
dēng lù
  • land;landfall;ashore;disembark
登陆 [dēng lù]
  • [land] 渡过海洋或江河登上陆地

登陆[dēng lù]
  1. 台风将于明晨登陆。

    The typhoon will land tomorrow morning .

  2. 利用同一个试卷样式表文件和考生答案XML文件,可以让考生在二次登陆考试系统时,仍然可以看到自己所做的答案。

    The examinee can find their answers when they land the examine system at second time by using same paper style sheet file and the answer XML file .

  3. 登陆月球开创了太空探索的新纪元。

    The moon landing inaugurated a new era in space exploration .

  4. 部队已在黎明登陆。

    The troops landed at dawn .

  5. 一艘登陆艇的发动机还在运转。

    The engine of one landing craft was still running .

  6. 美军已开始大规模登陆。

    American forces have begun a big landing .

  7. 一部戏在登陆伦敦西区舞台前会以常备剧目试演。

    A play is tested in rep before ever hitting a West End stage .

  8. 今天早晨,海军陆战队作为先头部队率先登陆以占领主要目标。

    The marines went ashore as a spearhead this morning to capture key targets .

  9. 他率部队在西岸登陆。

    He landed his troops on the western shore

  10. 等到我们登陆时,这艘船看似已老了10年!

    By the time we had made landfall the boat looked ten years older !

  11. 登陆的海滩可能没有设防。

    The landing beaches would be unprotected .

  12. 据报道,部队自周日晚离开海军军舰登陆后已经挺进了将近4英里。

    The troops are reported to have advanced nearly four miles since they were landed from naval craft on Sunday evening .

  13. 暴风雨天气差点使我们无法在岛上登陆,而上岛对我来说正是整个航游过程中最精彩的部分。

    Rough weather would have denied us a landing on the island , for me the high spot of the entire cruise .

  14. 士兵们开始登陆。

    The soldiers began to disembark .

  15. 我们在孟买登陆。

    We landed at Bombay .

  16. 登陆部队是从亚历山大将军的兵力中抽调出来的,这就削弱了他的军事力量。

    The troops for the landing were taken from Alexander 's force and that put a brake on his operations .

  17. 我第一次在美国登陆时非常高兴。

    I was very happy when I first landed in america .

  18. 在登陆时那名海军少校指挥一千名军官和一万名士兵。

    By invasion time the lieutenant commander had cognizance over a thousand officers and ten thousand men .

  19. 无论谁找到他们的书,都会登陆这个网站,记录他们在哪里找到的。

    Whoever finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it .

  20. 一个判断用户登陆本系统时候的保护子系统

    A protected subsystem that authenticates and logs users onto the local system .

  21. 注:同一账号多角色登陆只发放一次元宝

    Note : The identical account number multi-role debarkation only provides one silver piece .

  22. 所有小队都会在两小时内登陆。

    All troops will debark in two hours .

  23. 你登陆各类购物网站只是为了过过眼瘾,而不一定要买什么东西,因为你可能买不起或者根本不需要那些东西。不过单纯的浏览过程已经让你很享受了。

    You ’ re online only browsing1 , not looking for anything in particular because you can ’ t afford it or you don ’ t need any of them , but you enjoy looking anyway .

  24. 广东省气象局表示,2017年第13号台风“天鸽”周三中午在珠海市登陆,台风中心风速达到45米每秒。

    Hato , the 13th typhoon this year , landed at noon Wednesday in Zhuhai City , south China 's Guangdong Province , bringing gales of 45 meters per second at its eye , according to local meteorological authorities .

  25. 定于本周登陆aim的其他公司则只筹集了少量资金。

    Other companies due to arrive on aim this week are raising only small amounts .

  26. 基于GIS的联合登陆战役决策支持系统

    Research on the Joint-Landing Combat DSS Based on GIS

  27. 基于地理信息系统(GIS)建立联合登陆战役决策支持系统。

    Establish the joint-landing combat decision support system ( DSS ) based on geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  28. 少数先决条件:您可以用尽可能少的对运行的Web应用程序的远程访问和登陆证明来进行测试。

    Very few prerequisites : You can perform tests with as little as remote access to a working Web application , and preferably login credentials .

  29. 随着世界经济一体化和金融全球化的发展,全球银行业之间的竞争越来越激烈,特别是中国加入WTO后,外资银行的强势登陆给中国银行业带来更为持续、直接的压力。

    With the world economic integration and financial globalization , the competition among global banking become more and more intense .

  30. 随着我国加入WTO,西方教育抢滩登陆势必对传统的道德观念和价值体系造成强烈的冲击。

    With our country 's entry into WTO , western education may bring great impact on our traditional moral ideas and value systems .