
  • 网络mds;multidimensional scaling
  1. 多维标度法是一种新的市场研究技术。

    MDS is a kind of new technology in market research .

  2. Torgerson方法是一种多维标度法。

    Torgerson method is a kind of multidimensional scaling method .

  3. 目前,通过实验方法获得人们头脑中认知地图的两种主要方法是手绘草图法和多维标度法(MDS)。

    At present , there are two dominant methods , multidimensional scaling ( MDS ) and sketch map , to externalize humans internal cognitive map .

  4. 基于三对象多维标度法及其应用

    A multidimensional scaling method based on triple objects and its application

  5. 多维标度法在矿产预测中的应用

    The Application of Multidimensional Scaling Method on Mineral Prediction

  6. 本文介绍了基于三对象(样品或变量)的多维标度法。

    This paper presents a multidimensional scale method which based on triple objects ( Samples or variables ) .

  7. 加温前后的精液分析资料采用多维标度法动态分析各项指标。

    Before and after heating treatment , the indexes of semen analysis were treated dynamically with the multidimensional Scaling methods .

  8. 该算法采用基于测距的定位技术,并结合多维标度法以及欧几里得测距技术对传感器网络中的未知节点进行定位。

    The algorithm uses the range-based localization technology combining with multidimensional scaling and Euclidean technology to localize the unknown node in WSN .

  9. 以聋人大学生为被试,对17对空间词做相似性分类,用多维标度法和分层聚类法分析。

    This study , by means of multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering , attempts a similar classification of17 spatial words by the deaf students tested .

  10. 运用自然分类和多维标度法,对279名大学生进行了11种基本颜色词的分类研究。

    Using the methods of natural classifying and multi-dimensional scaling , the study probed into the classification of basic color terms with 279 Chinese undergraduate students as the subjects .