
  1. 给我爱使我微笑直到生命的尽头

    Give me love make me smile Till the end of life

  2. 我将一直爱你直到生命的尽头。

    I will love you until the end of time .

  3. 爱我,就把你的手给我,我会一直牵着你,直到生命的尽头;

    Love me , put your hand to me , I will always hold you until the end of life ;

  4. 现年42岁的周立波,曾计划50岁时暂别舞台然后用10年时间来环游世界,归来后继续自己的表演事业直到生命的尽头。

    Zhou , who is 42 , had a plan to stop performing at 50 , and spend 10 years to travel around the world before coming back to perform till the end of his life .

  5. 他一如既往的按他所教诲的所行,直到他生命的尽头,他反问那些曾与他日日夜夜住在一起达三年之久的人们来指出他的假冒伪善。

    He lived consistently with what he taught , and at the end of his life he challenged those who had lived with him night and day , for more than threes years , to point out any hypocrisy in him .

  6. 我爱伱,直到所有的海洋干涸,直到所有的星陨,直到生命的尽头,我依然会深爱伱

    I love you , until all the oceans dried up , until all the stars fall from the sky until the end of life , I still love you