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  1. 他们可不是这样说你的,白饼。

    They can 't say that about you , pale pie .

  2. 我也作了一梦,梦见在我的头上有三筐白饼。

    I also was in my dream , and , behold , three baskets of white bread were on my head .

  3. 甜点是精美的镀金三层的黑醋栗甜酒柠檬乳酪蛋糕,巧克力联盟咸焦糖和榛果蛋白酥皮奶油卷筒,浇上纯巧克力酱汁,白巧克力饼,和芒果,木莓和柠檬的水果拼盘。

    Dessert was a beautifully plated triple threat of cassis lemon cheesecake , chocolate alliance salted caramel and hazelnut dacquoise accompanied by a pure chocolate sauce , white chocolate finger , and mango , raspberry and lemon fruit reductions .

  4. ConfiteriaRialto已经卖酥脆精美的马尔科纳杏仁白巧克力华夫饼(250克售价12欧元)卖了80多年。

    Confiteria Rialto has been selling crisp and delicate Marcona-almond and chocolate moscovita wafers ( 250 grams for 12 euros ) for more than 80 years .