
For Co / Pt multilayers , the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy is mainly re-sulted from the reduced symmetry and the hybridization between Co and Pt d orbits at interface .
Research on silicone rubber hybrid materials with heat conductive performance used for electronic encapsulation
Only two of the electrons in the second level reside in hybrid orbitals .
Moreover , parent compound 2.11 was designed by changing hybridization of carbon which attached with the pyranone D-ring at 7-position .
We consider that the predisposing cause of the crystal nucleus growth of Co-ferrite was the hybridization of electron orbits between O2 - ion and magnetic positive ion . 4 .
The NBO analysis revealed that the C-H BDEs of hydrocarbons were dependent on the hybridization of the parent compound , the hybridization of the radical , and the spin density of the radical . A good quantitative relationship among BDEs and the three parameters was found .
In addition , the 3d and 4s electron of Cu contribute to the NO decomposition activity by dsp hybrid orbital , and the decrease of the repulsion between σ electron of Cu and 5 σ electron of NO was the primary reason to the increase of adsorption energy .
This paper briefly introduces the isolobal analogy model from 8 electron rule 、 16-18 electron rule and molecular hybrid orbitals theory .
From structure of organic compounds , this paper analyses and discusses impact of acids basing activity of organic molecules about electronic effect , hybrid method and steric effect .
Hybrid orbitals and orbital interactions of bh_3 and its isoelectronic fragments
Furthermore , we find the effect of f energy levels displacement relative to Fermi energy level and s-f hybridization increase due to applying pressure are of benefit to S-wave superconductors , but not of benefit to P-wave superconductor .
The deep energy position of the lowest unoccupied state of fullerenes as well as hybridization between π states of the fullerenes and the nearly free-electron states of the nanotubes causes a multicarrier character in the peapods .
The analysis of electronic density of states revealed hybridization between the n electrons from C and the d electrons from Ru , which results in charge transfer from metal to carbon .
It is found that the ferromagnetic ground state is stabilized by its half-metal band structure . The originate of ferromagnetism is from the strong hybridization between Cu-3d and O-2p electrons .