
  1. 橡胶挤出机螺旋旋转轴断裂分析

    The failure analysis of the screw turning axle of rubber extruder

  2. 研究了一种利用螺旋旋转时产生牵引力的医用微型机器人的驱动机构。

    An impeller of a medical micro-robot utilizing the thrust force generated by the rotation of screws is studied .

  3. 谢尔顿:没有误解,我已经明白了那个请求的真正含义,我不想被一个绕着轴线螺旋旋转的斜面旋进另一个物体。

    Sheldon : No misunderstanding . I 've learned what that request actually means , and I don 't want to be joined to another object by an inclined plane wrapped around an axis .

  4. 然后,为了解决进行微细加工的需要,配置了在线磨削机构,并通过研究现在所有的在线磨削机构,进行了创新的改造,提出了多槽螺旋旋转对电极进行一次多位的在线磨削。

    Then , in order to solve the need for micro-fabrication , it deploys online grinding mechanism . And through study of existing grinding all the online agencies , conducted an innovative transformation , multi-groove screw rotation is proposed to conduct a number of on-line electrode grinding .

  5. 以一个圈状或螺旋形旋转的动作。

    The act of rotating in a circle or spiral .

  6. 利用端面曲线进行螺旋式旋转是构造双螺杆的典型方法。

    Rotating of a cross-section curve is a typical method for constructing a twin-screw .

  7. 这时你右手螺旋形旋转-,从你们坐着的位置来看-,是逆时针方向。

    When you do that , you rotate your corkscrew seen from where you 're sitting counterclockwise .

  8. 通过对管内螺旋流旋转流体的动量特性分析,从理论土得出压力沿径向分布规律。

    Through analyzing momentum equation of infinitesimal swirling flow , pressure distribution with the radial difference was demonstrated .

  9. 这种高频主导作用,以及在对称性耦合作用下的非对称驱动一响应关系是普遍的,不受螺旋波旋转方向的影响。

    This high-frequency dominance and the asymmetric driving-response effect under the condition of a symmetric coupling are generic and independent of the rotating direction of the spirals .

  10. 不过那对于行星也是一个机会,当它最终近距离绕恒星以螺旋状旋转时,在下一个百万年中,会从中完全的分离出来。

    There 's a good chance that it will be torn apart completely within the next million years , when it finally spirals too close to its star .

  11. 在微螺旋槽旋转所形成的微螺杆泵效应作用下,蚀除加工间隙内的产物,加工效率、加工精度和稳定性得到了极大的提高。

    Products between electrodes are wiped off completely by micro-helix pump effects which formed during the turning of the helix grooves , thus greatly improving ECM efficiency , accuracy and stability .

  12. 利用碳管的螺旋、旋转对称性,并沿螺旋方向附加一周期性边界条件,研究了有限长金属纳米碳管的量子化能级及电子波函数。

    Quantized energy levels and electronic wave functions of finite-length metallic carbon nanotubes are studied by using the nanotube helical and rotational symmetries and a periodic boundary condition along the nanotube helical direction .

  13. 螺旋通道型旋转床(RBHC)是一种离心力场强化传质的新型高效的传质-反应装置,具有比常重力场设备体积小、操作强度大、体积传质系数大的特点;

    Rotating bed with helix channels ( RBHC ) is a novel mass-transfer and reaction equipment with high-effective and intensified by centrifugal field .

  14. 基于螺旋机构的旋转作动器研究

    Research on Rotary Actuator Based on Screw Device ELLIPTIC REVOLUTION

  15. 螺旋对空间旋转和反演的变换性质

    The transformation property of screw for space rotation and inversion

  16. 螺旋切口的旋转圆筒作为速率筛选器。

    The rotating cylinder with spiral grooves acts as a speed selector .

  17. 螺旋浆将旋转并转动引擎的曲柄。

    The propeller will windmill and crank the engine .

  18. 螺旋通道型旋转床可控制备超细氢氧化镁

    Controllable preparation of superfine particles of magnesium hydroxide by rotating bed with helix channels

  19. 螺旋通道型旋转床制备纳米氢氧化铝的研究

    Preparation of Nano-Aluminum Hydroxide in Rotating Bed with Helix Channels by High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation

  20. 并进行了螺旋通道型旋转床超重力法与搅拌槽反应法的对比实验。

    The contrastive experiment between the stirred tank reactor and RBHC high-gravity reactor was performed .

  21. 螺旋推进器快速旋转,生成必要的上升力,使平台升起。

    The spinning of the propellers generates the necessary lift , or upward force , to raise the platform .

  22. 以偏铝酸钠溶液和二氧化碳气体为原料,采用螺旋通道型旋转床超重力法制备纳米氢氧化铝粉体。

    Nanosized-aluminum hydroxide powder is prepared by the carbonation method from sodium aluminates solution and carbon dioxide in a rotating bed with helix channels .

  23. 在所研制的微细电解加工系统基础上,作者提出采用表面带螺旋槽的旋转微阴极进行电解加工,实现了高加工速度,并且加工稳定性更好,加工微孔圆度更高。

    With the developed micro ECM system , the rotated micro spiral cathode is used in experiment and the result shows that the higher machining speed , better process stability and better roundness of the microhole are achieved .

  24. 现代多层螺旋CT具有连续旋转扫描、快速容积扫描、不间断数据采集、成像速度快、图象质量高等特点,使之成为医疗机构进行临床诊断所必须的仪器之一。

    The characteristics of Multi-Slice Spiral CT ( MSCT ) are sequence helical scans , dimension scans , date Acquisition , speed imaging and top-quality image . Therefore , MSCT has become a necessary instrument for clinical diagnostics .

  25. 半焦通过半焦螺旋运输机密封室旋转塔盘送往空气动力燃烧器(下文中称为AFC)的加速区。

    The semicoke is poured by turning tray of the sealing chamber of semicoke screw conveyer to the speed-up zone of the aerofountain combustor ( hereinafter referred to as AFC ) .

  26. 螺旋管用成型机头旋转部分的改进

    Improvement on the Rotational Part of the Die for Spiral Drain Pipe

  27. 使物料不与螺旋输送机叶片一起旋转的力是物料自身重量和螺旋输送机机壳对物料的摩擦阻力。

    So that materials are not rotating with the screw conveyor with a force that leaves its own weight and screw conveyor casing material on the friction material .

  28. 将投影视角排序方案推广应用到螺旋轨迹和变旋转轴圆弧轨迹上,取得了较好的重建结果。(2)射线投影存在相关性导致子集内包含统计信息量有所减少。

    Projection angle sort scheme is used to the helical trajectory and circular arc changing axis of rotation trajectory and good results also are reconstructed . ( 2 ) The correlation between ray-projections leads to the reduction of amount of the statistics information that the subset contains .

  29. 用一种新型多功能电磁搅拌器对液态金属锡进行螺旋、直线和旋转磁场电磁搅拌凝固实验,研究了各种搅拌形式对冶金效果的影响。

    The helical , linear and rotary magnetic field were employed in the experiment on solidification of the molten metal Tin ( Sn ) by means of a new type of multifunctional electromagnetic stirrer ( EMS ) . The influences of the stirring types on the metallurgical effects were investigated .

  30. 最终选择椭圆形作为螺旋形状,采用幂函数来模拟螺旋旋转过程。

    The elliptical configuration was taken for the screw and power function was adopted to simulate the rotation process of the screw .