
  • 网络pierre;peel;Peer;Norman Vincent Peale
  1. 穷苦孩子的心灵成长史&论《幸运儿皮尔》

    Poverty-stricken Children s Heart Growth History & On Lucky Fellow Peer ;

  2. 本届展览跨越巨大时空,看到了不同时装的共性与反差:皮尔•卡丹(PierreCardin)1968年设计的一件3D热成型裙与渡边淳弥(JunyaWatanabe)2015年设计的一件类似风格时装并肩而立;

    The show leaps across decades to find contrasts and commonalities : a Pierre Cardin 3D heat-moulded dress from 1968 next to a similar 2015 work by Junya Watanabe ;

  3. 皮尔小姐摇了摇她桌子上的铃铛,他们全都又坐下了。

    Miss Peel tinkled her desk bell and they all sat down again .

  4. 这与皮尔倡导另类音乐的做法一致。

    This coheres with Peel 's championing of alternative music

  5. 私人所有的地产企业皮尔控股(PeelHoldings)就有着具体的计划。

    Peel Holdings , the privately owned property company , has these .

  6. 在帕斯控制中心的一个隔间里,戴维布思(davidbooth)监控着皮尔巴拉一个矿场的采矿作业。

    At one pod in the Perth control centre , David booth oversees mining operations at one of the Pilbara pits .

  7. NPR新闻,大卫·斯科皮尔报道,波士顿芬威球场外报道。

    David Schaper NPR News , outside of Fenway park in Boston .

  8. NPR新闻的大卫·斯科皮尔报道在波士顿最后令人不安的一周粉丝们如何表现出他们的尊敬。

    NPR 's David Schaper reports on how fan show their respects at the end of unsettling week in Boston .

  9. 第三是我们的FutureofFiction工作组,在那里我们引入了制片人迈克尔o沙姆伯克和喜剧演员乔丹o皮尔,可以说我们不遗余力地与好莱坞展开了合作。

    The third piece is [ the working group ] Future of Fiction , where we 're bringing in [ producer ] Michael Shamberg and [ actor and comedian ] Jordan Peele , and that 's an all-out collaboration with Hollywood as it is today .

  10. 结论皮尔复液腹腔灌注具有减少腹腔渗出、减轻感染、促进腹腔上皮修复和增加tPA的作用,因此可减少腹腔粘连的发生。

    Conclusion Peritoneal lavage with perfect solution can reduce the effusion and infection of abdominal cavity , improve the epithelial repair and increase the level of tPA , which lead to reduce the occurrence of intestinal adhesion .

  11. 然而,中国监管机构在审批国内企业在海外投资的大型矿业项目时,变得更为谨慎,原因是中国多家矿业公司在澳大利亚的投资陷入了麻烦,尤其是皮尔巴拉(Pilbara)地区的中澳铁矿项目(SinoIron)。

    However , Chinese regulators have become more cautious about granting approval for large mining investments overseas after several Chinese mining companies ran into trouble with iron ore investments in Australia , most prominently with the Sino Iron mine in the Pilbara .

  12. 如果你想寻找一幅代表亚洲经济增长的画面,西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉(pilbara)地区正在开挖的大洞不会是最糟的选择。

    If you are seeking an image for Asian growth , you could do worse than the giant holes being dug in the Pilbara region of Western Australia .

  13. 对于总部位于珀斯(Perth)的FMG来说,这意味着要放弃在明年6月之前将皮尔巴拉地区的铁矿石年产量提高到15500万吨的计划。

    For Fortescue , based in Perth , that means backing off plans to raise the annual iron-ore output rate at its Pilbara operations to 155 million metric tons by next June .

  14. 温斯皮尔给我找了个司机,名叫阿梅里戈·鲁索(AmerigoRusso),他颇为健谈,有着一双巧手。在《静谧的幸福》中,导演还让他出演了一个角色。我们一起驾车前往梅尔皮尼亚诺村。

    WINSPEARE FINDS ME a driver , Amerigo Russo , a chatty handyman who the director cast in " Quiet Bliss , " " and we head toward the village of Melpignano .

  15. 方法选80例胆囊切除病人,分急症和择期两组,随机在腹腔内灌注皮尔复液或生理盐水,术后6h测腹腔液纤溶酶原激活物(tPA)活性。

    Methods Eighty patients with emergency or selective cholecystectomy were divided into two groups , which were treated with the perfect solution or saline through peritoneal lavage randomly , and the level of tissue plasminogen activator ( tPA ) in abdominal cavity fluid was measured at 6 h after operation .

  16. 路易威登(LVMH)时装集团首席执行长皮尔-伊芙&12539;罗塞尔(Pierre-YvesRoussel)说:时装档案是我们品牌的灵魂,但是拥有一个比任何人都了解品牌传统的人是一个优势。

    ' Archives are the soul of our brands , but it 's a privilege when you have someone who knows the heritage better than anyone , ' says LVMH fashion group CEO Pierre-Yves Roussel .

  17. 皮尔复腹腔灌注预防肠粘连的临床研究

    Preventive effect of peritoneal lavage with perfect solution on intestinal adhesion

  18. 今年皮尔研究增加了动物克隆的问题。

    This year the Pew research added questions about animal cloning .

  19. 皮尔走到转角处,然后再步入街道上。

    Pierre walked to the corner and stepped into the street .

  20. 这是我妈妈为皮尔造的帽子。

    This is a hat that my mother made for pierre .

  21. 当地居民皮尔-滨口女士从未出过远门。

    Broome resident Pearl Hamaguchi has never traveled far from home .

  22. 这条路顺着皮尔河转。

    The road follows the bend of the peel river .

  23. 皮尔•卡丹:时尚风格转变太快。

    Fashion changes too fast these days : Pierre Cardin .

  24. 皮尔策放弃他在金融业的事业去追求理想。

    Pilcher gave up his career in finance to pursue the idea .

  25. 我们的对手是格罗恩菲尔德和皮尔。

    We play against anna-lena groenefeld and Shahar peer .

  26. 第八、九、十号码头-皮尔蒙特湾

    Wharfs 8 , 9 & 10 - Pyrmont Bay

  27. 警方只透露了枪手是马里斯维尔市皮尔楚克高中的学生。

    Police only say the gunman was a student in Marysville-Pilchuck high school .

  28. 皮尔的警察法案是1829年才通过的。

    Peel 's police act was only passed in1829 .

  29. 皮尔先生以一种痛苦而惊讶的口吻,插嘴加入了他们的推测。

    Mr peel cut in on their speculations in a tone of hurt surprise .

  30. 结果提示右旋糖酐和皮尔复腹腔灌注是一种安全的用药途径。

    Dextran and Perfect Solution perfusion were safe .