
  1. 基于Petri网的知识流模型及其应用案例

    Petri Net-based Knowledge-flow Model and it 's Application

  2. 从供应链企业知识流模型的整体角度,借鉴OECD学习型社区模型,提出在选择知识合作伙伴时需要考虑的内容。

    From the overall perspective of supply chain knowledge flow model , drawing on OECD learning community model , the paper gets the content considering during selecting knowledge partners .

  3. 第三章是构建面向跨组织业务流程的供应链知识流模型。

    In third part , we build up the model of knowledge flow in supply chain based on cross-organizational business processed .

  4. 航空企业的知识流Petri网模型

    The Knowledge Flow Petri Network Model in the Aviation Industry

  5. 企业隐性知识流动态扩展模型分析

    Analysis on an extended dynamic model of tacit knowledge - flow through the enterprise

  6. 其次研究了信任关系,作为描述节点间相互关系强弱的因素,给出了知识流网络的信任模型;

    Second , it discusses the trust relationship in knowledge flow networks and gives a trust model .

  7. 多知识库网上零售企业知识和信息流管理模型的建立

    The Multi - Knowledge - Based Model to Control the Knowledge and Information Flow of an Internet Retailing Enterprise

  8. 学习与创新训练。把企业知识流的管理概括为“知识流小车”模型。

    Enterprise knowledge management is concluded into the " carriage of knowledge flow " model .

  9. 在知识需求的基础上,提出了五元组知识供应流模型。

    Based on the knowledge requirement a five-element model of knowledge supply flow is put forward .

  10. 分析了新产品开发各个阶段的知识集成问题,探讨了新产品开发流程中的知识流模型。

    Have a analysis on knowledge integration in the various stages of new product development , and discuss knowledge flow model in new product development process .

  11. 对知识的特性与业务过程进行分析,并且结合Petri网的相关理论提出了供应链企业间与单个企业内部的知识流模型,之后结合两个模型构建供应链知识流集成模型。

    Then analysis the characteristics of knowledge and business process , and combined with the theory of Petri nets , we propose knowledge flow model of inter and internal enterprise of supply chain .

  12. 为满足组织不同管理层次和不同专业背景人员进行知识交流的需要,采用多视角建模方法,建立知识管理的不同视角的元模型,包括战略元模型、组织元模型、组织知识流管理元模型。

    In order to exchange knowledge accumulated by people at different levels and in different professional backgrounds , the multiple-view modeling method is adopted to build the knowledge management meta-models with different views , such as the strategy meta-model , the organization meta-model and the organizational knowledge flow management meta-model .