
  • 网络Boy band
  1. 男孩乐队OneDirection用1D牌牙刷和牙膏确保了粉丝们在微笑时总能露出一口散发着珍珠白光泽的牙齿。

    Boy band one direction found a way to make sure their fans always have the pearliest white smiles with their 1D toothbrush and toothpaste .

  2. 然而,一些亮灯仪式没有按计划进行,就好像伯明翰发生的状况:著名的英国男孩乐队JLS登台时,人潮拥挤,造成数十人受伤。

    However , some celebrations do not go according to plan as was seen in Birmingham when dozens of people were injured in a crowd surge as the famous British boy band JLS took the stage .

  3. 这些音乐包括美国黑人说唱歌手MC。哈默、金发美女乐队、沙滩男孩乐队和蒂娜-特娜等艺人的流行卡拉ok歌

    Tracks include popular karaoke favorites by artists such as MC Hammer , Blondie , The Beach Boys and Tina Turner 。

  4. SM公司为旗下最火的男孩乐队之一打造了两个版本:成员共6人的EXO-K以韩语演唱,而对应的EXO-M的6名成员则瞄准巨大的中国市场,用中文演唱同样的歌曲。

    It has produced two iterations of one of its most popular boy bands : the six members of EXO-K sing in Korean , while their counterparts in EXO-M perform the same songs in Mandarin for the huge Chinese market .

  5. 然而我们到底有多了解男孩乐队?

    Yet how much do we really know about boy bands ?

  6. 然而乐坛上又出现了另一支男孩乐队。

    Yet another boy band has appeared on the music scene .

  7. 男孩乐队岛,但愿这是暂时的

    Boy Band Island ? Hope that 's just a phase .

  8. 现在有好多男孩乐队喔。

    There are so many boy bands now .

  9. 现在我认为鸡尾酒和男孩乐队是形势正在好转的明确征兆。

    Now I take cocktails and boy bands as a definite sign that things must be getting better .

  10. 他们莫非是新版新街区男孩乐队,就像先前的新街区男孩乐队一样?

    Are they the new new kids on the block , same as the old new kids on the block ?

  11. 但是看来每个人在超级男孩乐队说了“再见”之后很长时间内仍然会记住披头士乐队。

    But it seems that everyone will remember the Beatles long after'N Sync has said bye , bye , bye .

  12. 刚出道的时候,神话呈现在人们面前的是一个非常典型的男孩乐队,有着可爱的外表和与之相配的包装。

    In their early days , Shinhwa were generally marketed as a typical boy band with cute looks and matching outfits .

  13. 也不应该取决于另一个人的爱,即使他是在一个超级著名的男孩乐队里。

    Nor should it hinge on the love of another person & even if he is in a super-famous boy band .

  14. 在这个男孩乐队当道的年代,爵士乐让我们记起在聆听音乐时,那种超凡而愉悦的体验是多么美好。

    In this era of boy bands , jazz reminds us of what a sublime and rewarding experience listening to music can be .

  15. 更说明问题的是:除了日本,世界上哪个国家里最著名的男孩乐队会有自己的烹饪节目?

    But more to the point : Where else on the planet would a country 's biggest boy band have its own cooking show ?

  16. 如同一支男孩乐队或某个街头帮派一样,金砖四国之所以被选中,与其说是由于其共性,不如说是因为它们具备不同的能力。

    Like a boy band or a street gang , the BRICs might almost have been chosen for their disparate abilities rather than their similarities .

  17. 寂寞男孩乐队的首张以自己乐队名字命名的专辑,内容丰满,让人难以相信所有这些作品是由三个人创作的。

    The band 's self-titled debut album is packed so tightly , it 's hard to believe all of this music was created by a trio .

  18. 林溢欣发型时尚、衣着得体,看上去更像是一位男孩乐队的歌手,而不是教师。他的拥趸很多。

    Mr Lam , who looks more like a boy-band singer than a teacher with his fashionably coiffed hair and fitted clothes , enjoys a strong following .

  19. 歌手泽恩·马利克退出热门的“单向”男孩乐队,进而导致数以百万计的世界各地少女心碎——这会有什么宇宙学效应吗?

    What is the cosmological effect of singer Zayn Malik leaving the best-selling boy band One Direction and consequently disappointing millions of teenage girls around the world ?

  20. 理查森再次展示他的明星风范,或至少在大多男孩乐队视频里的准明星风范。

    Richardson also again showed all the mannerisms of a pop star , or at least a would-be pop star , who 's seen a lot of boy band videos .

  21. 这个小男孩乐队竟然刚刚为这首歌发布了一个新的抒情视频,好吧,这些歌词感觉非常不适合由他们来唱,因为他们的乐迷们明显是青少年。

    The little boy band that could has just released a new lyric video for the song and , well , those lyrics feel pretty inappropriate for them to sing to their decidedly tween / Teen fanbase .

  22. 与宠物店男孩乐队合作制作了单曲“让我带你开心”之后,“我不常做这种事”巩固了罗比的实力,最终评论家也做出了积极的反应。

    Following single " Let Me Entertain You " with a Pet Shop Boys " I Wouldn 't Normally Do This Kind Of Thing " confirmed Robbie 's quality and eventually the critics response was good as well .

  23. 一张幻灯片分条说明了下一年的发布计划:一个季度将推出一个尚未宣布的“男孩乐队一”的一首单曲,下一个季度将预告“女孩乐队”和“男孩乐队二”的新唱片发布。

    One slide breaks down planned releases for the year ahead : one quarter will bring a single from the as yet unannounced " boy band I , " while the next will herald releases from " girl band " and " boy band II . "