
  • 网络underlying technology
  1. 在堆栈的最上端,底层技术Web服务引擎接收调用。

    At the top of the stack , the underlying technology Web-services engine receives the call .

  2. 虽然JavaFXScript在语法上与Java代码有所区别,但是大部分底层技术是相同的。

    Although JavaFX Script differs in syntax from Java code , much of the underlying technology is the same .

  3. BPM需要将图和底层技术解耦。

    BPM needs a decoupling between the diagram and the technics underneath .

  4. 实际上,Axis是允许LotusDominoV7提供Web服务的底层技术!

    In fact , a version of Axis is the underlying technology that allows Lotus Domino V7 to provide Web services !

  5. FCS:领域自动化底层技术中的数字通信

    FCS : Digital Communication in the Low Level Technique of the World Automation

  6. 数据集市作为一种支持DSS的底层技术,具有很好的优势,值得推广应用。

    Data mart as a support for the underlying technology , DSS has a good advantage , is worth popularizing .

  7. 它就像是一个速度更快、更直观的蓝牙版本,使用内置于多数智能手机的一种名为WiFiDirect的底层技术。

    It works like a faster , more intuitive version of Bluetooth , using an underlying technology called WiFi Direct that is built into most smartphones .

  8. 再次强调,底层技术始终是DB2,因此在选择版本时不需要考虑可移植性、易用性等等。

    Again , the underlying technology is always DB2 , so decisions about what edition to use has nothing to do with portability , ease of use , etc.

  9. 然而,J2EE只是为快速开发框架提供了底层技术保障,需要引入模式为框架提供层次的定义和体系架构的设计。

    However , J2EE only provide the framework for the rapid development of the underlying technical support , a need to introduce models provide the framework for the definition and level architecture design .

  10. ApacheAries的目标是支持企业应用程序的创建,将OSGi用作一个底层技术来将各部件绑定在一起。

    The goal of Apache Aries is to enable the construction of enterprise applications using OSGi as an underlying technology to tie the various parts together .

  11. 因此,毫不奇怪,下一个版本的Javaservlet规范包括异步请求处理(即Comet背后的底层技术)的标准化。

    Thus it should come as no surprise that the next version of the Java Servlet specification includes a standardization of asynchronous request processing , or , the underlying technology behind Comet .

  12. 本文首先对PKI体系的底层技术进行深入研究,重点分析了非对称密码椭圆曲线密码体制,并将它与其他密码技术进行了比较。

    The main contributions of this dissertation include : Firstly , deeply research on underlying techniques of PKI system , emphatically analyze dissymmetrical public-key cryptography ECC and compare it with other cryptography techniques .

  13. XHTML和XML是Web界面之下最常用的三种底层技术,VoiceXML(或简称为VXML)则是一种密切相关的技术,它使得电话客户机可以利用Web交互。

    HTML , XHTML , and XML are three of the most common technologies underlying Web interfaces , and VoiceXML ( or VXML ) is a closely related technology that makes Web interactions available to phone clients .

  14. 通过对目前普遍使用的三种分布式对象底层技术平台解决方案的分析研究,针对医疗行业的特点,提出并设计了体系结构中的分布式对象技术平台MUSCLE,并基于CORBA/EJB集成方案进行了实现。

    Through an analysis into three schemes for distributed object-oriented technical platform , considering the peculiarity of medicare field , the distributed object-oriented technology platform MUSCLE is designed , and is implemented on the base of integration scheme of CORBA / EJB .

  15. Groovy服务器页面中的Groovy不仅代表底层技术,还代表可以快速编写一两个scriptlet的语言。

    The Groovy in Groovy Server Pages not only identifies the underlying technology , but also the language you can use if you want to write a quick scriptlet or two .

  16. 厦门KT信息技术有限公司创建于1999年。是一家注册资金2500万元,以3S(地理信息系统GIS、遥感RS、全球定位系统GPS)底层技术开发与集成应用为核心业务的民营IT企业。

    Xiamen KT Information Technology Co. , Ltd was founded in 1999 , registration capital 25 million RMB , is a private IT enterprise with " 3S " ( GIS , RS , GPS ) software technology development and integration application as its core business .

  17. Rootkit是一项操作系统底层技术,能够持续获得系统特权,同时通过破坏传统操作系统的功能或其他应用来隐藏它的存在。

    Rootkit is a kind of software that enables continued privileged access to a computer while actively hiding its presence from administrators by subverting standard operating system functionality or other applications .

  18. Shoal/GMS是一个较新的项目,基于一系列底层技术(包括JXTA和JGroups)提供了一种高层解决方案。

    Shoal / GMS is a more recent project that provides a high-level solution layered over a range of low-level technologies including JXTA and JGroups .

  19. 为实现业务敏捷性和灵活性,大多数组织正采用BPM作为模拟、建模、执行、监视和管理与领域一致的关键业务流程的方法(通过抽象底层技术系统、应用程序逻辑和IT的其他方面)。

    To achieve business agility and flexibility , most organizations are adopting BPM as an approach for simulating , modeling , executing , monitoring , and managing key domain-aligned business processes by abstracting the underneath technical system , application logic , and other aspects of IT .

  20. LightSwitch是微软为“所有技能等级开发者”提供的一种工具,这些开发者期望在很短的时间内构建出简单的业务应用,而不需要了解大多数底层技术。

    LightSwitch is a Microsoft tool for " developers of all skill levels " who want to build simple business applications in a short time without having to understand most of the underlying technologies .

  21. 游戏引擎是一个处理游戏底层技术的平台。

    Game engine is a platform technique in game design .

  22. 而最令人激动的,正是比特币背后的底层技术。

    And it is the underlying technology behind bitcoin that most excites .

  23. 核电站仪控系统的底层技术自主化

    Independence for First Floor Technology of Nuclear Power Station 's I & C System

  24. 它们对代码有比较好的控制并抽象开底层技术。

    They keep a better control of code and abstract away the underlying technologies .

  25. 再次强调,底层技术

    Again , the underlying technology is

  26. 识别和解决这些问题的诀窍是更好地理解底层技术。

    The trick behind identifying and solving these problems is to better understand the underlying technology .

  27. 为企业网络化制造、高自动化生产奠定良好底层技术基础。

    This establish good and basic technical foundation for enterprise to achieve network manufacturing and highly automation manufacturing .

  28. 我们还利用底层技术将这些度量与其他关键指标(财务指标)结合起来。

    We also leveraged the underlying technology to couple those measurements with other key metrics , namely financial ones .

  29. 在实现中,本文还开发了用于任务管理和任务监控的中间件,试图屏蔽网格管理的底层技术。

    The development of a task management middleware and a task monitoring middleware is also discussed in this chapter .

  30. 为了让商家保持竞争地位,就必须管理应用程序所依据的底层技术。

    In order for a business to remain competitive it must manage the underlying technology on which its applications are built .