
  • 网络disease index
  1. 当按病情指数来划分时,则R级和MR级所占比例更大。

    However , the ratios of the R and MR were higher when Disease Index expressed resistant degrees .

  2. 其中,叶绿素、PPO和CAT与病情指数呈负相关,其它7个生理指标与病情指数呈正相关。

    Among them , chlorophyll , PPO and CAT and disease index was negatively correlated , other seven physiological indicators and disease index was positively correlated .

  3. 利用层次分析(AHP)中指数标度法确定相对权重,计算病情指数。

    The index scale in AHP was used to determine scale-weight and then calculate disease scale .

  4. 利用50mg/ml的牛蒡寡糖诱导黄瓜幼苗第1真叶3d后接种白粉病菌,调查黄瓜植株的病情指数。

    Cucumber seedlings were inoculated with powdery mildew ( Sphaerotheca fuliginea ) in true leaf 1 and leaf 2 after the treatment with the first true leaf with 5.0mg/ml burdock oligosaccharide .

  5. 利用1980~1998年在山东青州调查的数据资料,结合相关气象因子及烟草蚜传病毒病的病情指数,采用BP神经网络方法建立了烟草蚜传病毒病的预测模型。

    Based on data of meteorological factors and tobacco virus diseases transmitted by aphids from 1980 to 1998 in Qingzhou of Shandong province prediction models were established by means of BP neural network .

  6. 接种立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)并调查转基因水稻的发病级别,计算平均病级及病情指数。

    Average disease rating and disease index of rice sheath blight were investigated after inoculating with Rhizoctonia solani .

  7. 本文应用灰色系统理论,根据沙湾地区15年(1974&1988年)病情指数资料、建立了一套灰色预测GM(1、1)模型。

    A set of grey forecasting models GM ( 1,1 ) have been developed on the wheat powdery mildew data during 15 years ( 1974-1988 ) in Shawan by means of grey systems theory .

  8. 与应发病值相比,其相对抑制效果:病叶率减少74.23%,病情指数降低85.30%。单植的病害日侵染速率(r)比混植高一倍以上。

    The relative controlling effect on rate of laef disease and index of disease was reduced by 74.23 % and 85.30 % The rate parameter of disease ( r ) in mixtures was below as twice as pureline susceptible variety .

  9. 间套田病毒病病株率较对照下降76.5%,病情指数减轻93.1%,每ha收入增加4853.4&11133.0元。

    The incidence and index of virus disease were 76 . 5 % and 93 . 1 % reduced , and the income of pepper cultivation was 4853 . 4 - 11133 . 0 yuan / ha enhanced .

  10. 结果表明,适宜的氮营养处理(N3处理)可提高植株的耐病能力,病情指数降低。

    The results showed that suitable N treatment ( N_3 ) could enhance the disease tolerance and decreased the disease index .

  11. 人工接种叶片和茎秆9d后,叶片的病情指数达90.95,接种茎秆的病情指数达85.19。

    The DI values on the leaves and stems were 90.95 and 85.19 respectively after 9 days of inoculation .

  12. 研究了播期、密度和氮肥对小麦纹枯病的定量效应,组建了小麦扬花期病情指数(DI1)和黄熟期病情指数(DI2)的回归模型,并对其进行了检验和解析。

    The Quantitative effects of sowing time ( X1 ) , density of plants ( X2 ) and nitrogenous fertilizer ( X3 ) on sharp eyespot of wheat were studied by applying 3-factor-5-level general rotational regression design .

  13. 以含0.2%的二苯胺DPA保鲜纸和0.2%的DPA浸果处理效果明显,虎皮病情指数分别为0.87%和1.59%,显著低于其他处理;

    Ya-li pear paper dipped in 0.2 % DPA and the treatment with 0.2 % DPA significantly decreased the scald , the index was 0.87 % and 1.59 % ;

  14. 选择抗性不同的6个烤烟基因型,采用P(×P-1)/2双列杂交遗传交配设计方法,分析了烟草对气候斑点病的抗性(病情指数)和气孔导度的遗传方式。

    Six tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) genotypes were selected as the parents of P ×( P-1 ) / 2 incomplete diallel cross to determine combing ability and genetic model of stomatal conductance on tobacco leaves and disease resistances to weather-fleck .

  15. 根据1996~2002年有关气象因素的数据,建立了气温、降水量与PVY病情指数的相关方程。

    Based on the weather data from 1996 to 2002 , the correlation equation between disease index of potato virus Y ( PVY ) and the temperature and rainfall was established .

  16. 苗期人工接种鉴定各组合抗性并计算病情指数,采用Griffing方法Ⅰ及Hayman方法对抗性配合力方差进行分析,估计相关遗传参数。

    By using Griffing I and Hayman methods , a 6 × 6 diallel analysis was done to analyze the variance of the combining ability and estimate the genetic parameters .

  17. 试验结果表明,经产铁载体细菌处理的烟株在接种后18d才开始发病,比正常处理的烟株发病晚7d左右,病情指数5-13.8。

    Test results show that the tobacco plants infected siderophore-producting bacteria fall ill in the 18th days after infected , later about 7d than normal process , and disease index is 5-13.8 .

  18. 对北京市区泡桐丛枝病调查结果表明,2a以上树龄的泡桐树平均病株率为19.23%,病情指数达10.27,病害随树龄增大而加重。

    A survey on paulownia witches ' broom disease caused by mycoplasma like organism ( MLO ) occurring in the urban areas of Beijing showed that the average disease incidence and index of two year old or more trees were 19.23 % and 10.27 , respectively .

  19. C4群体中不育株和可育株的穗发病率,病小穗数和病情指数分别比C0群体下降6.87%和5.99%、23.21%和23.25%、5.04%和1.45%。

    Spikelets infected with scab , disease incidence and disease index of the sterile plants and fertile plants in population C. were 23.32 % and 23.25 % , 6.87 % and 5.99 % , 5.04 % and 1.45 % lower than those in population Co , respectively .

  20. 2mg/kgICC处理黄金梨的贮藏效果最佳,贮藏20d后好果率可达92.3%,虎皮病情指数为2.6%,果实失重率仅为3.1%。

    After 20 days storage the quality of fruits with 2 mg / kg of ICC treatment was better than the others , and good fruit rate reached 92.3 % , scale index 2.6 % , weight-loss rate only 3.1 % .

  21. 该病极严重地影响树木生长,病情指数与胸径生长量呈显著直线负相关。

    The tree growth was influenced seriously by this disease .

  22. 水稻纹枯病不同分级标准病情指数间的关系

    Relationships among Disease Indices of Different Gradation Standards of Rice Sheath Blight

  23. 6月20月以后温湿系数升高,病情指数上升。

    The disease index increased with RH / T value after June 20th .

  24. 不同严重度分级方法下小麦赤霉病病情指数的比较

    Comparison of the disease index in seven severity scale systems with wheat scab

  25. 该模型拟合率高,可预报30天的病情指数,适于生产应用。

    It 's fitting ratio is higher and can be applied in production .

  26. 基于高光谱遥感技术的不同小麦品种条锈病病情指数的反演

    Disease Index Inversion of Wheat Stripe Rust on Different Wheat Varieties with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

  27. 低病情指数为部分显性。

    As to the dominant gene effects , the low disease index showed partial dominance .

  28. 嫁接可显著降低茄子黄萎病的发病株率和病情指数。

    Grafting significantly reduced the disease incidence and disease index of Verticillium wilt in eggplant .

  29. 叶部病情指数20%左右,当年病害流行强度可达4级。

    If the index about 20 % , the epidemic intensity can reach to the 4 degree .

  30. 比较二者后认为,在育种中应该以病情指数为选择参数。

    Compared to the two indexes , disease index should be as the selective parameter for breeding .