
  • e-Sports;E-Sport;Electronic Sports
  1. 在电子竞技中,玩家们在众多观众面前玩游戏并进行对抗。

    In e-sports , teams of gamers play electronic games in front of many people and compete .

  2. 就像足球、篮球和棒球一样,电子竞技在全世界都很流行。

    Just like soccer , basketball and baseball , e-sports has become very popular around the world .

  3. 在英文中,E-sports是电子竞技的简称。

    E-sports is short for electronic sports .

  4. 图二显示了去年的一项调查,展示了中国大学生最喜欢的前三大电子竞技项目。

    Chart Ⅱ shows the top three most followed e-sports among Chinese college students from a survey last year .

  5. 这样就实现了电子竞技游戏的Internet联机功能。

    And so the Internet online function of the electronic sports games has been realized .

  6. 英特尔公司(Intel)赞助电子竞技已经有十年的历史了。

    Intel has been sponsoring eSports for over 10 years now .

  7. 电子竞技正在全美大学校园里遍地开花,哈佛和佛罗里达州立大学(FloridaStateUniversity)也不例外。

    Video game competitions , also known as e-sports , have taken off on campuses across the country , including Harvard and Florida State University .

  8. 负责监督高校体育活动的全美大学生体育协会(NationalCollegiateAthleticAssociation)表示,他们对校园电子竞技活动无可置评。

    The National Collegiate Athletic Association , which oversees college athletics , said it had no comment about e-sports on campus .

  9. Relativity公司剧场营销总裁拉赛尔o施瓦茨表示,电子竞技已经发展成一类新的电视节目,只不过是在网络上播出。

    Russell Schwartz , president of theatrical marketing at Relativity said eSports is the new appointment TV , only it 's online .

  10. RiotGames公司的电竞副总裁达斯汀o贝克指出:我们在体育场里举办的比赛门票全部售光,充分说明了玩家们对电子竞技的热情。

    Selling out stadiums shows how passionate players are about eSports , said Dustin Beck , VP of eSports at Riot Games .

  11. 政府也参与其中,成立了韩国电子竞技协会(KoreanE-SportsAssociation,简称KeSPA),负责电子竞技体育的管理工作。

    The government also became involved , creating the Korean E-Sports Association to manage e-sports .

  12. 他于2011年创办了普斯投资,并投资了IG电子竞技俱乐部和饮食概念控股有限公司。

    He founded Prometheus Capital in 2011 and has made investments in Invictus Gaming , Dining Concepts Holdings .

  13. 华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)竞技项目发言人卡特·汉德森(CarterHenderson)说,该部门没有人熟悉电子竞技,因此无法讨论这个话题。

    Carter Henderson , a spokesman for the University of Washington 's athletics program , said no one from the department was familiar enough with e-sports to discuss the topic .

  14. 红牛(RedBull)过去三年一直在积极拥抱电子竞技,一开始它把重点放在暴雪公司(BlizzardEntertainment)的《星际争霸2》上,后来又加入了《Dota2》。

    Red Bull has embraced eSports over the past three years , focusing first on Blizzard Entertainment 's StarCraft 2 and adding Dota 2 to the mix .

  15. 三星White队的一名选手挥舞长矛要杀死皇族电子竞技俱乐部(StarHornRoyalClub)的一名玩家时,一大群游戏迷早早地就欢呼了起来。皇族战队由三名中国选手和两名韩国选手组成。

    The throng of fans erupted early on , when a Samsung White player wielded a spear to kill a player from the Star Horn Royal Club , a team of three Chinese players and two Koreans .

  16. 今年,亚马逊(Amazon)以将近10亿美元的价格收购了成名于播放电子竞技比赛的视频流服务Twitch。

    Twitch , a video streaming service that made its name broadcasting e-sport matches , was acquired this year for close to $ 1 billion by Amazon .

  17. 当前电子竞技通过视频直播,在网络上已经拥有了比许多体育项目更庞大的观众群,甚至超过了X-Games和不少NBA、NHL的比赛。

    ESports already has greater viewership online via streaming than many sports today , including the X-Games and many NBA and NHL games .

  18. 英特尔、可口可乐、美国运通、金霸王电池、HTC、英伟达和明基等大品牌已经进军电子竞技市场。

    Big brands like Intel , Coca-Cola , American Express , Duracell , HTC , Nvidia , and Benq have already tapped into the eSports audience .

  19. 传统体育竞赛与电子竞技的主要区别之一,是用户通过直播流在亚马逊视频游戏网站Twitch和YouTube上创建的内容的受欢迎程度。

    One of the big differences between traditional sports leagues and eSports is the popularity of user-generated content via livestreams on Amazon-owned Twitch and YouTube videos .

  20. 我们相信电子竞技有助于保持X-Games极限运动的关注度。

    We believe that eSports helps keep the X-Games relevant .

  21. 我们的目标是走在电子竞技的前沿,深信CGS是一个真正的竞技联赛。

    Our goal was to be ahead of the curve in thee-sports space , and conceived of CGS as a true sports league .

  22. 他是学校电子竞技队的顶级玩家,今年6月帮助圣何塞州立一路过关斩将,最终击败加州州立大学富勒顿分校(CaliforniaStateUniversity,Fullerton),赢得了一项赛事的冠军。这次比赛有近9万人在网上观战。

    He is a top player on the school 's competitive video game team , helping San Jose State claw its way to victory in June over California State University , Fullerton , in a tournament watched online by nearly 90000 people .

  23. 定睛一看,衍生产品展销区、COSPLAY表演区、电子竞技体验区里,日本、欧美动漫形象无处不在。

    A closer look , derivatives exhibition area , COSPLAY performance area , e-sports experience zone , Japan , Europe , the cartoon image everywhere .

  24. 比赛场地设在RiotGames在加州曼哈顿比奇经营的一个电子竞技室,观众席上人声鼎沸。华盛顿大学五名学生组成的一个团队最终赢得了比赛。在高峰期,有16.9万多人在线观看了这场比赛。

    A team of five students from the University of Washington won in front of a roaring audience at an e-sports studio that Riot operates in Manhattan Beach , Calif. , with 169000 more people watching online at the tournament 's peak .

  25. 零度可乐与《英雄联盟》携手,同时与Riot合作开始一个全新的系列业余比赛将会给玩家们带来一些特别的东西,并在国际体育界将电子竞技提升到全新高度。

    Pairing coke zero with League of legends and collaborating with riot on a new Amateur series will bring something special to the players and help elevate eSports to a new level in the world of international sports .

  26. Newbee电子竞技俱乐部经理佟鑫说,大多数职业选手的APM(即每分钟操作次数)都超过300,相当于平均每秒钟能进行5次操作。

    Most professional players see their APM ( actions per minute ) * surpassing 300 , according to Newbee 's manager Tong Xin . That 's an average of five unique actions every second .

  27. 上周六,中国电子竞技俱乐部IG战队在韩国仁川以3:0击败了欧洲老牌劲旅FNC战队,赢得了LPL第一个S系列赛冠军。

    Chinese eSports club Invictus Gaming ( iG ) claimed Chinese mainland 's first world championship in League of Legends ( LOL ) after beating European team Fnatic 3-0 in Inchon , South Korea last Saturday .

  28. 我们需要ESL,WCG和ESWC,需要理解电子竞技的游戏开发者,并且有志于帮助电子竞技的发展,说服他人,培养他们。

    We need the ESL , WCG and ESWC to work with game developers who know of esports and are willing to help , and to convince others and educate them .

  29. 如果有人还在质疑电子竞技的魔力,只需要看看今年在美国西雅图KeyArena体育馆举办的《Dota2》国际邀请赛的现场视频就知道了。

    Anyone who still has doubts about the validity of eSports , or electronic sports , needs only to look at videos out of the sold-out KeyArena in Seattle from Valve 's Dota 2 : The International tournament .

  30. 除此之外,还有一个例子能够说明传统体育竞技和电子竞技的界限正在渐渐模糊。今年六月在X-Games极限运动的奥斯汀站上,举办了一场由八支电竞队伍参加的《使命的召唤:幽灵》邀请赛。

    Also blurring the line between sports and eSports is the fact that traditional Red Bull extreme athletes were competing at X-Games Austin in June for the exact same medals that Call of Duty Ghosts teams were playing for .