
  • 网络intuitionism logic;Intuitionistic logic;Intuitionist logic
  1. 第二节论证了他在反驳逻辑上二值原则的过程中,以直觉主义逻辑为基础确立了自己的语义论题。

    Part two demonstrates that Dummett founded his own semantical arguments on the basis of intuitionism logic .

  2. 为了彻底坚持其反实在论的哲学立场,达米特拒斥二值原则,把直觉主义逻辑作为其形而上学的基础。

    In order to maintain thoroughly HSI philosophical standpoint of anti-realism , he rejected two-valued semantics and took intuitionist logic as the basis of his metaphysics .

  3. 同时对各种逻辑传统(如经典逻辑、直觉主义逻辑和线性逻辑等),给出一种统一和融和的方法。

    It also offers a way to reconcile and unify various competing or antagonistic traditions of logical thought such as classical , intuitionistic and linear logics .

  4. 直觉主义逻辑是从反面来容忍逻辑矛盾的逻辑,弗协调逻辑是把逻辑矛盾局限起来使之不扩散的逻辑,它们应该是某种辩证逻辑。

    Intuition logic is the logic tolerating the logic contradiction while unharmony is the logic that limits the logic contradiction , both of which belongs to dialectical logic .

  5. 基本命题逻辑是不同于经典命题逻辑的命题逻辑,属于非经典逻辑,与它最类似的非经典逻辑是直觉主义命题逻辑。

    Basic propositional logic is a non-classical logic which is different from classical propositional logic and intuitionistic propositional logic .

  6. 基本命题逻辑和直觉主义命题逻辑之间的区别也是由于这个关系的自返与否带来的。

    The differences between basic propositional logic and intuitionistic propositional logic is also due to the relation is reflexive or not .

  7. 此外,还通过否定揭示出经典命题逻辑系统、直觉主义命题逻辑系统和弗协调命题逻辑系统之间的关系。

    Furthermore , the author discovered the relations among the classical propositional system , intuitionistic propositional system and paraconsistent propositional system on the ground of negations .

  8. 与经典命题逻辑和直觉主义命题逻辑一样,基本命题逻辑也可以进行模态扩张,以此来研究必然、可能及其相关概念。

    As classical propositional logic and intuitionistic propositional logic , basic propositional logic also has modal expansion , which can be used for the studies of necessarily , possibly and its related concepts .

  9. 数学基础中的直觉主义学派坚持逻辑依赖于数学,而数学建立在直觉和构造的基础上。

    Intuitionism insists that logic depends on mathematics , while math is based on intuition and construction .

  10. 表明了这种直觉主义的构造性逻辑在对陈述的语义值以及意义的阐明上具有更普遍的适用性。

    I also illustrate this kind of logic has more general applicability to clarify the semantical value and meaning of statement .

  11. 简要介绍了一阶命题演算的希尔伯特型直觉主义系统,运用逻辑演绎的方法证明了此系统的一些定理,其目的在于加深对直觉主义系统中概念的理解,便于对此系统的进一步研究及应用。

    The authors give a brief introduction to Hilbert 's type intuitionistic system of first order sentential calculus , and prove some theorems of this system by logical deduction method . The purpose of this paper is to facilitate understanding , studying and applying the concept of the intuitionistic system .