
  • 网络objective function;Goal function;cost function;OBJ
  1. 然后采用时域受限二次型目标函数寻优PID参数。

    Using a constrained quadratic objective function in time domain , the PID parameters are optimized .

  2. 采用D饱和最优回归设计,依据试验结果建立以除草效果为目标函数的数学模型,综合分析得出A、B药剂混配,对杂草防效及增产作用最高;

    The mathematical model of objective function based on the experience results by using the method of D Saturation regression optimization was established .

  3. 在网络训练过程中采用改进的BP算法,通过对学习算子的优化搜索,大大提高了网络的收敛速度,解决了BP算法迭代过程中目标函数振荡问题。

    The modified BP algorithm is presented by optimization of leaning step-size .

  4. 将图像空间信息引入传统的基于灰度的模糊C均值聚类算法中,对传统的模糊C均值聚类算法的目标函数进行修正。

    We modified the traditional FCM algorithm by introducing spatial information in the optimization function , and proved its convergence .

  5. 本文选取了五个典型的DNA编码约束条件作为DNA编码的目标函数,并给出了两种DNA编码问题的数学方法,即单目标优化和多目标优化数学方法。

    In this paper , five typical constraints of DNA encoding were chose as the objective functions for DNA sequence optimization .

  6. 分析了模糊C均值算法,讨论了目标函数和隶属度函数的确定,同时还讨论了模糊神经网络,研究了输入、输出模糊化,网络参数的确定。

    In this paper , the algorithm of FCM and fuzzy neural network are presented . Finally , we discuss the fuzzy input and output .

  7. 提出并建立了冲突各方合作的Pareto目标函数。

    The Pareto goal function is proposed .

  8. 在PSpice中如何编写定义目标函数

    How Programming the Self-defined Goal Function in PSpice

  9. 得到了协调优化目标函数E最大时量子制冷机的制冷系数以及最佳制冷率和熵产率。

    The corresponding performance coefficient , the optimal entropy production rate and the optimal rate of refrigeration at a maximum point of the objective function E are obtained .

  10. 采用模拟退火技术进行模型求解,且巧妙地将退火温度T的倒数作为Lagrange乘子,以改善增广目标函数的收敛性。

    The simulated annealing technique is used , and 1 / T is regraded as the Lagrange multiplier to improve convergence .

  11. 遗传算法在姿态测量模型的拟优仿真中表明:遗传算法应用于X射线脉冲星姿态测量的离散模型中,目标函数可取得很好的收敛效果。

    It can be seen from simulation that the objective function can obtain good convergence results , when the genetic algorithm is applied to attitude measurement model based on X-ray Pulsar .

  12. 再次,重点提出了用Cauchy函数作为目标函数,同时在转移函数中引入陡度因子,对转移函数的导数进行提升,并在修正权值时各层采用不同尺度的联合优化算法。

    The author proposes a joint-optimized algorithm based on Cauchy error estimator , shape factor is adopted in Sigmoid function .

  13. 郑权等在[1]&[3]中提出了一种求解无约束优化问题的均值算法,若假设目标函数f(x)是连续的,还讨论了均值算法的收敛性。

    Zheng Quan etc present a mean method for solving unconstrained optimization problems in [ 1 ] - [ 3 ] , if the objective function is continuous , prove convergence of the mean method .

  14. 其次以该混合模型为基础建立存储体性能目标函数,采用仿生优化算法&蚂蚁算法优化嵌入式SRAM结构,使之达到最优设计;

    Secondly , based on embedded SRAM performance hybrid model , this article adopts bionics algorithm-ant algorithm to optimize hierarchical embedded SRAM structure .

  15. 最初的拟Newton方程仅仅利用了目标函数的一阶导数信息,而忽略了目标函数值信息。

    The initial quasi-Newton equation just take charge of the objective function of the first order derivative information , without paying attention to the objective function value of the information .

  16. 在结构系统的被动控制中,通过引入遗传算法寻优,获得了不同目标函数下全局最优TMD参数设计方法。

    In the passive control of structural system , the global optimal TMD parameters design method is obtained by introducing the optimization of genetic algorithm .

  17. 用随机振动理论将目标函数表示成关于阻尼器偏心的函数,继而用MATLAB优化工具箱求得目标函数取最小值时的阻尼器最优偏心位置。

    Based on the random vibration theory , the objective function is expressed as a function of damper eccentricity . The optimum damper eccentricity is found by minimizing the target function with the optimization toolbox of MATLAB .

  18. 本文以大功率倒伞曝气机行星减速齿轮箱的体积最小为优化目标函数,建立了行星减速齿轮箱的数学模型,并运用蚁群算法和MATLAB语言,对行星齿轮箱进行了优化计算。

    This paper takes the smallest volume of reducing planet gear box as the optimized target function , and establishes mathematical model , and finally uses ant colony algorithm and the MATLAB language to optimize planet gear box .

  19. 利用ANSYS的APDL语言对上横梁进行参数化建模并执行优化,得到了各设计变量与目标函数、状态变量间的函数关系及最优解。

    After built the upper-crossbeam parameterized modal by ANSYS APDL language and running it , I get the optimal design and the function relationships between design variables and state variables .

  20. 该类算法都以测度概率密度函数的Kullback-Leibler距离作为目标函数,用来衡量源信号各分量的独立性。

    These algorithms are based on minimizing a contrast function defined in terms of the Kullback-Leibler distance .

  21. 研究非线性等式约束全局优化问题,其中目标函数和约束函数为C1类函数。

    This paper is concerned with the global optimization problem with nonlinear equality constrain , in which the objective functions and constrained functions are C 1 functions .

  22. 首先对目标函数进行合理设计,同时基于Pare-to最优概念,采用非劣分层遗传算法(NSGA)进行多目标优化。

    Based on reasonable design for objective functions and the concept of Pareto optimality , multi-objective optimization was investigated .

  23. 用ANSYS可编程语言APDL编制采用初始应变影响矩阵法和多次复形法进行预应力取值优化分析的程序,并对按不同目标函数进行预应力取值优化得到的结果进行了比较。

    Programs according to the initial-strain-contribution-matrix method and multi-complex method obtained by ANSYS parametric design language APDL were worked out for the prestress optimization ; results of different objective functions were compared .

  24. 该算法的一个主要特点是算法产生的矩阵序列保持目标函数的Hessian阵是一个具有类似于块对角状的稀疏矩阵。

    Thereby , the Hessian matrix of the objective function being similar to a block diagonal sparse matrix is maintained by the updated matrix sequence .

  25. 对目标函数的优化采用Newton-Raphson算法,对热传导方程和灵敏度方程采用半隐式差分格式迭代求解。

    Furthermore , this paper employs Newton-Raphson algorithm to optimize objective function and use half-implicit difference scheme to obtain the solutions of heat-conduction equation and sensitivity equation .

  26. 而在Agent的路径规划过程中,采用改进的粒子群优化(PSO)算法计算个体的移动方向与位置,并根据不同的环境调用不同的目标函数,有利于实现更复杂的人群行为。

    We adopt modified particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm as the path finding algorithm to compute the direction and position of an agent . Based on different environment situation , PSO choose a suitable Objective Function to more complex human behavior .

  27. 该模型是一个费用指向的优化问题,最小化费用目标函数中包括道路建设费用、土方工程费、道路交通诱发的环境污染的不经济费用,OD交通在路网上总走行时间的时间费用等。

    It is a cost-oriented optimization including , construction cost , earthwork cost , environment damage cost arising from road traffic , time cost of total OD travel time are included in the objective function .

  28. 单频平面波源反射式层析成像公式表明,单频平面波关于x的一维傅里叶变换等于目标函数(速度变化率)的2D谱与一个因子的乘积。

    The reflection tomography imaging formula for single-frequency plane wave source shows that 1-D Fourier trans - form of single-frequeney plane wave with respect to x is the product of a factor and the 2 D spectrum of objective function ( velocity variation rate ) .

  29. 接着,根据住宅建筑冰蓄冷的运行特性,基于动态规划方法建立优化模型,以最小的运行费用为目标函数,利用MATLAB编制程序求解出最佳的运行策略。

    According to the operation character of residential ice-storage system , the optimal model developed by dynamic programming method used the least operation cost as an object function . The result of optimal operation strategy was solved with the MATLAB program to gain the optimal operation strategy .

  30. 参照一篮子期权的几何平均B-S期权定价模型,给出了基于实物期权的多项土地资源储备与开发的算术平均收益的夏普比率优化目标函数。

    The objective Sharpe ratio function of land development arithmetic average value portfolio is deduced based on the geometric average B-S model of the basket options in the paper .