
  • 网络television person;tv people
  1. 然而作为电视人,我们不得不面对收视率高低直接影响广告商投资和栏目经济效益这一事实。

    However as the TV people , we have to face the ratings will directly influence the advertisers invest or not this fact .

  2. 中国古典名著《三国演义》堪称是中华上下五千年文化宝库中的一枝奇葩,也是不同时代的电视人爱不释手的一个重要文本。

    Chinese classic " Romance of Three Kingdoms " is a wonderful novel in Chinese thousand years ; TV people in the different times love it .

  3. 这一现象引起我国电视人的注意。

    The phenomenon was paid attention to TV workers in China .

  4. 在其他英语地区,这样的电视人会被称为新闻播音员。

    In other English-speaking lands , such television personalities would be known as news presenters .

  5. 这名电视人,厨师,作家,企业家表示对于分手感到十分难过。

    The TV personality , chef , author and entrepreneur has revealed that the split brings her great sadness .

  6. 随着更多电视人的更多尝试,说新闻脚本的增多,学术界的讨论也异常火热。

    As more and more try of TVers , the increase in news scripts , the academic discussion is also extremely hot .

  7. 中宝公司由专业的电视人及资深的广告人组成,是一家从事电视节目制作经营与广告制作代理发布的专业广告媒体公司。

    Staffed with television and veteran advertising professionals , Zhongbao is an advertising media company that specializes in television production and advertising agency and release .

  8. 几天之内,众多顶级的音乐家、演员和电视人共同参与联合劝募会的一起《英雄礼赞》的明星劝募活动。

    Within days , many top musicians , actors , and TV personalities joined forces to participate in a Tribute to Heroes celebrity telethon for the United Way .

  9. 电视人应该贯彻深入学习社会主义荣辱观,用优秀健康的电视娱乐节目建设社会主义和谐社会。

    The TV makers should carry out learning " the socialist outlook on honor and shame " deeply , build socialist Harmonious society with excellent healthy Entertainment TV Show .

  10. 资深电视人、社会活动家,现任中国湖南广播影视集团驻北京办主任,拥有丰富的行业资源和管理经验。

    He is a TV Senior , social activists . Now , he is the director of the China 's Hunan Radio , Film and TV Group 's General Office in Beijing .

  11. 同时,笔者认为,作为电视人,首先要在心里牢固树立起社会主义核心价值观,明确自己的社会职责。

    At the same time , the author thinks , as the TV people , first of all to the heart to firmly establish the socialist core values , clear their social responsibilities .

  12. 中国电视人应借鉴韩剧成功的经验,结合我们中国自身的特点和优势,并制定出可行的实施战略,使我们的国产电视剧也走得更高更远。

    Chinese TV people should should learn the successful experience of Korean dramas , and develop a feasible implementation strategy according to our own characteristics and advantages so that our domestic dramas can go farther and higher .

  13. 电视给人一种经历现实的错觉,而实际上并没有。

    Television deludes you into thinking you have experienced reality , when you haven 't

  14. 作为一个电视撰稿人和记者,他一直很活跃。

    He has been active as a television writer and journalist .

  15. 凯拉·奈特利之前和男演员鲁伯特·弗兰德(RupertFriend)交往几年,分手后,去年2月经由电视出品人艾莉克莎·陈(AlexaChung)介绍认识现男友詹姆斯·莱顿。

    The London-born star , 27 , started dating the 28-year-old keyboard player last year after being introduced by mutual friend Alexa Chung .

  16. 另外那两个定是独立电视夏尔巴人。

    Those two going the other way are probably ITV sherpas .

  17. 是的,但是同时电视使人获得娱乐。

    Yes , but at the same time TV is entertaining .

  18. 毫无疑问,看电视的人将看到更多想买的东西。

    Viewers will doubtless see even more new products to crave .

  19. 看电视的人都会知道怎样延迟引燃导火索。

    Anyone who watches television knows how to improvise a slow fuse .

  20. 你记得修电视那个人被暴打一顿的事?

    You remember when our cable guy was beaten up ?

  21. 浅析电视说书人在故事类节目中的素养生成

    On the Quality Cultivation of TV Story-teller in Story Programs

  22. 她目前正在担任新闻领域的电视支持人。

    She is currently working as a television hostees in the news area .

  23. 电视对人有很大的影响。

    Television has a strong influence on people .

  24. 送你电视的人将被以妨碍司法公正起诉。

    And the guy who bought itfor you is gonna be bookedon obstructionof justice charges .

  25. 对于蚊子来说,运动让你更具吸引力,远远超过整日呆在沙发上看电视的人。

    To a mosquito , exercise makes you far more appealing than a couch potato .

  26. 有人声称电视使人堕落。

    It is claimed that television corrupts .

  27. 好啦,这就是我们电视天气人台唯一要的东西。

    Well , those are the only things we look for in a TV weatherperson .

  28. 电视糊弄人的浅薄无聊。

    The mesmerizing inanity of television .

  29. 那些在家里几乎没有电视的人也会观看世界杯比赛。

    The few who have TV in their homes will be watching the World Cup games .

  30. ◆电视给人以快乐。

    Television affords pleasure for us .