
  • 网络person of interest
  1. 在热播剧《疑犯追踪》的开场白中,一个声音咆哮着说:“你正在被监视。”在前几季中,这似乎只是科幻片中用来吸引眼球的一种把戏。

    In the opening credits for the TV show Person of Interest , a voice growls : " You are being watched . " For the first few seasons , it seemed like just another gimmick to drum up interest in the science-fiction show .

  2. 此外,《疑犯追踪》同样向观众们展示了科技是如何操控我们的生活。

    Person of Interest also gives its viewers a look into how technology is manipulating us .

  3. 《People》杂志确认,这位《疑犯追踪》女演员在3月1日在洛杉矶的家里生下了VioletMoon和KnoxBlue。

    The Person of Interest actress gave birth to Violet Moon and Knox Blue at her Los Angeles home on March 1 , People has confirmed .

  4. 本周三CBS电视台的罪案剧《疑犯追踪》户外片场被关,起因是纽约警方以为剧中的枪战是真实场景。

    Outdoor filming of the CBS crime drama Person Of Interest was shut down on Wednesday after New York City police thought a scripted gun battle was the real thing .

  5. 受《疑犯追踪》的启发,一批主打人工智能和数据挖掘的电视剧接踵而来。

    Inspired by Person of Interest , an array of shows featuring artificial intelligence and data mining have been released .

  6. 该剧的制作团队会让《疑犯追踪》粉丝们倍感熟悉:诺兰担任该剧主创。

    Its production team has a familiar face for Person of Interest fans : Nolan is credited with creating that show as well .

  7. 《疑犯追踪》最终集于6月21日播出,完美展现了现代间谍游戏以及政府矫枉过正的故事线。

    Person of Interest airs its final episode on June 21 , wrapping up a storyline that delved into modern-day spy games and government overreach .

  8. 在《疑犯追踪》中,机器通过电话、卫星及监控摄像头来追踪每个在美国的人的动作和通讯。

    In Person of Interest , the Machine tracks the movements and communications of everyone in the US through phones , satellites and surveillance cameras .

  9. 《疑犯追踪》不仅向观众呈现了一部偏执的惊悚片以及一个惊人的假设,还为观众展现了未来的一瞥。

    Person of Interest not only presents viewers with a paranoid thriller and a breath-taking premise , but it also shows the audience a glimpse into the future .

  10. 举个例子,每集《疑犯追踪》的开场,观众都在屏幕上打满了你们/我们正在被做成表。

    For instance , the opening sequence of every Person of Interest episode begins with viewers filling the screen with You / We are being made into a watch .