
duō méi tǐ
  • multi-media
多媒体[duō méi tǐ]
  1. C语言程序设计多媒体教学探讨

    The Multi-media Teaching Study of the C Language Programming

  2. Internet上的多媒体电子白板系统的设计

    Design of a Multi-Media Whiteboard System on Internet

  3. 在庆典中,他们举行了大型的露天多媒体活动,其中有音乐、录像、诗朗诵、舞蹈和即兴表演。

    As part of the celebrations they staged a big , open-air multimedia event , with music , videos , poetry readings , dance and improvisations .

  4. 研究者们调查了12,395名学生,分析了九种风险行为,包括酗酒、使用违禁药品、吸烟成瘾、过量使用多媒体和逃学。

    The study 's authors surveyed 12,395 students and analyzed nine risk behaviors , including excessive alcohol use , illegal drug use , heavy smoking , high media use and truancy .

  5. 但是一项新的研究显示,另一个青少年群体几乎面临着同样严重的精神病症风险:那些大量使用多媒体,睡眠不足和不爱活动的孩子。

    But a new study finds that there 's another group of adolescents who are in nearly as much danger of experiencing the same psychiatric symptoms : teens who use tons of media , don 't get enough sleep and have a sedentary lifestyle .

  6. 多媒体智能专事于将IP为基础的视频传送至多屏幕的市场和技术。

    For example : MultiMedia Intelligence specializes on the markets and technologies for delivering IP-based video to the ' nth ' screen .

  7. 多媒体是计算机和视频技术的结合。

    Multimedia is the combination of computer and video technology .

  8. 时常用交互式方式思考并灵敏地使用多媒体吗

    Do you instinctively think interactively and are you savvy across multiple media ?

  9. 能够用平面和多媒体软件制作简单的电影及动画

    Ability to create simple movie and animations using graphic & multimedia software .

  10. 亚当提出了多媒体应用的问题,从而引发了许多有益的讨论。

    Adam raised the issue of multimedia applications and much useful discussion ensued .

  11. 清华大学图书馆多媒体资源Web查询系统的建设

    Establishment of Multimedia Resources Web Search System in Tsinghua University Library

  12. 基于WEB的校园多媒体教学平台技术研究

    Based on WEB campus multimedia teaching platform engineering research

  13. 运用多媒体技术优化C语言课堂教学

    Utilizing Multimedia Technology to Optimize C Language Classroom Instruction

  14. Internet与多媒体视频会议技术研究

    Internet and Multi-media Video Conferencing Technology Research

  15. 使用Internet访问各种数据库特别是多媒体数据库,是当前的主要研究方向。

    Access database , especially multimedia database by Internet , is a main direction of study .

  16. 利用IP网络实现多媒体电视会议系统的研究

    Study of Using IP Network to Realize the Multiple-medium TV Meeting System

  17. 随着Internet的带宽的不断增加,多媒体技术在互连网的应用越来越广泛。

    With the Internet band increase , the technique of multimedia in more and more used on the Internet .

  18. 运用Flash软件创作体育教学多媒体素材

    Application of Flash software to create the physical teaching multimedia material

  19. 嵌入式IP网络多媒体监控系统

    Embedded IP Network Multimedia Supervisory System

  20. IP多媒体子系统支持的移动业务

    Mobile Services Supported by IP IMS

  21. 多媒体IP与网络传输

    Multimedia IP and Network Transmission

  22. 可再协商业务在移动多媒体ATM网中的应用

    The Application of Renegotiable Services in Mobile Multimedia ATM Network

  23. 它具有标准概要管理功能、Blog和高级多媒体支持。

    It has standard profile management features , blogs and high level multimedia support .

  24. 机械设计多媒体CAI与创新设计教学

    Machine Design Multimedia CAI and Creative Design Teaching

  25. 应用ASP技术设计动态多媒体教学网页

    Using ASP to design dynamic media teaching base

  26. HarvardGraphics与多媒体计算机辅助教学

    Harvard Graphics and Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction

  27. 多媒体通信与ATM传输网络技术

    The Multimedia Communication and ATM Transport Network Technique

  28. 组织学教学用多媒体CAI光盘的制作

    Making of CAI disc for histology teaching

  29. 并实现了该课程的多媒体CAI课件。

    A multimedia CAI courseware of this course is developed based on all these ideas .

  30. 在CD和DVD驱动器是必需品,为软件安装和多媒体应用。

    CD and DVD drives are a necessity for software installation and multimedia applications .