
bìng lì
  • case;case of illness
病例 [bìng lì]
  • [case of illness] 医疗部门指某种疾病的实例

  • 通常是聋哑、低能或有其它不幸的儿童的个别的病例

病例[bìng lì]
  1. 典型病例中,皮肤下面会有一个发炎的小结节。

    In a typical case , there is a small inflamed nodule just under the skin .

  2. 这一病例使我们最有经验的医生也无法施展其医术。

    The case baffles the skill of our most experienced medical men .

  3. 呼吸困难的病例随空气污染的加剧而增加。

    Cases of breathing difficulties increase in lockstep with air pollution .

  4. 该区没有新增非典型肺炎病例。

    No new SARS cases have been reported in the region .

  5. 昨天新增十例禽流感病例报告。

    Ten new cases of bird flu were reported yesterday .

  6. 令人关注的是,此类发作记录在案的病例很少。

    Interestingly , there are very few recorded cases of such attacks .

  7. 下午的小组谈到具体的上瘾病例以及其中的问题。

    Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein .

  8. 该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。

    Many areas in the country 's interior are unable to report Aids cases immediately .

  9. 年鉴同时指出,性传播疾病报告病例数显著下降。

    The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease .

  10. 不过,他们现在发现的基因无法解释所有的病例。

    Now , the gene they discovered today doesn 't account for all those cases .

  11. 很多医生没有报告病例,尽管食物中毒是应该通报的。

    Many doctors fail to report cases , even though food poisoning is a notifiable disease .

  12. 医生们已被告知不要给儿童使用麻醉剂,因为它可能与5起死亡病例有关。

    Doctors have been told not to sedate children with an anaesthetic that may be linked to five deaths .

  13. 由于第一代病例仅为右眼虹膜缺损,故较支持中胚层迷走发育的理论。

    It is obviously autosomal dominant inheritance according to the pedigree .

  14. 把它应用于动物的自然病例很可能是有效的。

    Its use in the spontaneous disease of animals is probably justified .

  15. 这是营养不良的典型病例。

    It is a classic case of malnutrition .

  16. 检查痰中瘤细胞,可对某些病例作出诊断。

    Examination of the sputum for ncoplastic cells may establish the diagnosis in some cases .

  17. 医生们收集了数千个病例来证明吸烟和癌症之间的关系。

    Doctors compiled thousands of case histories to prove the relationship between smoking and cancer .

  18. 在严重或顽固性病例中,个别的可用硝酸盐烧灼。

    In severe or refractory cases , cauterization of the individual lesions with nitrate has been used .

  19. 伯尔曼说:“这可能是因为直接开个药方把这个病例处理完要比进一步诊断更简单省事。”

    Presumably it 's because it 's simple and easy to write a prescription and consider a patient case closed rather than investigate further , Polman says .

  20. 这正是美国各地的小社区里正在发生的事情:加利福尼亚州奥兰治县本月报告了22例麻疹病例、去年一名17岁的少年引发了纽约布鲁克林的疫情。

    That 's exactly what is happening in small neighborhoods around the country from Orange County , California , where 22 measles cases were reported this month , to Brooklyn , N . Y . , where a 17-year-old caused an outbreak last year .

  21. 到目前为止,新确诊病例总数为25例。

    So far , the number of new confirmed cases is 25 in total .

  22. 在所有的病例中,85%到90%是2型糖尿病。

    Of all the cases , 85 % to 90 % are Type 2 Diabetes .

  23. 也就是说,大多数糖尿病病例是由不健康的生活方式引起的。

    That is to say , most cases of diabetes result from the unhealthy life style .

  24. 据报道,6月1日爆发的中东呼吸综合征中,前两起死亡病例均在韩国。

    It 's reported that the first two deaths from an outbreak of MERS on June 1st were in South Korea .

  25. 全世界每七个感染病例中就有一例来自于美国。

    The United States accounts for one in every seven infections reported worldwide .

  26. 治疗中毒病例,洗胃比用催吐剂好

    Gastric lavage is preferable to emetics in poisoning .

  27. 上周日(8月22日)东京报告的新增病例数为4392例。

    Tokyo reported 4392 new cases on Sunday .

  28. 人们已发现安慰剂能在很多不同的病例中发挥作用。

    The placebo has been found to work with a lot of different cases .

  29. 这是东京连续第四天单日新增病例数超过5000例。自从东京奥运会于7月23日开幕以来,单日新增病例数量就急剧增加。

    Daily new cases have increased sharply since the Olympics opened on July 23 .

  30. 在美国,这种变异新冠病毒的病例数仍然很少。

    Case numbers of the new variant are still somewhat small in the US .