
bìng rén
  • patient;sick;sick person;invalid
病人 [bìng rén]
  • [sick person;patient] 生病的人。尤指等候接受内外科医生的治疗与照料的人

病人[bìng rén]
  1. 病人整夜病情不变。

    There was no change in the patient 's condition overnight .

  2. 医生按蜂鸣器叫下一个病人进来。

    The doctor buzzed for the next patient to come in .

  3. 护士经常不得不对付粗暴的或喝醉酒的病人。

    Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients .

  4. 可以把病床隔开,以使病人少受干扰。

    Beds can be screened off to give patients more privacy .

  5. 应该允许垂危病人死得有尊严。

    The terminally ill should be allowed to die with dignity .

  6. 病人的心跳停顿了几秒钟。

    The patient 's heart stopped beating for a few seconds .

  7. 这些病人被观察了数月之久。

    The patients were observed over a period of several months .

  8. 病人手术后头24小时是最危险的。

    The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical .

  9. 在过去的六个月中,病人的病情已经有所缓解。

    The patient has been in remission for the past six months .

  10. 减少公共医疗卫生服务可能对病人造成悲惨的后果。

    Cuts in the health service could have tragic consequences for patients .

  11. 病人会习惯某些治疗方式。

    Patients can become conditioned to particular forms of treatment .

  12. 病人都过早获准出院。

    Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early .

  13. 我想让你见一个病人。

    There is one particular patient I 'd like you to see .

  14. 他在一所医院里工作了十年,护理癌症病人。

    He worked in a hospital for ten years nursing cancer patients .

  15. 传染病患者同其他病人隔离开来。

    Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients .

  16. 发现病人呼吸困难。

    The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing .

  17. 其余的二十名病人被转送到另一家医院去了。

    The remaining twenty patients were transferred to another hospital .

  18. 病人对治疗的反应比预想的好得多。

    The patient has responded to the treatment rather better than expected .

  19. 我正在给病人看病。请在外面等候。

    I 'm seeing a patient ─ please wait outside .

  20. 这种药哮喘病人禁用。

    This drug is contraindicated in patients with asthma .

  21. 这种作用在年轻一些的病人身上尤为明显。

    This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients .

  22. 他是肖医生的病人之一。

    He 's one of Dr Shaw 's patients .

  23. 大多数情况下,病人无须住院。

    Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases .

  24. 她对待病人很有办法。

    She 's very good at handling her patients .

  25. 有些住院病人十分焦虑不安。

    Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety .

  26. 病人获得有关如何调节自己饮食的指导。

    Patients are taught how to modify their diet .

  27. 病人高兴的是当地医院得以免遭关闭。

    Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe .

  28. 神志并非完全清醒的病人必须时刻有人照料。

    A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone .

  29. 我们的许多病人需要有人帮助穿衣。

    Many of our patients need help with dressing .

  30. 我把他当作正在康复的人,而不是病人。

    I treated him as a convalescent , not as a sick man .