
  • 网络Percentile rank;percentile rank, PR
  1. 比较结果表明具有相同百分等级数的同年龄被试在CTT条件下虽然能力相等,但是在非计时与计时模型下能力值之间却存在差异。

    The comparison between the subjects , under these two models , shows the difference in abilities between the subjects of the same percentile rank and the same age .

  2. 本论文采用年龄和性别的对比,以年龄和性别列出百分位数等级;以年龄制定百分等级常模;技术测验则以年龄来制定常模。

    Contrast , this paper adopts the age and gender by age and gender to list the percentile rank ; Age to make percentile rank norm ; Technology norm test criterion with age .

  3. 经过汉语言学、心理测试专家和幼儿园教师对测题和测试工具的审核,采用SPSS软件对预试和试用结果进行统计分析,最终形成正式量表,并建立了百分等级和T分数常模。

    The final scale and norms are audited by Chinese linguists , psychologist and teachers in kindergarten , statistically analyzing the results of pretests and tests by SPSS .

  4. 在此情况下,可使用更一般化的百分等级来替代正态上侧百分位(NUP)排位,使方法更完备。

    In this case , percentile ranking which is more general can be used instead of NUP approach as supplement .

  5. 与北京城区老年人心理健康状况的百分等级常模进行比较处于中等水平。

    The mental health of the elderly was at middle level compared with the normal standard of Beijing city 's elderly .

  6. 降价权总分折算为百分等级分数,取前27%为教学优秀;后27%为教学不良;中间人群为教学普通。

    The outcomes are ranked with percentage , with the first 27 % as teaching excellence , the last 27 % as teaching badness , and the rest as teaching ordinary .