
jī xíng
  • deformation;deformity;malformation;abnormality;abnormal;anomaly;freak;distorted;lopsided;disfiguration;unbalanced;dysmorphia;dysmorphosis
畸形 [jī xíng]
  • (1) [deformity;abnormality;anomaly;deformation;malformation;disfiguration]∶生物体某部分在发育中形成的不正常的形状

  • 矮子的驼背畸形

  • (2) [abnormal;distorted;lopsided;unbalanced]∶某一部分发展过快而造成的整体不平衡状态

  • 畸形现象

畸形[jī xíng]
  1. 妊娠期服用的药物可能引起婴儿身体畸形。

    Drugs taken during pregnancy may cause physical deformity in babies .

  2. 这些骨头开始互相挤压,造成疼痛和畸形。

    The bones begin to grind against each other , leading to pain and deformity .

  3. 有些胎儿的畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来。

    Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy .

  4. 研究人员仍然在试图分离导致这种畸形的基因。

    Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality .

  5. 由于母亲受过伤,这小孩生下来是畸形。

    The child was born deformed in consequence of an injury to its mother .

  6. 她的双手天生畸形。

    She was born with deformed hands .

  7. 这些管状器官先天畸形的现象更加少见。

    More rarely , the tubes have been malformed from birth .

  8. 凯特琳患有可能致命的先天性心脏畸形。

    Caitlin was born with a life-threatening heart abnormality .

  9. 枣股的畸形细胞所占比例最多。

    The proportion of abnormal cells were most in the jujube stock .

  10. 主要的畸形为对耳轮未发育。

    The basic deformity is a lack of development of the antihelix .

  11. 他受畸形足弓之苦。

    He is cursed with deformed arches .

  12. 肛门闭锁一词对于讨论肛门直肠畸形并不太确切。

    Imperforate anus is perhaps not the most description of the anorectal malformations under discussion .

  13. 在抒情方面,这一系列作品成为阿勃丝对于畸形人摄影的乡愁。

    In lyrical aspect , this series of works became the nostalgia of freaks to arbus .

  14. 汤姆大声叫道:“女士们,先生们,请进来看看吧,看看我们搜罗的各式各样的畸形动物。”

    Tom shouted : " walk up , ladies and gentlemen , and see our wonderful collection of freaks . "

  15. 但是只有三分之一的是因为那些明显的原因,比如精子数不足,精子畸形或者是精子动力不足。

    But in only one third of cases is the cause obvious , such as a low sperm count , malformation or poor swimming ability .

  16. 虽然外界因素影响男性生育力受到广泛关注,但有关外界因素与畸形精子关系的报道较少。

    Although it is known that exoteric factors influence upon male eugenesis , there was a little with respect to the report of effect of exoteric factors on sperm morphology .

  17. 基本的解决方式,如改变医保服务的落实方法以及畸形低效的医生支付体系等,都必须要通过反复试验和积累来达成。

    The fundamental fix — reshaping how care is delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful , abnormal system — is likely to be achieved only through trial and error and incremental gains .

  18. 并发畸形与早产儿显著地影响死亡率

    Associated anomalies and prematurity significantly influence the mortality rate .

  19. 他出生时右腿畸形。

    He was born with a deformed right leg .

  20. 他的膝盖有点畸形,也不能动。

    His knee is misshapen or unable to move .

  21. 他是个吹牛家,是个怪物,是个畸形人。

    He is a bluffer , and a screwball , a kind of freak .

  22. 本是个畸形儿,高大丑陋且难以管束。

    Ben is a highly dysfunctional child , large , ugly , and uncontrollable .

  23. 畸形的幽默感

    a warped sense of humour

  24. 英国身体畸形恐惧症基金会指出,英国健身房里大约10%的男性会员有肌肉上瘾症或健身过度症,也被称为“恐瘦症”。

    Muscle dysmorphia , also known as " bigorexia " , may now be affecting one in 10 men who visit gyms in the UK , according to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation .

  25. 三维CT重建辅助血管瘤和血管畸形的诊断及治疗的价值

    The value of three-dimensional CT angiography in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular lesions

  26. 先天性耳畸形和正常颞骨的螺旋CT三维成像分析

    Analysis of 3D spiral CT of normal and congenital malformations of the external and middle ear

  27. 目的评价CT、MR在诊断颅内静脉畸形中的价值与限度。

    Objective To evaluate the value of CT and MR in the diagnosis of cerebral venous malformation .

  28. 阿-希二氏畸形合并脊髓空洞症的MRI研究

    The Studies of Chiari Malformation with Syringomyelia in MRI

  29. 积水性无脑畸形CT分型

    CT Type of Hydroanencephalus

  30. 报告30例ChiariI型畸形,均经MRI证实。

    This article reports 30 patients with MRI-verified Chiari I malformation .