
  • 网络Central Anhui;middle Anhui
  1. 皖中地区郯&庐断裂带小震活动的分布特征

    Distribution characteristics of the small earthquake activity along Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone in middle Anhui Province

  2. 本文是皖中G乡的经验研究。

    This dissertation is empirical research on G township in Anhui .

  3. 通过田间试验和室内分析相结合的方法,研究了皖中岗地花生配合施用B、Cu、Mo、Zn等不同微量元素肥料的效果及其对花生生长发育与产量形成的影响。

    The effect of cooperation fertilizing B , Cu , Mo and Zn microelements were studied and on growth and yield on peanut in Anhui hilly regions .

  4. 其中淮北和皖中块体仍可能分别向SWW和NEE方向运动,并在淮河构造变形带上产生左旋剪切作用,呈现一定的继承性活动特征;

    Among them , the Huaibei block moves toward SWW direction , the middle-Anhui block moves toward NEE direction and in the Huaihe structure deformation belt , the faults movement may be left-lateral shear ; it presents inheritable characteristic .

  5. 皖中农村现代化的一项研究

    A Research about the Rural Modernization in the Middle Area of Anhui

  6. 皖中拆离滑脱构造与基底缩短机制探讨

    Detachment structures and mechanism of basement shortening in the mid-anhui

  7. 皖中膨胀土的危害机理研究

    Mechanism of hazards caused by expansive soils in the middle of Anhui Province

  8. 是皖江经济开放及皖中绿色经济带上一颗明珠。

    Wanjiang economy is open and Anhui in the green economy into a pearl .

  9. 舒城素有“皖中花园”、“安徽北戴河”的美誉。

    Shuchen has a " Garden in central Anhui Province "," Anhui Beidaihe " praise .

  10. 新公路膨胀土判别与分类方法对皖中膨胀土的适用性研究

    Applicability of recommended classification in specification method for expansive soils in the middle area of Anhui Province

  11. 皖中地区火炬松优良种源的综合评定杉木优良种源家系选择

    Superior Provenance Selection of Loblolly Pine Plantation in Central Anhui Area The selection of superior provenance families of Chinese fir

  12. 楚风,汉韵,诗书华章汇成礼赞皖中的大合唱。

    Chu verses , Han rhymes , all the brilliant poems converged into a chorus of praise for central Anhui ;

  13. 从生态经济学观点论开发皖中农业自然资源的某些战略性问题

    Discussion from ecologically economic view-points on certain strategic problems of exploitation of agricultural nature resources in central Anhui province , China

  14. 悠悠石板街,绵绵黄梅调,这是皖中百姓勤劳与智慧的不朽印记;

    Long slate-paved streets and lingering Huangmei melodies are the eternal imprints of the industrious and intelligent people of central Anhui ;

  15. 本文从党史研究角度出发,结合社会学的研究方法,运用政治学相关理论,在皖中的一个村庄&施湾村进行实地考察的基础上,对村民自治背景下的干群关系进行实证性研究。

    The thesis studies the relation between the cadres and the masses under the villager 's autonomy background illustrated by Shiwan Village which carried the on-the-spot investigation .

  16. 三河古镇是反映晚清时期皖中地区独特建筑风貌最完整的水乡古镇。

    The ancient town of Sanhe is the reflection on the unique architectural style which is the most complete ancient waterside town during late Qing Dynasty in Anhui regions .

  17. 楚文化对皖中西汉墓葬中随葬的陶器的影响,主要表现在对其陶器器型和陶器组合两方面。

    The influence mainly reflected in the shape of pottery and in the combination of the pottery . V The influence of the Chu culture on the funerary objects of lacquer or wood .

  18. 研究表明:皖中地区膨胀土自由膨胀率与反映膨胀本质的指标蒙脱石含量,以及液限、塑性指数等间接性判别指标具有较好的相关性,可将其用作膨胀土判别与分类的指标;

    Its relationship with smectite content is preferable . Its relationship with liquid limit and plastic index are good too . These indices can be integrated for classification and identification of expansive soils .

  19. 本文从江南农业经济转型以及皖中粮食的丰殷的角度,说明当时贸易的可能性与必然性。

    This article explains the feasibility and inevitability of trade at that time by outlining the changing agricultural model in the south of the Yangtze River and the richness of the foodstuff in Anhui .

  20. 华北地合皖中复式褶皱与拗陷盆地是中生代陆壳多层次拆离滑脱造山运动之产物。

    Hefei basin and the fold area of Huainan and Huaibei as parts of the North China block underwent multi-lager detachment and decoupling of both the cover and the basement during the Mesozoic Orogeny .

  21. 庐剧与别的地方戏不同在于,在流传过程中形成了东、中、西三路风格不同的流派,本文从中选取其诞生和流行的核心地区皖中作为研究的对象。

    Luzhou opera and elsewhere show is different in the process of circulating a East , Central , West Road style three different schools , this central area as its popularity as a research target score .

  22. 苏浙皖地区中古生界海相烃源岩及含油气性

    Mesozoic-Paleozoic Marine Source Rock and Petroleum Prospecting in Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Anhui Area

  23. 皖东地区中药材资源的调查、评价与区划

    Investigation , Evaluation and Regionalization of Chinese Medicinal Material Resources in East Part of Anhui Province

  24. 豫皖交界地段中新生代盆地位于合肥盆地的南缘。

    The Meso Cenozoic basin in Anhui Henan border area is located in the south of Hefei basin .

  25. 通过与古代汉语的比较,发现皖北方言中保留了一批古代汉语词语,说明皖北方言词汇有古代汉语的历史层次;

    From the comparison with Ancient Chinese , it is found that some words in the Ancient Chinese are preserved in the Dialects in Northern Anhui , which suggests its historical origin .

  26. 通过与近代汉语的比较,发现了皖北方言中保留了大批近代汉语词语,说明皖北方言词汇与近代汉语的关系尤为密切,皖北方言正是在近代汉语的基础上形成的。

    The comparison with the Neoteric Chinese shows that a large amount of lexicon in the Modem Chinese is preserved in the Dialects in Northern Anhui , which suggests that it has very strong ties with the Modern Chinese and is developed on the basis of the Modern Chinese .

  27. 目的:建立皖贝止咳胶囊中贝母素甲和贝母素乙的含量测定方法。

    Objective : To develop an HPLC-ELSD method for the determination of verticine and verticinone in Wanbei Zhike capsule .

  28. 本研究收集了江、浙、沪、皖、豫人群中病理性近视家系90个共1822人,每个家系三代以内有2人以上发病,患者共401人。

    These pedigrees consisted of 401 patients of 1822 individuals from Jiangsu , Zhejiang , Shanghai , Anhui and Henan Provinces .