
  • 网络The Authenticity Principle;authentic principle
  1. 英语教学是一种交际性、任务型的教学过程,真实性原则为其首要原则。

    English teaching nowadays is a kind of communicative , task-based teaching process , with authenticity principle as its the most important principle .

  2. 任务的设计要考虑课程内容、所用的语言材料、活动形式、目标和学生本身的能力和兴趣爱好等。任务的设计还要遵循真实性原则、形式&功能性原则、在做中学等原则。

    Part III is focused on the designing of tasks and the principles , authenticity principle , form-function , task dependency and learning by doing principle .

  3. 隐性失实和显性失实同样违背了准确性、真实性原则。

    All this runs against the principle of accuracy and authenticity .

  4. 对近期历史真实性原则新变的考察

    The Changing Principle of " the Historical Reality "

  5. 影响报告文学真实性原则的因素是多方面的。

    Many elements may act on this principle .

  6. 艺术的真实性原则;

    Its basal principles are those of art expressing real life of artistic reality ;

  7. 关于《广告法》中广告真实性原则的几点认识

    Several Views on Authentic Principle in Advertisement Law

  8. 广告法中广告真实性原则,一方面有其质的规定性,对这一规定性应有科学的认识。

    The authentic principle in Advertisement Law contains both regulation in nature and scientific knowledge .

  9. 在报告文学领域有必要重新探讨真实性原则问题。

    It is necessary to probe into the reportage field about the principle of realism .

  10. 关于新闻真实性原则的若干思考

    Certain Ponders about News Authentic Principle

  11. 广告的真实性原则

    The principle of truthfulness for ads

  12. 其次要贯彻交际理论中的语言真实性原则和语境化原则使教学更接近语言现实。

    Secondly , the principles of authenticity and contextualization must be carried out in the classroom teaching .

  13. 以假为真的艺术真实性原则,给散文的虚构提供了可能。

    The artistic reality rule , taking pseudomorph for truth , offers possibility to the fabrication in prose .

  14. 在此基础上具体分析了湖广会馆保护修复的实践,揭示出此项工作对真实性原则本土化的积极探索。

    The following analysis of practice in Huguan assembly hall shows its positive influence on localization of authenticity .

  15. 独立抽象性原则和表面真实性原则是信用证机制存在的基础。

    The mechanism of letter of credit is based on the principle of independent abstractness and principle of surface authenticity .

  16. 主要写三农报告文学作家恪守报告文学真实性原则为农民抒写真实。

    Main write " Reportage Agriculture " reportage writers adhere to the principles of the peasants describe the real truth .

  17. 以及四项原则:真实性原则,符合学生认知规律的原则,目的性原则,多样性原则等。

    And four principles : the principle of authenticity , with students cognitive law principle , principle of goal , diversity principle .

  18. 最后提出了在实践中操作性较强的电视新闻报道的美学原则:真实性原则、审美原则。

    Concluding with a strong operational in practice the television news reports aesthetic principles : the principle of truthfulness , aesthetic principles .

  19. 随着交际教学法的不断发展,英语教学中的真实性原则已经在英语教学中占有很重要的地位。

    With further development of Communicative Language Teaching Approach , the authenticity teaching principle has taken an important role in English teaching .

  20. 然而针对将真实性原则应用于高中语法教学的研究很少。

    However , the research according to the application of authenticity teaching principle into senior high school grammar teaching is still very few .

  21. 提出了体育明星广告应符合关联性原则、风险性原则、真实性原则和艺术性原则。

    At the same time , four principles ( connections principle , risk principle , reality principle and artistry principle ) are proposed .

  22. 虽然小说违背了真实性原则,但从作者所凭有椐、出于公心来看,它们仍属于时事小说。

    Although the novels violated the reality principle , they still belonged to the current events novels proceeding from the evidence and fairness .

  23. 在担保的基本原则上,我国对外担保应当树立三个基本原则,即交易真实性原则、担保效率性原则和担保独立性原则。

    The three basic principles of the transaction authentic principle , the guarantee efficiency principle and the guarantee independent principle should be applied completely .

  24. 新闻无论怎样娱乐都不能违背真实性原则,否则就会娱乐致死。

    Not all news entertains and all news does not violate facts no matter how amusing it is , otherwise to may entertain to death .

  25. 一直以来,真实性原则问题也是外语教学界探讨的热点问题之一。

    Authenticity teaching principle is also one of the hottest issues which are discussed by many authorities in foreign language teaching field all the time .

  26. 其次,高校招生宣传还要坚持真实性原则,站在中立的立场上,实事求是地为考生提供本校的信息并作出建议。

    Secondly , the College Enrollment should also adhere to the principle of truthfulness , standing neutral position , give candidates realistic informations and recommendations .

  27. 充足理由律在科学领域里的积极作用是不容置疑的,但随着科学技术居主导地位,充足理由律充当一切领域尤其艺术领域的真实性原则,因而越来越显露出它的局限性。

    The positive side of this principle in the scientific field is beyond doubt . But today , science and technology has taken a dominant position .

  28. 报刊造谣传谣与新闻真实性原则相违背,引发对日后新闻职业道德规范发展和记者专业队伍建设的呼吁。

    Contrary to the principle of true news authenticity , rumor Caused the call of journalistic ethics and journalists professional team construction in the following period .

  29. 第三部分,重点阐述了任务的定义、组成部分、任务教学的相关理论、设计原则及英语教学的真实性原则。

    The third part illustrates definitions of tasks and task components , and discusses its relevant theories in task-based language teaching . And then presents the authenticity of English teaching .

  30. 尊重作家思想信仰自由和艺术自由,然后把报告文学的真实性原则放在世界大格局中进行研究,这是21世纪国内外形势发展的需要。

    As is required by the21th century , we need to show respect to the writer 's freedom in ideological belief and arts , and study the principle in the international situation .