
zhào hè
  • megahertz;megacycle;megacycle per second
兆赫[zhào hè]
  1. 故而,SDRAM的速度不再用大家熟悉的纳秒来度量,而像处理器那样用兆赫(MHz)来度量。

    The speed of SDRAM , therefore , is not measured in the familiar old nanoseconds but in megahertz , like processors .

  2. 一兆赫是每秒一百万周期的频率。

    One Megahertz is a frequency of one million cycles per second .

  3. 这台机器的时钟频率为1.6千兆赫。

    This machine has a clock speed of 1.6GHz .

  4. 7-10千兆赫pn结砷化镓功率雪崩管的设计和性能研究

    Design and Research of 7-10 GHz p-n junction GaAs IMPATT Diodes

  5. 随着CPU的主频超越千兆赫,存储器技术逐渐成为计算机内部体系结构性能的瓶颈。

    With the CPU running over a gigahertz , memory technology becomes the performance bottleneck within the system architecture .

  6. 利用仅由两个光栅和一个共振反射器组成的激光腔,就能得到线宽为1.3千兆赫的由N2激光泵浦的染料激光。

    By using a laser cavity which consists of only two gratings and a resonant reflector , a N2-laser-pumped dye laser with a spectral linewidth of 1.3 GHz has been made .

  7. 超高速处理器,如300兆赫的奔腾处理器或新的64位(比特)处理器,我们已经在为它们开发WindowsNT揉作系统;

    in fact if anything it 's speeding up.Very high speed processors like 300MHz Pentiums , or new 64 bit processors that we 're already developing Windows NT for ;

  8. 千兆赫横电磁室(GTEM)的原理和计算方法

    Theory and computation method of the GTEM

  9. 第1类第2代UHFRFID860兆赫-960兆赫通讯协议,是以动态帧时隙ALOHA算法为基础。

    Class 1 Generation 2 UHF RFID 860 MHz - 960 MHz communication protocols is based on dynamic frame slotted ALOHA algorithm .

  10. 除此之外,这款手机还具备视频聊天功能,配有5百万像素摄像头,720p视频捕捉和1千兆赫SnapDragon处理器。扣除50美元的邮寄退款折扣后,这款手机售价199美元。

    The phone also has Wi-Fi video chat , a Front-Facing 5-megapixel camera , 720p video capture and 1GHz Snap Dragon processor . It costs $ 199 after $ 50 mail-in rebate .

  11. 1.3μmDCPBH激光器的千兆赫直接调制

    GHz Direct Modulation of 1.3 μ m DCPBH Lasers

  12. 用计算机、GPIB接口母线、信号发生器、功率放大器、场强监视器等构成自动测试系统,在千兆赫横电磁波小室(GTEM)内产生均匀的横电磁波。

    An auto-control test system is constructed with a compute , GPIB , a signal generator , a power amplifier , and a field strength monitor , to form even transverse electromagnetic waves in a GTEM . Electric field .

  13. 美国联邦通信委员会和其他国家的类似机构已开始拍卖23.8千兆赫附近的频率,以供未来的5G网络服务商使用,使得这一问题非常紧迫。

    The urgency of the problem is underlined by the fact that US Federal Communications Commission and similar agencies in other countries have already started to auction off frequencies close to the 23.8 GHz frequency to future 5G network providers .

  14. 当我试用松下售价39美元的900兆赫KX-TC1481B款无绳电话时,我能听到别人的对话,甚至还有音乐通过听筒传过来。

    When I tried out the Panasonic KX-TC1481B , a $ 39900-MHz model , I could hear other conversations and even music coming through the phone .

  15. 作者根据对局部放电脉冲波形的频谱分析,提出检测器的检测频率以低于1兆赫(1MHz)为好,频带不宜过宽。

    According to the analysis of spectrum for a series of the partial discharge pulse waveforms , the author proposed that the upper cutoff frequence of a detector should not be higher than 1 MHz and the bandwidth of the detector should not he too broad .

  16. 无线电话是5.8千兆赫这个是无线网络

    A cordless phone is 5.8 gigahertz . This is wi-fi .

  17. 频宽1000兆赫的晶体管取样示波器

    A transistor sampling oscilloscope with a bandwidth greater than 1000 me

  18. 以23.8千兆赫频率为例。

    One example is the 23.8 gigahertz ( GHz ) frequency .

  19. 这种说法与之前使用的千兆赫和千字节的说法大不相同。

    It makes a change from talk of gigahertz and terabytes .

  20. 因此,这是不可能的,我们将超过304兆赫的前端总线。

    Thus it was impossible to us to exceed the304 MHz FSB .

  21. 146兆赫太阳射电观测&仪器和数据分析部分

    Observations of solar radio emission at 146 MHz instrumental and data analysis

  22. 隐藏在摄像机里的信号传送器里,以5.8千兆赫频率输出。

    Transmitters built into the covert cameras transmit at5.8 GHz ;

  23. 超声清洗的新技术&兆赫超声清洗

    Megasonic cleaning & a new technology of ultrasonic cleaning

  24. 200兆赫宽带延迟线的研制

    A Broad Bandwidth 200 MHz SAW Delay Line

  25. 利用空气冷却,它有可能采取屏幕开枪,3400兆赫频率。

    Usingair cooling , it was possible to take a screen shot at3400 MHzfrequency .

  26. 2450兆赫微波能在加速白酒老熟上的应用

    The Application of Microwave Power of 2450 MHz to Accelerate the White Spirits Mellowing

  27. 处理器:500兆赫或更快的处理器。

    Processor : 500 megahertz processor or higher .

  28. 激光器单频可调范围经塞曼效应展宽后达2500兆赫以上。

    Its frequency tuning range broadened by Zeeman effect was more than 2500 MHz .

  29. 新的设计技术用于达到2兆赫的有名无实的公共汽车速度。

    New design techniques were used to achieve a nominal bus speed of2 MHz .

  30. 相比之下,现有的最快商业处理器的运行速度仅为5千兆赫。

    By contrast , the fastest existing commercial processor runs at just 5 Ghz .