
  • 网络relative theory;relativism;RelativeTheorie;Contrast Theory
  1. 该粉体烧结活性高,将该粉体用简单的烧结工艺在1000℃烧制的ITO靶材相对理论密度达到99.25%。

    When the ITO target is prepared by using the ITO powders on that condition simple sintering technique with the temperature of 1000 ℃, its relative density comes to 99.25 % , which confirms that the ITO powders have higher sintering activity .

  2. 由于制造工艺、组装加工原因,实际应用的蜂窝总会存在多种类型的初始缺陷,从而导致蜂窝面内等效模量相对理论预测值大幅削减。

    Due to the manufacturing process and assembly process , the honeycombs for practical applications contain a variety of defects which result in a knock-down effect on the honeycombs ' in-plane effective moduli .

  3. GPS快速静态相对定位理论的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on the GPS Rapid Static Relative Positioning Theory

  4. 富勒烯C(36)等电子体C(34)BN异构体的结构及其相对稳定性理论研究

    Theoretical Studies on Structures and Stabilities of C_ 34 BN Isomers

  5. 高离化态氩离子产生的Kα和Kβ谱线的相对论理论研究

    Theoretical study of K_ α and K_ β spectra in highly charged argon ions

  6. CsⅣ离子4d内壳层激发态衰变过程的相对论理论研究

    The theoretical study on the decay processes of the 4d core excited states of Cs ⅳ

  7. 根据相对方差理论,提出泡沫铝孔径均匀度系数K的概念和其表达式,以评价泡沫铝结构特性和发泡效果。

    In order to evaluate the foamed aluminum structure , the uniformity coefficient ( K ) and its expression have been given according to the relative variance .

  8. 同时通过相对熵理论证明了3-DSWT变换系数符合广义高斯分布。

    Simultaneously it is proved that the distribution of 3-D SWT coefficients follow the generalized Gaussian density function by using the distribution relative entropy theory .

  9. 并用相对运动理论分析了筛上物的运动规律、运动条件,及其运动参数K(加速度比)在不同条件下的取值范围,并在振动筛上实测后加以验证。

    The motion regularities and conditions of the material on the shaker were analysed according to the relative motion theory . The range of the K value ( the ratio of acceleration ) was determined under different conditions The result was verified on the shaker test-bed .

  10. Keynes(1936)提出的绝对收入理论奠定了理论研究的基础,而Duesenberry(1949)提出的相对收入理论使理论研究产生了分歧。

    Keynes ( 1936 ) proposed the Absolute Income Hypothesis which laid the foundation of theoretical researches , and Duesenberry ( 1949 ) proposed Relative Income Hypothesis which had differences with AIH .

  11. 对爱因斯坦建立相对论理论的科学哲学阐述

    Scientific Philosophy Explanation of the Foundation of Einstein 's Relativity Theory

  12. 热采条件下相对渗透率理论分析与实验研究

    Experimental Research and Theoretical Analysis of Relative Permeability under Thermal Recovery Conditions

  13. 地壳板块运动的广义相对论理论

    The theory of general relativity for the movement of crust and plates

  14. 爱因斯坦即将公布他的广义相对论理论。

    Einstein is to present his theory of General Relativity .

  15. 基于相对强度理论的磨料射流冲蚀判据

    Abrasive waterjet erosion index based on the relative strength theory

  16. 相对年龄理论及其对现代体育发展产生的影响

    Influence of Relative Age Theory on Modern Sports Development

  17. 合同相对性理论研究

    The Study on the Doctrine of Privity of Contract

  18. 我的相对论理论就是自行车上想出来的。

    I thought of that while riding my bike .

  19. 相对剥夺理论视角下的农村盗窃问题研究

    The research on the theft problem in rural areas with relative deprivation theory

  20. 社会经济的发展使得债的相对性理论受到了冲击。

    The economical development brought about impact upon the relativity theory of the debt .

  21. 并提出诉讼标的相对性理论可以更好保障当事人诉权的观点。(五)诉权论与程序正义理论。

    Civil litigation right theory and the theory about the object of civil action .

  22. 两互穿电子注-等离子体互作用的相对性理论

    Relativistic theory of the two interpenetrating beam-plasma interaction

  23. 分析所采用的主要理论是价值系统和相对优势理论。

    Main theory of the analysis is the value system , and comparative advantage theory .

  24. U~(91+)离子碰撞强度和速率系数的相对论理论计算

    Relativistic calculation of collision strengths and rate coefficients of u ~ ( 91 + ) ion

  25. 网络文学相对文学理论研究来说是一个既熟悉又陌生的名词。

    Online literature is a familiar with as well as strange noun as to literature theoretical research .

  26. 事实上,时空穿梭用的是物理学(爱因斯坦的相对论理论)而非生物学。

    In reality time travel uses physics ( Einstein ` s theory of relativity ) not biology .

  27. 本文从两条基本假设出发,通过类比的方法,对高速转动物体的相对论理论作了较为全面的探讨。

    In this piper we explore a theory of relativity for mass With high-velocity rotation by analogy .

  28. 研究采用相对剥夺理论的自我评价-情感双通路机制来解释这些结果。

    These results could be explained by the dual mechanisms of self-evaluation and affection in relative deprivation theory .

  29. 从内生相对优势理论出发,农业发展的国际化趋向成为必然。

    One point emerges from endogenous relative advantage theory that agricultural development will go into internationalization without doubt .

  30. 很多学者试图在爱因斯坦的广义相对论理论框架中解决引力场能量问题。

    There have been much attempt to solve the energy problem in Einstein 's theory of the general relativity .