
xiānɡ ɡuān biǎo
  • Related Tables;correlation table;dependence list
  1. 这个工具使你能够将Java类映射到存储其实例的关系数据库表中,同时也将类的属性映射到相关表的字段中。

    This tool enables you to map the Java class to the relational database table which stores its example , simultaneously a kind of attribute of the class will also map to the field of correlation table .

  2. Excel具有强大的计算功能,利用它可以进行专业的统计运算,在相关分析中,可以利用它制作相关图和相关表,计算相关系数和进行回归分析。

    Excel is a kind of software with strong calculating function . One can use it to perform professional statistic calculation . In correlation analysis , one can use it to make correlation graph and correlation table , calculate correlation coefficient and perform regression analysis .

  3. 这将清理/删除来自数据库的所有Contentstore相关表。

    This will clear / drop all the Content store related tables from the database .

  4. 在导入操作结束时,access不会自动在相关表之间创建关系。

    Access does not automatically create relationships between related tables at the end of an import operation .

  5. 文中介绍了API井底温度的数据采集方法和新的API注水泥、挤水泥温度相关表。

    A API data collecting method of bottom temperature and a new table of cementing and squeeze cementing temperature were recommended in this paper .

  6. 设计器同时也产生一个填充查询,它封装了查询相关表的Select语句并且在类型化数据集中以同名方法实现。

    The designer also generates a Fill query , which wraps the table 's SELECT statement and is implemented as a method of the same name on the typed DataSet .

  7. 其中预防性疫苗的免疫策略主要集中在如何诱发出针对HPV相关表位的高滴度中和抗体来预防感染。

    Prophylactic vaccination strategies have focused on eliciting high titers of neutralizing antibodies to epitopes displayed on papillomaviruses and preventing the primary infection by HPV .

  8. 为了准确采集井底温度,API于1984年成立了一个由13个固井专家组成的研究小组,经8年研究建立了新的注水泥温度相关表及温度测量方法。

    A new table relating cementing temperature and a new temperature measuring method were established by an API group of 13 cementing experts organized in 1984 through 8 year continuous efforts .

  9. 但是在您定义RI时,要记住,当对相关表执行DML操作时,需要一些规则来保护数据完整性。

    But when you define RI constraints , keep in mind that there are rules in place to safeguard data integrity when DML operations are performed against related tables .

  10. 更重要的是,您知道当对相关表执行DML操作时这些规则如何保护数据完整性吗?

    More importantly , do you know how these rules work to safeguard data integrity when DML operations are performed against tables that are related ?

  11. 对于数据库的设计,本文采用E-R图来描述系统中有关的概念模型,并给出了有关数据库中相关表的设计。

    For database design , this thesis adopts E-R chart to describe the system of relative concepts about the model , and gives the design of database related table .

  12. 完成了票据管理系统的数据库设计:包括数据库的选型,数据库E-R图、数据库相关表设计等等。

    Completing the database design of the bill management system : including selection of the database , design of database E-R diagram and other relevant database diagrams and so on .

  13. OLTP查询中很少需要选择查找表作为需要相关表上的索引来支持联接的主查询表。

    It is rare in an OLTP query for the lookup tables to be selected as the primary query tables requiring an index on the dependent table to support the join .

  14. 对其进行鉴定,包括细胞克隆株稳定性和染色体分析,检测杂交瘤细胞培养上清及腹水中mAb效价、免疫球蛋白(Ig)分型,特异性分析,中和试验,以及相关表位分析。

    Several mAb characteristics were identified , including chromosome analysis , stability of secreting , immunoglobulin ( Ig ) isotype , titers , specificity , neutralization capacity and antigen-binding epitope of mAb against S protein .

  15. 但真正的数据库应用程序通常具有多个相关表。

    But real database applications usually have multiple interrelated tables .

  16. 您已经选择了自行组织相关表。

    You have chosen to structure the related tables yourself .

  17. 在当前数据库中找不到相关表。

    Related table is not found in current database .

  18. 处理相关表中的记录。

    Work with records in related tables .

  19. 基于属性相关表的关系模式全部候选关键字求法

    A Method for Finding All Candidate Keys of Relational Schema Based On Attributes Relative Table

  20. 设计了基于点索引和三角形相关表的体数据组织结构,提高了数据访问操作的效率。

    To improve the efficiency of data visiting operations , data structure is concerned and optimized .

  21. 附录a包含上述工作流程的3个范例以及其相关表。

    Examples of three of the above workflows , together with their associated forms , are contained in Appendix A.

  22. 首先,跨多个相关表工作不太好,因为每个请求都是基于每个表而创建的。

    First , it 's not good for work across related tables because each request is made on a per-table basis .

  23. “字段列表”窗格显示相关表中可用的字段以及数据库的其他表中可用的字段。

    The field List pane shows Fields available in related tables and also Fields available in other tables in the database .

  24. 属性定义在用户试图删除或更新相关表中某行时采取的操作。

    Define the action to be taken when the user attempts to delete or update a row in a related table .

  25. 警告:因为一或多个相关表未包含在发布中,所以未指定外键约束。

    Warning : Foreign key constraints were not scripted because one or more related tables were not included in the publication .

  26. 如果要更新两个或更多相关表,则应将所有更新逻辑包括在一个事务内。

    If you are updating two or more related tables , then you should include all the update logic within a transaction .

  27. 从“相关表中的可用字段”部分,将数据表中您需要的第一个字段拖动到窗体上。

    From the fields available in related tables section , drag the first field that you want in your datasheet onto the form .

  28. 映射与前面的关联很相似;你将找到一个与每一个类同名的相关表。

    The mapping is quite similar to the previous relation ; you will find a table corresponding to each class with an identical name .

  29. 提出了上下文结点和版本相关表的概念,用以有效地解决结构信息版本和内容信息版本之间的不一致性问题。

    The concepts of context node and version association table are proposed to solve the problem of inconsistency between structure version and content version effectively .

  30. 注意:在分析数据库中,规则执行或列分析过程中创建的相关表是不能自动移动的。

    Note : The associated tables that are created during the execution of rules or column analysis in the analysis database are not moved automatically .