
  • 网络multistage interconnection network;MIN;Multistage Interconnection Network, MIN
  1. 多级互连网络的图分析与设计法

    The graphical analysis and design method for multistage interconnection network

  2. 本文介绍一种多级互连网络的图分析与设计方法。

    In this paper , a graphical analysis and design method for multistage interconnection network is described .

  3. 多级互连网络中的multicast通信

    Multicast communication in multistage interconnect network

  4. ATM交换结构&多级互连网络

    Multistage Interconnection Networks for ATM Switching

  5. 提出了基于BR网络的分配方法,该方法能用于多级互连网络系统中任意立方任务的分配。

    To solve both problems , a method of tasks allocation based on the bit-reverse ( BR ) network is proposed , which can be used for any dynamic cubic tasks allocation in MIN.

  6. 设计和实现一个可重排无阻塞的大规模视频矩阵切换网络.基于多级互连网络,以视频交叉点开关作为基本的交换模块,组成一个三级非对称Clos网络。

    To design and realize a large scale video frequency switching network , which is rearrangeable and nonblocking , taking the video crosspoint switch as the basic switching unit , a three stage nonblocking Clos network was constructed , and the signal route was selected by a route table .

  7. 多级互连网络的Ω拓扑等价定理

    ω - topological equivalent problem on Multistage Interconnection Networks

  8. 多级互连网络结构研究

    An investigation on the structure of multistage interconnection networks

  9. 多级互连网络的故障诊断和自校验

    Fault - diagnosis and self-checking of multistage interconnection networks

  10. 多级互连网络互连函数的矩阵理论

    Matrix theory of interconnection function for multistage interconnection networks

  11. 多级互连网络有效带宽研究

    On effective bandwidth of multi-stage interconnection networks

  12. 在光学多级互连网络的实现中,光学2×2开关的构造是至关重要的。

    The optical 2 × 2 switching is the key part of the implementation of the optical multistage interconnection network .

  13. 多级互连网络用于将多台计算机连接到一起。我们在一起

    ISCs and switchers form a multistage interconnection network that connects processors together to form a multiprocessor system . The More We Get Together

  14. 讨论了在多级互连网络中的任务分配方法,指出了外部冲突和内部分割是基于多级互连网络系统主要的瓶颈问题;

    This paper describe tasks allocation in Multistage Interconnection Network ( MIN ) . Internal conflicts and External partition are the main bottlenecks in MIN.

  15. 关于多播操作(尤其是多源点多播)的研究是一个有一定难度,但又具有重要应用价值的问题,也是目前多级互连网络研究领域中的一个热门课题。

    Researches on the multicast , especially multiple multicast , for the multistage interconnection networks ( MINs ) is a very difficult problem with great significance .

  16. 可扩展并行处理机系统有两个需要解决的问题:(1)多级互连网络的延迟;(2)吞吐能力。

    There are two bottle-necks in scalable parallel processing systems :( 1 ) Thetransmission delay in interconnection network , and ( 2 ) The throughput capability .

  17. 本文首先讨论一类拓扑结构上等效的多级互连网络的故障诊断,提出一种比较简单而对故障模型限制又小的故障定位方法。

    In this paper , fault-diagnosis for a topologically equivalent class of multistage interconnection networks is discussed , and a simple method for fault locating , which imposes little restriction on the fault model , is proposed .

  18. 与同类研究相比,本文的研究具有更通用的特点,能够方便地构造不同的动态和静态网络,特别是能够对可重构的多级互连网络进行性能评价研究。

    Compared with similar research , ours have the character of more general purpose , which can construct different static and dynamic network expediently , especially could be used to do performance evaluation research on the reconfigurable multilevel interconnected network .

  19. 提出一种应用于大规模并行处理系统的结点度等于常数的递归多级分层互连网络,称为全互连立方体网络(fullyconnectedcubicnetwork,FCCN)。

    A new multi level hierarchical interconnection network with constant degree is proposed for massively parallel processing systems . The proposed interconnection network is named fully connected cubic network ( FCCN ) .

  20. 循环级联式的多级PS光学互连网络

    A cyclic cascade multistage PS optical interconnection network

  21. 多级二元开关互连网络的结构分析

    Structural analysis of multistage intercon-nection networks