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  • rubber band;elastic band
  1. 另外一个发明采用塑料瓶和牛皮筋制作而成。它能捡乒乓球,对爱打乒乓球的老人来说很是挺实用。

    Another invention used plastic bottles and elastic band as materials . It can pick up ping-pong balls and proves a practical solution for senior people who like to play table tennis .

  2. 她用皮筋将金色长发扎在脑后。

    Her long fair hair was fastened at the nape of her neck by an elastic band .

  3. 游戏目标是把你的腿钩在皮筋上,按一定顺序钩出圈圈和图案,跳皮筋同时通常还会念一段词儿或唱一首歌。

    The objective of this game is to hook your legs into the rope to form loops and patterns in a certain sequence . This is often accompanied by a rhyme or song .

  4. 讨论来自研究一根具有弹性的皮筋的小振幅振动的一类Kirchhoff型方程的整体解的性质。考虑了定义在具有光滑边界Ω的有界区域Ω上的Kirchhoff型方程初边值问题。

    This article investigates the properties of solutions of the wave equations of Kirchhoff type with nonlinear which arises from small amplitude vibrations of an elastic string .

  5. 游离前臂桡侧真皮筋膜瓣填充矫正面部塌陷畸形

    To repair facial subside distortion with radial forearm free dermis fascial flap

  6. 这根弹性皮筋伸展到原来长度的两倍。

    This elastic cord stretches to twice its normal length .

  7. 我从来都不知道人被皮筋能打成那样。

    I never knew a rubber band could leave such a welt .

  8. 这是她放皮筋儿的罐子,她从来不买皮筋儿,

    This is her string jar . She never bought any string .

  9. 随意型皮筋皮瓣修复下肢组织缺损55例报告

    Repairing 55 cases of lower limbs tissue defect using random pattern fascia skin flap

  10. 在长期禁止之后,对赌博的热情已经像“绷紧的皮筋”回弹一样迸发出来。

    Enthusiasm for betting has rebounded " like a stretched string " after the long ban .

  11. 跟其他人一样,我头上顶着一个时亮时灭的廉价探照灯用一条破烂的皮筋绑在脖子上,

    Like the others , I wear a flickering , cheap flashlight tied to my head with this elastic , tattered band ,

  12. 北美洲草地和林地的蟒;头和尾形状类似看起来感觉象皮筋。

    Boa of grasslands and woodlands of western North America ; looks and feels like rubber with tail and head of similar shape .

  13. 人们一直在呼吁解决这个问题,包括建议对丢弃皮筋的投递员罚款,但全都没有效果。

    There have been constant calls for an answer , including the suggestion that littering postmen get fined , but all to no avail .

  14. 他指出,格林的员工们随便丢弃的这些红色小皮筋令人讨厌,是在浪费橡胶和钱财。

    He pointed out that the little red bands carelessly discarded by her staff were an eyesore , a waste of rubber and of money .