
diàn wǎng
  • power grid;electrified wire netting;live wire entanglement;transmission-line system of electric power
电网 [diàn wǎng]
  • (1) [electrified wire netting;live wire entanglement;power grid]∶用来防敌或防盗的可以通电的金属网

  • (2) [transmission-line system of electric power]∶ 一个较大地区内的发电、输电系统

电网[diàn wǎng]
  1. 该方法已成功应用于飞机电网路分析计算软件的前台人机界面程序中。

    The method has been successfully used in foreground MMI program of analysing and calculating software for aircraft electrified wire netting .

  2. 由于感性负荷的比例大,造成供电电网的功率因数低,损耗大。

    Because of inductance loading is larger , the power factors of electrified wire netting are lower and the loss is higher .

  3. 工厂有电网围着。

    The factory is surrounded by electric fencing .

  4. 该工程计划为国家电网发电约30兆瓦。

    The project is designed to generate around 30 megawatts of power for the national grid .

  5. 如果越来越多的人成为“产消合一者”,自己随时产出并消费能源,那些曾花费数十年和上百亿美金建造的中央电网该怎么办呢?

    What happens to the centralized electric grid , which took decades and billions of dollars to build , as more and more people become " prosumers , " who produce and consume their own energy onsite ?

  6. 或许为挖井、扩建电网、制造更便宜的洗衣机等等不太时髦的东西花钱,会比给每个孩子一台笔记本电脑或在农村建立互联网中心更能改善人们的生活。我并不是说这些事情更重要,但许多捐赠者在没有仔细评估资金替代使用的相对长期成本和收益的情况下,就匆忙参与了一些花哨的项目。

    Perhaps giving money for those less fashionable things such as digging wells , extending electricity networks and making more affordable washing machines would have improved people 's lives more than giving every child a laptop computer or setting up Internet centres in rural villages , I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important , but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money .

  7. 电网动态监控信息Web浏览的实现

    Implementation of Web Browser for Dynamic Supervisory Control Message of Power Network

  8. 结合监视控制和数据收集(SCADA&SupervisoryControlAndDataAcquisition)系统,为实现电网谐波的实时监控提供了基础。

    It paves the way to monitor harmonic in real time together with SCADA ( Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ) system .

  9. 电网谐波分析及基于双DSP控制的有源电力滤波器

    Harmonic Analysis for Power Net and Active Power Filter Based on Dual-DSP Controller

  10. GIS在电网调度中的应用研究

    GIS in Electrical Network Dispatch Applied Research

  11. 低压电网基于发射效率的OFDM比特分配算法

    Bit Allocation Algorithm for Low Voltage Network OFDM Systems Based Transmitted Efficiency

  12. PWM整流器虚拟电网磁链定向矢量控制仿真研究

    Simulation Study on the Virtual Line Flux Oriented Vector Control of the PWM Rectifier

  13. 灵活交流输电技术(FACTS)是我国电网发展急需的、最具发展潜力的技术之一。

    FACTS technology , with the best potential in the development of China power grid , is required immediately .

  14. 华东电网的联络线区域控制偏差(ACE)考核

    Implementation of tie-line area control error ( ace ) examination in East China Power Grid

  15. PAS系统在地区电网调度的应用与分析

    Application and Analysis on the PAS System for Region Electric Power Network Dispatching

  16. 然而由于电网频率的波动,实际上一个周期内的采样点数N是随频率的变化而变化的,因此必然存在同步偏差,影响测量精度。

    As the variations of the signal frequency , the real number of samples in one cycle changes with the fluctuation of signal frequency which will lead to sampling synchronous deviation .

  17. 离散傅里叶(DFT)算法是电网实时运行系统中进行相量测量的基本算法。

    Discrete fourier transform ( DFT ) is the basic method for measuring the phasor of power system in real-time .

  18. 并以某市电网为例,采用C语言编写程序对其可靠性参数进行了一系列计算,以此评价整个系统的可靠性,并且找出网络的薄弱环节及最需要加强的部分。

    One city power network ~ s reliability parameters are calculated using a C program . Based on it , the whole system reliability is evaluated and lie weakest parts can be found and enhanced .

  19. 建立层次清晰、结构简单、接线规范、冗余度合理、技术适度超前的电网框架,实现城市电网N-1准则。

    An electric network for of clear layer , simple structure , standard connection , rational redundancy and appropriate advance technology is set up ," N-1 " standard of city network is realized .

  20. 由于成本原因,当前PMU配置还不能保证电网可观。

    For too high cost for PMU placement , the network is not observable only with PMU .

  21. 针对目前浙江电网中无功电压的调控手段相对落后的情况,本文提出了采用一种重要的FACTS设备静态无功补偿器(SVC)来改善浙江电网无功电压控制的方案。

    In order to improve the voltage control techniques , an advanced scheme based on a thyristor-controlled FACTS device & namely SVC is introduced in this thesis .

  22. 电力系统区域间电网的可用输电能力(ATC)是所有电力市场参与者进行交易活动所必须了解的一项重要参数。

    Available transfer capability ( ATC ) of interconnected power systems is important information for all the participants in power markets .

  23. 关于6~10kV电网中性点接地方式的讨论

    Research on neutral grounding in 6 ~ 10kV power networks

  24. 然而,国外低压电力线通信Modem芯片在国内使用却效果很差,这是因为国内恶劣的电网环境与国外有很大差别。

    But there is a bad effect of using the abroad PLC Modem chips when applied in our country . This is because the different PLC environment between domestic and foreign .

  25. 山区35kV电网新型运行方式探讨

    New Operation Method of 35 kV Power System in Mountainous Area

  26. 当前电网中引入了许多基于AIS和GIS技术组合的新型高压开关装置,行内称之为HGIS。

    A lot of new HV switchgears based on AIS & GIS that is named as HGIS have been introduced in current power grid .

  27. 广西电网DTS系统的投入使用在加强调度员培训、提高其技能以及开展电力系统运行研究、分析等方面发挥了重要的作用。

    The application of DTS to training the dispatcher , electrical power system analysis and so on has played the vital role .

  28. 并深入探讨了影响LSC的几个因素:电网拓朴结构、节点负荷分布比例、电源配置,对每个制约因素分别进行了算例分析。

    Discuss the factor influencing the LSC value : network structure , distributing proportion of load , power supply configuration .

  29. 吉林省220kV及以上电网计量装置存在的问题

    Problems of Metering Device in 220 kV and over Power Grid of Jilin Province

  30. 加强安徽电网500kV主网架规划的构想

    A Concept on Enhancement of Planning for 500 kV Main Grid in Anhui Power Network