- 缀megacycle

[megacycle(缩mc)] 一百万周,尤指每秒一兆周,用作无线电频率单位
Studies have been made of the 250 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of insulin and DPI . Differences have been found between DPI and insulin spectra .
2840 MHz Solar Radio Observations During 1988 Solar-Terrestrial Spacial Joint-Observation at Beijing Astronomical Observatory ( BAO )
The ultrasonic absorption coefficients α( attenuation ) at 50 MHz of several glasses were measured by Brillouin-scattering pulse echo technique .
This depends on the precise radio - frequency of the 21 - cm wavelength , or 1420 megacycles per second .
A state of the art meg scanner was used to measure people 's brain activity while they were looking at images of baby faces and adult faces .
Modulation depth of the modulator and - the design calculation of its match electronic circuit are discussed in particular , and experimental results at the modulation frequencies of 100 MHz , 200 MHz and 400 MHz , are given respectively . These results coincide with the theoretical expectations .