Term Commercial Paper

  11. 短期融资条件下最佳现金持有量模型的设计

    Model Design of the Optimum Cash Balance Involves Short - Term Finance

  12. 而公司治理状况及成长性指标对公司利用短期融资券融资的影响并不十分显著。

    But the growth index and corporate governance have no significant effect .

  13. 很多人相信,使用短期融资导致金融危机进一步恶化。

    Many believe the use of short-term funding made the financial crisis worse .

  14. 中国上市公司发行短期融资券的影响因素分析

    The Analysis of Short-term Financing Bills Issued by the Listed Firms in China

  15. 短期融资券亟需立法保驾

    Short - term Financing Bills Need Legal Guarantee

  16. 因此,合理制定短期融资政策就成为航运企业财务人员工作的重要内容。

    To make a suitable short-term financing policy is an important job for accountants .

  17. 这也应会降低我们吸纳存款和一般短期融资的成本。

    It should also reduce the cost of our deposit-taking and general short-term funding .

  18. 银行公共关系短期融资券对商业银行的挑战与机遇

    Bank Public Relations Short-term Financing Bonds Mean Both Challenges and Opportunities to Commercial Banks

  19. 最后,完善短期融资策略的对策。

    Finally , the paper discusses the countermeasures to consummate the short-term financing strategy .

  20. 协助企业发放中长期债券和短期融资券;

    Help companies distribute midterm and long term bond and short time financing bonds .

  21. 短期融资券市场的启动,为金融市场上各个参与主体带来了新的机遇与挑战。

    Short term bond brings opportunities and challengers for each body which participated in it .

  22. 随着这种恐惧的蔓延,2008年的另一个幽灵再度现身:短期融资风险。

    As this fear spreads , another ghost of 2008 returns : short-term funding risks .

  23. 有效而合理的短期融资策略是建立在相应的流动资产管理水平基础上的。

    The efficient and reasonable short-term financing strategy is based on the relevant floating capital management .

  24. 进口押汇是国际贸易中经常使用的短期融资方式。

    Import bill discount is a type of short term financing frequently used in international trade .

  25. 眼下,批发短期融资实际上得到了保险,但逃避了存款保险费。

    Right now , wholesale short term funding is de facto insured but evades deposit insurance charges .

  26. 即便是美联储提供短期融资担保,也无法使雷曼兄弟逃脱申请破产保护的命运。

    Even a Fed guarantee of short-term funding could not save Lehman from chapter 11 bankruptcy protection .

  27. 第四部分主要介绍了短期融资券一般风险的确定和操作实务举例。

    Fourthly , set an example to describe general risks and operational practices of short-term financing bills .

  28. 这一章从进口和出口两方面系统地分析了我国对外贸易短期融资的基本方式。

    The basic modes of short-term trade financing are systematically studied form aspects of import and export .

  29. 对开放式基金的短期融资有必要进行特别的法律规制。

    It is necessary to carry special rules and regulations on open style fund 's short-term financing .

  30. 债权人拒绝对短期融资展期,而贝尔斯登已变得非常依赖于这些短期融资。

    Creditors refused to roll over the short-term financing on which Bear had become so dangerously dependent .