
  • 网络Wanjiang River;Wanjiang section
  1. 基于OWA理论和交叉效率模型对区间型数据属性进行研究,根据各城市的可能度矩阵,得到相对应的排序向量,进而对皖江城市加以排序,得到相应结果。

    We study the interval data attributes based on the OWA theory and cross-efficiency model . According to the matrix of the cities we may get the corresponding rank vector , thus rank the cities and get the corresponding results .

  2. 大学生体育锻炼习惯与体育消费行为的研究&皖江地区6所普通高校1560人问卷探蹊

    The Study on College Students ' Sports Exercise Habit and Consumption Behavior

  3. 皖江水位及降雨量是影响流行的重要因素。

    The River level and rainfall was one of the important factors .

  4. 皖江中东部雾的客观预报自动化业务系统

    An Automatic Operational System of Fog Forecasting Over Anhui

  5. 是皖江经济开放及皖中绿色经济带上一颗明珠。

    Wanjiang economy is open and Anhui in the green economy into a pearl .

  6. 而皖江城市带自身也的确具备了与长三角产业对接的后发优势。

    And it does have the backward advantages .

  7. 皖江四市饭店市场分析及改进建议

    Hotel Market Analysis and Improvement Suggestions for Four Cities along Yangtse River of Anhui Province

  8. 皖江流域产业分工协作与区域经济一体化

    The Industry Collaboration and Regional Integration in the Valley along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province

  9. 皖江流域及其以南地区是安徽省血吸虫病害的主要区域。

    The Changjiang River and the south area of Anhui province is the main region bred schistosomiasis .

  10. 而合肥市作为皖江经济带的核心,更是倍受关注。

    The Hefei , Anhui province economic belt , as the core , it is of concern .

  11. 皖江城市带上市公司的研发投入能否产生积极的产出效果?

    What is the output of the investment of R & D in the Wan-jiang city belt ?

  12. 作为皖江城市带重要成员之一,铜陵市面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    Being an important member among them , Tongling City is faced with unprecedented opportunities and challenges .

  13. 对建设皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区的思考

    Thinking about Demonstration Area to Undertake Industrial Transfer at the City Belt along the Yangtze River in Anhui

  14. 基于主成分分析的皖江城市群城市化水平综合评价

    Synthesized evaluation of urbanization level of megalopolises along Yangtze River in Anhui Province based on principal component analysis

  15. 皖江城市群产业结构动态变化及比较优势分析

    Analysis on Dynamic Change and Comparative Superiority of Industrial Structure of Megalopolises along Changjiang River in Anhui Province

  16. 目前,安徽省正大力推进皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区建设,舒城县作为59个县(市、区)的其中之一,有着自己独特地发展目标和任务。

    As one of the 59 counties ( cities , districts ), Shucheng has its own unique development goals and tasks .

  17. 传统的皖江地区农耕文化表现为安土重迁、勤力农亩的特征。

    Traditional agricultural culture in Wangjiang area is characterized by the satisfaction with current situation as well as the intensive cultivation .

  18. 皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区规划为安徽沿江城市迎来了全新的发展机遇。

    Little City with a demonstration area planning for the transfer of industries coastal city ushered in the new development opportunities .

  19. 本文针对皖江城市带九市,主要做承接产业转移定量分析。

    Undertaking industrial transferring quantitative analysis is done in the paper , related to the nine cities along Yangtze river in Anhui .

  20. 总结近代皖江地区社会经济发展的历史过程,为正在从事的“皖江开发”战略寻找历史动力,这无疑具有极其重要的现实意义。

    It has significance to summarize the progress of Wanjiang economy in modern times for finding out history power of Wanjiang development .

  21. 第二章呈现皖江城市带利用外商直接投资的内外部特点,这是对问题的具体铺开。

    Chapter two shows internal and external characteristics of the utilization of foreign direct investment for megalopolis along Yangtze River in Anhui province .

  22. 皖江流域城市空间结构拓展差异比较&以近代转型前后安庆、芜湖为例

    On the Differences of the Urban Spatial Structure along the Yangtze River in Anhui & A case study of Anqing city and Wuhu city

  23. 文中的结论是建设安徽的皖江城市带产业转移示范区与建设上海的国际贸易中心联系起来,将会产生明显的双赢效应。

    Combining the construction of a transferring of industry demonstration zone in Anhui with constructing Shanghai International Trade Center , it reflects a win-win effect .

  24. 2010年1月21日,国务院正式批复《皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区规划》。

    On January 21,2010 , the State council officially replied " Urban Zone Undertaking Industrial Transferring Demonstration Area Program along Yangtze River in Anhui " .

  25. 两旁的8块电子屏幕则宣传着皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区建设和自主创新的最新成果。

    The8 LED advertising signs display the latest innovations and achievements made in the industrial shift demonstration area of the city cluster along Anhui-Yangtse River .

  26. 今天皖江城市带的发展仍然是新时期的重要任务,即所谓经济发展,交通先行。

    Today The development of Little City is still important task of the new period , The so-called " economic development , transport comes first " .

  27. 新发现的5处旧石器地点,石制品可能出自下蜀黄土中,时代大约为中更新世中晚期,文化性质与茅山旧石器地点群、皖江两岸及安徽南部的旧石器文化十分接近。

    The character of the Paleolithic culture of the sites is resemble with those found in Maoshan , the valley of Wan river and southern Anhui area .

  28. 设立示范区,是更好地发挥皖江城市带综合优势,推动安徽又好又快发展的现实要求。

    The establishment of demonstration areas , a better play Little City with a comprehensive advantages , and promote sound and rapid development of Anhui practical requirements .

  29. 三峡建坝后水位变化对皖江流域血吸虫病流行影响的预测研究

    The Forecasting Study on the Influence of Schistosomiasis Endemicity in Anhui Province Due to the Variation of Water Level after the Building of the Three Gorges Dam

  30. 外轮无论在数量上,还是在吨位上都占有优势,但民族轮运在竞争中也在皖江争得一席之地。

    The outer in terms of quantity , or in tonnage on the advantage , but the national of maritime transport in the competition also gain a place .