
  • 网络direct wages
  1. 成本值包括以加权平均法计算之物料成本,如属在制品及制成品则须加上直接工资,及适当比例之间接生产经营成本。

    Cost includes costs of raw materials computed using the weighted average method of costing and , in the case of work-in-progress and finished goods , also direct labour and an appropriate proportion of production overheads .

  2. 知识产权保护与进口技术溢出的协同效应扩大了我国工资差距,知识产权保护与FDI技术溢出的协同效应则缩小了我国工资差距。(4)知识产权保护可以直接影响工资差距。

    The synergies of intellectual property protection and import technology spillover have expanded the wage gap in China , but the synergies of intellectual property protection and FDI technology spillover have narrowed the wage gap in China . ( 4 ) Intellectual property protection can affect the wage gap directly .

  3. 我行根据贵单位指令直接将工资转入职工的实名账户。

    We have your real-paid salaries entered into your employees'real-name accounts in compliance with your instructions .

  4. 除兴办养老机构外,广州想方设法探索“社区养老”和“居家养老”,老人在家可以得到护理,由政府向护工直接支付工资。

    In Guangzhou , the local government encourages community and family care as alternatives to nursing homes and foots the bill .

  5. 杰:如果你的支票账户跟我一样,那你可以通过直接存入工资而避免付费。

    Jae : If it 's like my checking account , you can avoid that by getting direct deposit for your paycheck .

  6. 用人单位直接发放工资的,应当将工资支付给劳动者本人,并办理签收手续。

    Where a working entity pays wages directly to an employee , it shall pay the wages to the employee himself and handle the formalities for signing in .

  7. 许多人会直接要求提高工资。

    Many will simply demand higher salaries .

  8. 一部分原因是政府对老年人的保护;另一部分原因是,这个群体较少地依赖受危机直接冲击的工资和薪金。

    This is partly because the government protected the elderly ; and partly because this group is less dependent on wages and salaries , which were directly hit by the crisis .

  9. 直接将部分工资转到嘉信理财或富达投资等机构的投资账户中,从中可以投资股票共同基金。

    that direct a portion of their paychecks into an investment account at a firm like Charles Schwab or Fidelity Investments , where it can be invested in stock mutual funds .

  10. 在实证研究方面,本文采用我国工业37个行业2003-2007年的面板数据,对外商直接投资的工资溢出效应进行检验。

    Using a panel data of 37 industrial branches form 2003 to 2007 , this paper studies the impact of foreign direct investment on wages paid by domestic enterprises to their employees .

  11. 如今,生活标准的提高对食品供应提出了更高的需求,其结果是,食品价格稳步上涨,并直接影响到工资和更为普遍的价格。

    Higher living standards are now placing a heavier demand on food supply and as a result there has been a steady increase in food prices that has fed through directly to wages and prices more generally .

  12. 几乎所有财务规划师都会说,员工应该利用这些退休方案来更容易地存钱:往往直接从他们的工资中扣除。

    Almost any financial planner will say workers should use these plans to save money easily : often directly from their wages .

  13. 效率工资机制是一种综合了交换机制和激励机制的厂商决策机制,劳动不可直接度量是效率工资机制发挥作用的必要前提条件之一。

    Efficiency Wages Mechanism is a kind of mechanism synthesizing exchange mechanism and stimulant mechanism , and one of its essential conditions is that labor cannot be calculated directly .

  14. 而通胀预期和产出波动又直接受到价格、工资刚性、预期、劳动生产率、外贸冲击、技术差异、资源禀赋、体制特征等差异的制约。

    Inflation expectations and output volatility are directly subject to the constraints of price , wage rigidity , the difference of the expectation , labor productivity , foreign trade shocks , technical differences in resource endowments , institutional characteristics and so on .

  15. 直接人工标准由生产、工程和人事部门共同制定,它是直接工时标准和工资率标准的乘积。

    Direct labor standards are determined jointly by production , engineering , and personnel staffs . It 's the product of labor time standard and labor rate standard .