
  • 网络Iron Tail
  1. 分别以铁尾矿砂和铁尾矿石代替天然砂和普通碎石配制了C30和C60两个强度等级的混凝土。

    Concretes of C30 and C60 were prepared with iron mine tailings as fine aggregate and coarse aggregate and with natural sand and common crushed stone separately .

  2. 铁尾矿砂对混凝土工作性和强度的影响

    Effects of Ferrous Mill Tailings as Aggreagtes on Workability and Strength of Concrete

  3. 铁尾矿用作建筑材料的进展

    Advance in Applying Iron Tailings as Building Material

  4. 无机结合料稳定铁尾矿砂的疲劳及冻融循环特性的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Fatigue and Freezing-thawing Performance of Ferrous Mill Tailings Stabilized with Inorganic Binding Materials

  5. 不同植被恢复模式下铁尾矿物种多样性、土壤养分及生物因子研究

    Study of Various Vegetative Restoration Patterns on Species Diversity and Soil Nutrients and Creature Factors in Iron Tailings

  6. 本文采用样地法对唐山不同植被恢复模式下铁尾矿物种多样性、土壤养分和土壤生物因子进行了调查。

    The species diversity , soil chemical factors and biological factors of different vegetation restoration patterns in Tangshan iron tailings were studied in the paper .

  7. 使用时须注意:铁尾矿粉含水量大,应采取强制喂料保证下料顺畅;

    Following matters should be noticed during operation : as the great moisture in iron tailing powder , enforced feeding should be adopted for smooth discharge ;

  8. 本文在此基础上,通过室内疲劳试验和冻融循环试验,对无机结合料稳定铁尾矿砂的疲劳特性和抗冻融耐久性进行了研究。

    On the basis of those , durability of fatigue and freezing-thawing resistance performance of inorganic binders stabilized ferrous mill tailings with the optimal ratio were studied by indoor test .

  9. 离心分离是回收铁尾矿渣中细粒铁的高效方法,具有快速、成本低、对环境无污染等优点。

    Centrifugal concentration , which can separate materials quickly at a low cost and in an environment friendly manner , is an effective method for recovering micro iron values from iron tailings residue .

  10. 本课题以实际工程为背景对铁尾矿石作为级配碎石底基层、铁矿渣作为水泥稳定矿渣基层和废旧沥青再利用展开研究,具有较好的现实意义。

    This paper introduces the research on the use of iron tailings for graded broken stone in cushion , iron slag for cement stabilized slag in base and the reuse of wasted asphalt in pavement .

  11. 连续离心分离设备可有效用于处理高铁物料铁尾矿渣,可解决目前国内外工业应用离心机适用于处理微量金属物料的技术难题。

    The continuous centrifugal concentrator , which can be used to concentrate iron tailings residue of high iron content , may be an important supplementary for the centrifugal concentrators available domestic and abroad , which are effective in the treatment of very lean metallic materials .

  12. 因此,两种PRB的实际应用效果良好。(5)高温再生能使碳钢渣和铁改性不锈钢尾渣对砷的去除能力显著提高。

    Therefore , the effect of the two kinds of steel slag PRB are both good . ( 5 ) The performance of removing arsenic is significantly improved by carbon steel slag and stainless steel tail slag with iron modification after high temperature burning and regeneration .