
luó xuán jiǎo
  • helix angle;helical angle;pitch angle;angle of helix
螺旋角[luó xuán jiǎo]
  1. 通过控制外刀盘回转中心的偏距EXF保证了轮齿的齿厚,避免了现有算法产生的螺旋角偏差和曲率偏差。

    By controlling the offset distance EXF of the axis of outer cutter head to ensure the tooth thickness , avoiding the helical angle and curvature deviation generated by the existing algorithms .

  2. 用滚齿机测量废旧齿轮的螺旋角

    Useless and Old Gear Helical Angle Measurement with Hobbing Machine

  3. 用X射线衍射法测定棉纤维次生胞壁的平均螺旋角

    The Mean Spiral Angle Measurement of Cotton Fibre Secondary Walls by X-Ray Diffraction

  4. 边界条件和螺旋角对TI蜗杆传动啮合性能的影响

    Effects of Boundary Condition and Helix Angle on Meshing Performance of TI Worm Gearing

  5. 分析了影响密封性能的主要设计参数如螺旋角α,槽数n等对密封压力的影响规律,得出了优化结果。

    The relationship of these major parameters such as groove numbers and spiral angle to seal pressure is revealed and the optimized result is obtained .

  6. 文中采用的螺旋角β是在滚齿时,采用各种机床差动挂轮的计算公式计算出来的,精华为一个k值的计算公差。

    The calculation formula for differential change gear of different machine tool is used in choosing helix angle of the points-line meshing gear in this paper .

  7. 选用蜗杆副螺旋角β作为参数,推导了TI蜗杆副蜗轮齿面上啮合界限线存在的判定条件。

    With helix angle β chosen as parameter , the criterion for existence of meshing boundary line on the surface of TI worm gearing is derived .

  8. 螺旋角θ和叶边距h1对分离效率有明显的影响。

    Helix angle θ and the leaf margins h1 has a clear impact of on separation efficiency .

  9. 在加工允许的范围内,螺旋角取较大的数值,能够较好地改善啮合性能,从而发挥二次包络TI蜗杆传动的优势。

    Within the range of machining , if the helix angle adopts a bigger value , it may improve the meshing performance and develop the advantages of double enveloping TI worm gearing .

  10. 本文阐述应用X射线(002)面衍射弧测定棉纤维次生胞壁平均螺旋角(又称微纤丝角)的方法。

    A method to determine the mean spiral angle ( commonly called microfibril angle ) of cotton fibre secondary walls from the spread of the ( 002 ) crystal plane arcs in X-ray diffraction diagram is proposed .

  11. 本文采用球坐标下2.5维理想MHD模型,对日球子午面内方位磁场扰动的传播进行数值模拟,重点分析它对行星际磁场螺旋角的影响。

    A 2.5 dimensional , ideal MHD model in spherical coordinates is used to numerically simulate the propagation of azimuthal magnetic field disturbances with emphasis upon its influence on the spiral angle of the interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) .

  12. 渐开线小齿数齿轮传动的最小螺旋角

    Minimum helix angles of involute gears with low number of teeth

  13. 斜齿轮螺旋角和变位系数的精确确定

    Accurately Determining the Propeller Angle and Variable-place Coefficient of Oblique Gear

  14. 用螺旋角法快速确定斜齿轮变位性质

    Quickly Determining the Quality of Oblique Gear Variable-Place by Propeller Angle

  15. 大螺旋角非渐开线圆柱内斜齿轮的铣削加工

    Milling of Non-Involute Cylindrical Internal Helical Gears with Large Helix Angle

  16. 渐变螺旋角齿轮回转电火花展成加工机床的设计

    Design of Rotating EDM Generating Machine of Variable Helix Angle Gear

  17. 等螺旋角回转刀具刀刃曲线的通用算法

    Universal algorithm for revolving cutters with equal helical angle edge

  18. 等螺旋角圆锥立铣刀制造新工艺

    New Technology of Manufacturing Conical End Milling Cutter with Equal Helix Angle

  19. 在普通花键轴滚床上加工小螺旋角花键

    Machine the Spline with Small Helix Angle in Common Spline Hobbing Machine

  20. 等螺旋角锥度刀具简易数控加工法

    Simple numerical control machining of taper cutting tools with equal helix angle

  21. 偏心率和螺旋角对油膜压力有不同程度的影响。

    Eccentricity and spiral angle have different effects on pressure .

  22. 斜齿同步带带齿螺旋角的优化设计

    Optimization of helical angle of tooth of oblique-toothed synchronous belt

  23. 滚切小螺旋角斜齿轮的原理与方法(二)

    Principle and Method for Hobbing Helical Gear With small Lead Angle (ⅱ)

  24. 在铣床上精确测定斜齿轮螺旋角

    Angle of Helical Gear Determined with Accuracy on Milling Machine

  25. 油泵齿轮的螺旋角和齿宽

    Spiral angle and tooth width of gear in oil pump

  26. 钻采设备用双圆弧齿轮传动啮合特性分析与螺旋角设计

    Characteristics and helical angle of circular arc gear pair for drilling equipment transmission

  27. 螺旋角对双圆弧齿轮弹性流体动压润滑的影响

    Effect of helical angle on EHL of double - circular - arc gear

  28. 螺旋角的广义定义及其应用

    Generalized Definition of Helical Angle and It 's Applications

  29. 测定斜齿轮螺旋角的实用方法

    Practicable Methods of Measuring Helix Angle of Helical Gear

  30. 齿轮渐开线及螺旋角测量仪内六角花形螺钉旋具

    Involute and helix measuring instrument hexagon spline screw driver