
  • 网络electric thruster
  1. 羽流是反映电推力器工作性能的重要依据,Langmuir探针诊断羽流等离子体参数有三种方法:单探针法、双探针法和三探针法。

    Plume is an important basis reflecting the working performance of the electric thruster . The methods of langmuir probe diagnosing plume plasma parameters divide into three ways : single probe method , double probe method and triple probe method .

  2. 实验证明此测量方法可准确测得电推力器工作的小推力。

    Experiment validated that this measure method can measure small thrust of electric thruster accurately .

  3. 本研究对电推力器的污染评估具有参考价值。

    Research of this paper is the referable for the contamination assessment of electric thrusters .

  4. 电推力器产生的微小推力分为连续型和脉冲型。

    The thrust produced by the electric thruster can be split into continuous pattern and pulse pattern .

  5. 由于推力是电推力器的重要性能参数之一,进而对电推力器的小推力开展测量方法研究。

    Thrust is among the important performance parameters for the electric thruster , and then the research on small thrust measurement method for the electric thruster is carried out .

  6. 扼要介绍了电推进技术的发展历史,概述了不同形式(电热、电磁和静电三大类)电推力器的特点及应用情况,指出了为满足不同空间任务电推进的发展趋势;

    The history of electric propulsion technology development was summarized . The features and application status of different types of electric thruster were analyzed .