
zhí fānɡ tú
  • histogram
  1. 基于直方图偏差约束的快速模糊C均值图像分割法

    Fast Fuzzy C-Means Image Segmentation Method Based on Histogram Deviation Constraints

  2. 用直方图加子波增强炭素材料X射线图像

    Using Histogram and Wavelet Fusion to Enhance X-ray Images of Carbon Material

  3. DNA直方图出现亚G1峰。

    The sub G1 peak was found in DNA histogram by FCM .

  4. 根据彩色图像在R、G、B空间中的直方图统计信息,提出了一种自动阈值选取算法。

    A auto-thresholding algorithm is presented based on histogram in R , G , B space of color image .

  5. 利用图像颜色及其边缘直方图特征的SVM人脸检测

    Using Color and Color Edge Histograms for SVM Based Human Face Detection

  6. 开放、关闭时间及burst时程的分布直方图均需双指数拟合。

    Distributions for the open times , closed times and burst durations required two-component fits .

  7. 针对CT图像的特点,本文采用基于灰度直方图的交互性阈值分割方法。

    In this dissertation , an interactive threshold segmentation method is adopted based on grey-level information according to the characteristics of CT images .

  8. 传统的细胞周期检测点分析多数基于群体细胞DNA直方图的流式细胞术。

    At present , most analyses of checkpoint use the flow cytometry ( FCM ) based on DNA histogram to detect cell cycle distribution .

  9. 直方图模糊约束FCM聚类自适应多阈值图像分割

    Adaptive Multi Thresholds Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Restrainted Histogram FCM Clustering

  10. 接着统计图像轮廓的连通直方图(CRH:Connected-RegionHistogram),进行图像检索。

    And then retrieved images by the CRH ( Connected-Region Histogram ) of image sketch .

  11. 基于A/D能量直方图的JPEG图像检索

    JPEG Image Retrieval Based on A / D Energy Histograms

  12. 在HSV空间中,利用所构造的一维矢量的直方图距离来度量图像颜色的相似度。

    Using distance of HSV histogram to measure the similarity between images .

  13. 甲状腺腺瘤组DNA含量较低,多为低倍整倍体细胞,DNA直方图峰值位于2C-4C处;

    The DNA contents of the thyroid adenoma were lower , most of the cells were low ploid , the peak of the DNA histogram was at 2C-4C .

  14. 多级LBP直方图序列特征的人脸识别

    Face Recognition Using Multi-level Histogram Sequence Local Binary Pattern

  15. 汽油机怠速HC排放信息的符号序列直方图分析

    The Analysis of HC Emission of Gasoline Engine on Idle Phase with the Symbolic Series Bar Chart

  16. 首先,对HSV颜色空间的关键帧颜色值进行非均匀量化;然后,统计其颜色直方图。

    First , HSV color values of keyframes are quantized non-uniformly . Then color histograms are calculated .

  17. 设计了一种基于HSV空间改进的颜色纹理直方图,并将其作为输入特征向量,利用SVM学习分类算法进行训练。

    An improved color-texture histogram is developed based on HSV color space , which is used as the input of SVM .

  18. 在图像配准过程中,采用了三线性PV插值来避免图像变换所带来的灰度直方图计算困难的问题。

    Moreover , Trilinear Partial Volume Distribution Interpolation is took in order to avoid the difficulties of calculating gray because of image transformation .

  19. 红毛丹可溶性固形物含量的X射线图像检测采用纹理特征描述的方法,利用直方图矩特征和支持向量机回归方法预测红毛丹可溶性固形物含量的相关系数最高可达87.2%。

    Soluble solids content of rambutan was described by the image texture , and its maximum correlation coefficient was 87.2 % based on the support vector regression and histogram matrix characteristics .

  20. 采用Hough变换建立参数空间直方图,并对参数空间直方图聚类实现航迹探测;

    Secondly , the paper builds parameter space histograms through Hough transform and detects tracks by clustering parameter space histograms .

  21. 算法中使用基于统计直方图的快速FCM算法进行初始化,收敛速度大大提高。

    The algorithm is initialized by a statistical histogram based on FCM algorithm , which can speed up the convergence of the algorithm .

  22. 由此产生的LBP映射被划分成多个子块,而统计直方图能够独立实现。

    The resultants are divided into many subblocks , and the statistical histograms of the subblocks are achieved independently .

  23. 最后,一个线性辨别(FLD)分类被用在掌纹识别统计直方图特征空间。

    A Fisher linear discriminant ( FLD ) classifier is used for palmprint identification .

  24. 颜色特征主要采用RGB空间中颜色直方图特征,这一特征也是本文中其它特征的数据承载基础。

    The color features is provided by the color histogram in RGB space , it is the basic of other features .

  25. 图像预处理中,介绍了常用的图像优化方法,采用了基于K均值聚类的分段直方图均衡化算法。

    In image pre-processing part , introduce several commonly used methods to optimize image and use an image enhancement algorithm based on separate ( subsection ) histogram equalization and K - means clustering algorithm .

  26. 通过高斯混合模型拟合图像直方图,使用EM算法估计高斯参数,进而将图像分割成区域。

    This paper will use Gaussian Mixed Model to fit image histogram and EM algorithm to estimate Gaussian parameters , thus to segment an image into some regions .

  27. 针对纹理单一区域的特点,提出利用Laws纹理模板对图像纹理特征进行分析描述,然后进行基于直方图的分割,得到纹理单一区域。

    According to the characters of less-textured area , this dissertation provides a novel approach for the segmentation of less-textured area . It describes the texture with Laws ' masks and gets the less-textured area by histogram-based segmentation .

  28. 我们可以发现基于直方图的KL方法识别模型的可靠性比其他方法都要高。

    Then , we can find that the the method of Kullback-Leibler using the histogram more reliable than others .

  29. 提出一种基于BP神经网络和遗传算法的货车车锁检测方法.首先提取图像的投影特征、边缘图像的矩向量特征以及灰度直方图特征,然后用BP神经网络进行检测和定位;

    First the projection feature , moment vector feature of edge image , and the feature of gray histogram are extracted , and then BP neural network is used for detecting and locating the lock .

  30. 在黄粒米的检测问题上,通过对色度直方图的分析,首次提出了两种检测算法:基于色度的检测算法和基于BP网络分类器的检测算法。

    In terms of the analysis on the hue histogram , two detection algorithms are put forward firstly : a new detection algorithm based on hue and a new detection algorithm based on BP network classification .