
  • 网络Boundary point;Corner Threshold;Grenzpunkt
  1. 平面啮合的界限点的特性

    The quality of limiting points of plane conjugate curves

  2. 共轭齿面的界限点

    The limiting points of conjugate tooth - surfaces

  3. 在数学上;接近界限点关于条件数字没有界限的增加。

    In mathematics : approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit .

  4. 平面啮合中干涉界限点的判定

    Judgement of Singular Points in Plane Mating

  5. 本文对摆线齿廓啮合的普通摆线泵和多齿差摆线泵进行了研究。用复数矢量方法建立了摆线泵的齿廓曲线方程,讨论了啮合界限点、啮合角及其变化规律。

    A novel meshing theory of gears used in internal cycloidal pump is studied . With complex vector mathematical tool , the equations of profiles of both external and internal cycloidal gears for this kind of pump are developed .

  6. 根切界限点和根切界限曲线建模与计算既可为齿轮副在啮合传动过程中是否发生干涉提供理论依据,也可保证共轭曲面在加工制造过程中不发生根切。

    The undercutting boundary points and the undercutting limit curve modeling and calculation , can provide a theoretical basis for the interference in the process of meshing gear pair , and can also ensure that the conjugate surface does not occur undercutting in the manufacturing process .

  7. 用此法可以解决一类给定不完全距离数据界限的点集在E3中的嵌入问题,为用距离几何学方法及核磁共振测距离技术计算生物大分子的溶液结构奠定了数学模型基础

    The approach can be used to solve the problem of embedding a distant net point set with an incomplete distant bound to E 3.It sets up a solid mathematical base for the macromolecule conformation with NMR technology . Distance

  8. 这种国债发行的挤出效应,才是决定国债规模的根本因素,也是本文分析国债界限的出发点。

    The author considers the " crowd-out effect " of treasury bonds issuing is the decisive factor for deciding the scale of treasury bonds , and it also the jumping-off place for the article to analyze the limit of treasury bonds .

  9. 尽管如此,因特网的开放性和安全之间划下了一道界限,这一点是肯定的。

    However the line between openness and security on the Internet is drawn , one thing is certain .

  10. 对于很多人来说,工作已经占据了他们的生活,他们不知道这两者的界限和起止点。

    For many , work has taken over their lives . They dont know where one begins and one ends .

  11. 这个趋势再次说明廉价电脑正在淡化专业工具和业余工具之间的界限,这一点在音乐录制和图形设计领域已经得到体现。

    It 's one more example along with music recording and graphic design of the way cheap computers are blurring the distinction between professional and amateur tools .

  12. 提出了界限含盐量点分析固化氯盐渍土强度与含盐量之间的关系;提出冻融稳定次数、抗冻稳定系数评价固化盐渍土抗冻性能等。

    Proposed the relation between the boundary salt content analysis solidification chlorine saline soil intensity and the salt content ; proposed the freezing and thawing stable number of times , the anti-frozen stability coefficient appraisal solidification saline soil frost resistance and so on .

  13. 你有没有停止工作开始生活过?更重要的是,你分清工作和生活之间的界限了吗?对于很多人来说,工作已经占据了他们的生活,他们不知道这两者的界限和起止点。

    Do you ever stop working and start living ? More importantly , do you know where the boundary is between your work and your life ? For many , work has taken over their lives . They don 't know where one begins and one ends .