
  1. 用人单位制定直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度及其执行的情况;

    Employers'formulation of rules and regulations that have a direct bearing on the immediate interests of Employees , and the implementation thereof ;

  2. 用人单位应当将直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度和重大事项决定公示,或者告知劳动者。

    The employers shall publicize the bylaws and significant matters in direct relation to the real benefits of the workers or inform the workers .

  3. 职业危害的发生不仅直接损害劳动者的身体健康甚至危及生命而且影响整个社会的安全、稳定,甚至损害我国的国际形象。

    The occurrence of occupational hazards not only directly damage the physical health , but also influence the security and stability of the society , even disadvantage the international impress of our country .

  4. 煤矿职业安全与健康问题不但直接危害劳动者的生命安全与其家庭幸福,还对社会、经济发展和家庭造成巨大影响。

    Occupational safety and health in coal mine not only directly harm the workers lives and well-being of their families , but also exert baneful influence on society , economic development and all families .

  5. 侵犯的直接客体是劳动者的生命权和健康权,而不包括单位的财产安全;

    It 's also a kind of crime which infringe life and healthy right of workers , not includes the property-security of the unit ;

  6. 包装企业作业环境的舒适程度直接影响到劳动者的健康和安全,影响到人-机器-环境系统的综合效能。

    The working environments of packaging enterprises directly affect the workers ' health and safety , and also the comprehensive efficiency of human-machine-environment system .

  7. 工资优先权是指根据法律的直接规定,劳动者因从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权,就债务人的一般财产享有优先受偿的权利。

    The wage priority is priority of claims of payment by workers for accorded work directly provided by law , on the general property of the debtor .

  8. 工伤事故不仅直接关系到劳动者个人生存权的维护,更间接影响社会安全及国家经济发展。

    Industrial injuries not only directly relate to the maintenance of workers ' living rights , but also indirectly affect the social security and national economic development .

  9. 为劳动合同的重要内容之一的竞业禁止条款,其内容将如何直接影响到劳动者自身劳动权益的实现。

    Prohibition of strife , as one of the important contents of Labor contract , its contents will have a direct impact on realization of employee 's labor rights .

  10. 由于派遣机构会直接影响到劳动者的工资收入和其他基本权利,各国都对派遣机构的设立要求作了严格的规范。

    Since the dispatch organization will have a direct impact on the wages of workers and other fundamental rights , all countries make dispatch organization on the establishment of a stringent regulatory requirements .

  11. 经济全球化、新科技革命,西部大开发为滇西南地区经济发展提供了机遇,也带来了产业结构调整的机遇和挑战。合理的产业结构直接依赖于劳动者接受教育程度的提高和内容的变革。

    Globalization , new science and technology revolution , western region development all provide the opportunity for the economic development in south-west Yunnan , also brought the opportunity and the challenge of the industrial structure adjustment .

  12. 该制度能否顺利建立并得到良好运行,不仅直接影响着劳动者正常的生活秩序,而且决定着我国经济能否持续、快速、健康地发展。

    In China , whether such a system will be successfully established and be properly implemented not only affects the laborers ' normal life but also determines whether China 's economy can advance'in a sustainable , fast and healthy way .

  13. 在矿山生产安全上,矿业属高危行业,其生产直接关系到劳动者生命、健康、安全等切身利益,同时,只有做好安全生产才能实现企业经济效益最大化,才能更好地保持矿业企业的发展。

    In mine production safety , mining is a high-risk industry . Its production is directly related to the vital interests of the workers ' lives and health , safety . Good safe production can achieve maximum economic efficiency of enterprises .

  14. 目前,因为我国经济发展经历了由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转型,造成地区和行业之间发展不平衡,直接导致了劳动者社会保障权益不同,使得不公平的现象逐步显现。

    At present , as China has undergone a transformation from planned economy system to market economy system , development is not balanced between regions and industries , this led directly to the social security rights and interests of workers , the unfair phenomenon gradually .

  15. 建筑安全生产直接涉及到建筑劳动者的生命安全,与人民群众的根本利益息息相关。

    The building safety in production involves directly to constructs worker 's safety , is closely linked with people 's fundamental interests .

  16. 德育一直是我国教育体系中最重要的一环,高职院校直接向社会输出劳动者,德育工作更显重要。

    The moral education has always been the most important part in the education system of our country . Vocational and technical colleges directly offer the society labors and workers , which makes the moral education more important .

  17. 劳动是人们获取劳动报酬和生存条件的唯一途径,劳动关系的处理如何,不仅直接关系到广大劳动者合法的权利和利益,而且关乎社会主义和谐社会关系的构建。

    Labor is the only way to gain labor remuneration and survival condition , how to process the labor relations , not only directly related to the legitimate rights and interests of most workers , but also the construction of a socialist harmonious society relations .